# vim: syntax=ruby class PuppetDB::Parser token LPAREN RPAREN LBRACK RBRACK LBRACE RBRACE token EQUALS NOTEQUALS MATCH LESSTHAN GREATERTHAN token NOT AND OR token NUMBER STRING BOOLEAN EXPORTED prechigh right NOT left EQUALS MATCH LESSTHAN GREATERTHAN left AND left OR preclow rule query: |exp exp: LPAREN exp RPAREN { result = val[1] } | NOT exp { result = ASTNode.new :booleanop, :not, [val[1]] } | exp AND exp { result = ASTNode.new :booleanop, :and, [val[0], val[2]] } | exp OR exp { result = ASTNode.new :booleanop, :or, [val[0], val[2]] } | string EQUALS string { result = ASTNode.new :exp, :equals, [val[0], val[2]] } | string EQUALS boolean { result = ASTNode.new :exp, :equals, [val[0], val[2]] } | string EQUALS number { result = ASTNode.new :exp, :equals, [val[0], val[2]] } | string GREATERTHAN number { result = ASTNode.new :exp, :greaterthan, [val[0], val[2]] } | string LESSTHAN number { result = ASTNode.new :exp, :lessthan, [val[0], val[2]] } | string MATCH string { result = ASTNode.new :exp, :match, [val[0], val[2]] } | string NOTEQUALS number { result = ASTNode.new :booleanop, :not, [ASTNode.new(:exp, :equals, [val[0], val[2]])] } | string NOTEQUALS boolean { result = ASTNode.new :booleanop, :not, [ASTNode.new(:exp, :equals, [val[0], val[2]])] } | string NOTEQUALS string { result = ASTNode.new :booleanop, :not, [ASTNode.new(:exp, :equals, [val[0], val[2]])] } | ressubquery ressubquery: resexp { result = ASTNode.new :subquery, :resources, [ASTNode.new(:booleanop, :and, [ASTNode.new(:resexported, false), *val[0]])] } | resexported resexp { result = ASTNode.new :subquery, :resources, [ASTNode.new(:booleanop, :and, [ASTNode.new(:resexported, true), *val[1]])] } resexp: restype { result = [val[0]] } | restitle { result = [val[0]] } | resparams { result = [val[0]] } | restype restitle { result = val[0].value == "Class" ? [val[0], val[1].capitalize!] : [val[0], val[1]] } | restitle resparams { result = [val[0], val[1]] } | restype resparams { result = [val[0], val[1]] } | restype restitle resparams { result = val[0].value == "Class" ? [val[0], val[1].capitalize!, val[2]] : [val[0], val[1], val[2]] } resexported: EXPORTED restype: STRING { result = ASTNode.new(:resourcetype, val[0]).capitalize! } restitle: LBRACK STRING RBRACK { result = ASTNode.new :resourcetitle, '=', [ASTNode.new(:string, val[1])] } restitle: LBRACK MATCH STRING RBRACK { result = ASTNode.new :resourcetitle, '~', [ASTNode.new(:string, val[2])] } resparams: LBRACE exp RBRACE { result = val[1] } string: STRING { result = ASTNode.new :string, val[0] } number: NUMBER { result = ASTNode.new :number, val[0] } boolean: BOOLEAN { result = ASTNode.new :boolean, val[0] } end ---- header ---- require 'puppetdb' require 'puppetdb/lexer' require 'puppetdb/astnode'