## 6.0.6 - Downgraded netty to 4.1.34 due to an issue in IdleStateHandler [#380](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/380) ## 6.0.5 - Security: update netty deps - avoid CBC ciphers [#376](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/376) ## 6.0.4 - Updated Jackson dependencies ## 6.0.3 - Fixed configuration example in doc [#371](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/371) ## 6.0.2 - Improved handling of invalid compressed content [#368](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/368) ## 6.0.1 - Updated Jackson dependencies [#366](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/366) ## 6.0.0 - Removed obsolete setting congestion_threshold and target_field_for_codec - Changed default value of `add_hostname` to false ## 5.1.8 - Loosen jar-dependencies manager gem dependency to allow plugin to work with JRubies that include a later version. ## 5.1.7 - Updated jar dependencies to reflect newer releases ## 5.1.6 - Docs: Fixed broken link by removing extra space. [#347](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/347) ## 5.1.5 - Docs: Fixed section ID that was causing doc build errors in the versioned plugin docs. [#346](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/346) ## 5.1.4 - Added `add_hostname` flag to enable/disable the population of the `host` field from the beats.hostname field [#340](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/340) ## 5.1.3 - Fixed handling of batches where the sequence numbers do not start with 1 [#342](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/342) ## 5.1.2 - Changed project to use gradle version 4.8.1. [#334](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/334) - This is an internal, non user-impacting, change to use a more modern version of gradle for building the plugin. ## 5.1.1 - Docs: Add more detail about creating versioned indexes for Beats data ## 5.1.0 - Added ssl_peer_metadata option. [#327](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/327) - Fixed ssl_verify_mode => peer. [#326](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/326) ## 5.0.16 - [#289](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/289#issuecomment-394072063) Re-initialise Netty worker group on plugin restart ## 5.0.15 - [Ensure that context is available before trace is made](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/319/files) ## 5.0.14 - Update jackson deps to 2.9.5 ## 5.0.13 - Fix broken 5.0.12 release ## 5.0.12 - Docs: Set the default_codec doc attribute. ## 5.0.11 - Ensure that the keep-alive is sent for ALL pending batches when the pipeline is blocked, not only the batches attempting to write to the queue. #310 ## 5.0.10 - Update jackson deps to 2.9.4 ## 5.0.9 - Improvements to back pressure handling and memory management #299 ## 5.0.8 - Update jackson deps to 2.9.1 ## 5.0.7 - Docs: Deprecate `document_type` option ## 5.0.6 - Re-order Netty pipeline to avoid NullPointerExceptions in KeepAliveHandler when Logstash is under load - Improve exception logging - Upgrade to Netty 4.1.18 with tcnative 2.0.7 ## 5.0.5 - Better handle case when remoteAddress is nil to reduce amount of warning messages in logs #269 ## 5.0.4 - Fix an issue with `close_wait` connection and making sure the keep alive are send back to the client all the time. #272 ## 5.0.3 - Update gemspec summary ## 5.0.2 - Change IdleState strategy from `READER_IDLE` to `ALL_IDLE` #262 - Additional context when logging from the BeatsHandler #261 - Remove the `LoggingHandler` from the handler stack to reduce noise in the log. ## 5.0.1 - Fix some documentation issues ## 5.0.0 - Mark deprecated congestion_threshold and target_field_for_codec as obsolete ## 4.0.5 - Additional default cipher PR#242 - Fix logging from Java ## 4.0.4 - Documentation fixes ## 4.0.3 - Include remote ip_address in metadata. #180 - Require Java 8 #221 - Fix ability to set SSL protocols #228 ## 4.0.2 - Relax version of concurrent-ruby to `~> 1.0` #216 ## 4.0.1 - Breaking change: Logstash will no longer start when multiline codec is used with the Beats input plugin #201 ## 4.0.0 - Version yanked from RubyGems for packaging issues ## 3.1.19 - Fix ability to set SSL protocols #228 ## 3.1.18 - Relax version of concurrent-ruby to ~> 1.0 #216 ## 3.1.17 - Docs: Add note indicating that the multiline codec should not be used with the Beats input plugin - Deprecate warning for multiline codec with the Beats input plugin ## 3.1.16 - Version yanked from RubyGems for packaging issues ## 3.1.15 - DEBUG: Add information about the remote when an exception is catched #192 ## 3.1.14 - Fix: Make sure idle connection are correctly close for the right client, #185, #178 - Fix: remoge string interpolation for logging in critical path #184 ## 3.1.13 - Fix: remove monkeypatch from the main class to fix the documentation generator issues ## 3.1.12 - Fix the Logger initialization in logstash 2.4.X #166 ## 3.1.11 - Uses SO_linger for the socket option to force the server to completely disconnect the idle clients https://github.com/elastic/logstash/issues/6300 ## 3.1.10 - Correctly send the client_inactivity_timeout to the Server classe #163 - Mark congestion_threshold as deprecated, the java implementation now use a keep alive mechanism ## 3.1.9 - Docs: Removed statement about intermediate CAs not being supported ## 3.1.8 - Fix a typo in the default ciphers suite, added validations for the configured ciphers #156 - validate the presence of `ssl_certificate_authorities` when `verify_mode` is set to FORCE_PEER or peer #155 ## 3.1.7 - Fix an issue when only the first CA found in the certificate authorities was taking into consideration to verify clients #153 ## 3.1.6 - Fix an issue with the `READER_IDLE` that was closing a connection in a middle of working on a batch #141 - Fix an issue when the plugin did not accept a specific host to bind to. #146 - Fix an issue when forcing a logstash shutdown that could result in an `InterruptedException` #145 ## 3.1.5 - Fix an issue when using a passphrase was raising a TypeError #138 - Fix the filebeat integration suite to use the new `ssl` option instead of `tls` - Use correct log4j logger call to be compatible with 2.4 ## 3.1.4 - Add a note concerning the requirement of the PKCS8 format for the private key. ## 3.1.3 - Use a relative path for the VERSION, this change is needed by the doc generation tool to read the gemspec. ## 3.1.2 - Propagate SSL handshake error correctly - Move back to log4j 1, to make it work better under logstash 2.4 ## 3.1.1 - Remove the SSL Converter, Private Key must be in the PKCS8 format, which is the default of any newer OpenSSL library - Replace FileInputStream with File reference to let netty handle correctly the certificates - Tests now uses OpenSSL binary to convert PKCS7 Private generated from ruby to PKCS8 - Remove dependency on bouncycastle - Fix an issue when the input could hang forever when stopping Logstash - [Doc changes] Add Logstash config example and clarify use of the `type` config option ## 3.1.0 - Fix a NullPointer Exception https://github.com/elastic/logstash/issues/5756 - Log4j ERROR will now be propagated upstream, IE: InvalidCertificate OR InvalidFrameType. - Relax constraints on multiline to make it work under 2.4 ## 3.1.0.beta4 - Fix a problem that would would make the server refuse concurrent connection to the server #111 ## 3.1.0.beta3 - Jars were missing from the latest release on rubygems ## 3.1.0.beta2 - Better handling of connection timeout, added a new option to set the value for it, the default is 15 seconds #108 - Make sure that incomplete SSL handshake doesn't take down the server #101 - Sending Garbage data will now raise a specific exception `InvalidFrameProtocolException` #100 - Adding assertions on the payload size and the fields count to make the parser more resilient to erronous frames #99 ## 3.1.0.beta1 - Rewrite of the beats input in Java using the Netty framewwork, this rewrite is meant to be backward compatible with the previous implementation ## 3.0.4 - Relax constraint on logstash-core-plugin-api to >= 1.60 <= 2.99 but should yield better throughput and memory usage. https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/pull/93 ## 3.0.3 - Fix an issue when parsing multiple frames received from a filebeat client using pipelining. ## 3.0.2 - relax constrains of `logstash-devutils` see https://github.com/elastic/logstash-devutils/issues/48 ## 3.0.1 - Republish all the gems under jruby. ## 3.0.0 - Update the plugin to the version 2.0 of the plugin api, this change is required for Logstash 5.0 compatibility. See https://github.com/elastic/logstash/issues/5141 ## 2.2.8 - Fix #73 Bug in EventTransformCommon#codec_name, use config_name - Add regression test for fix to #73 - Non deterministic error for the LSF integration test - Make this plugin really a drop in replacement for the lumberjack input, so LSF can send their events to this plugin. ## 2.2.7 - More robust test when using a random port #60 - Fix LSF integration tests #52 ## 2.2.6 - Do not use the identity map if we don't explicitly use the `multiline` codec ## 2.2.5 - Fix failing tests introduce by the `ssl_key_passphrase` changes. - Added an integration test for the `ssl_key_passphrase` - Add an optional parameter for `auto_flush` ## 2.2.4 - Fix bug where using `ssl_key_passphrase` wouldn't work ## 2.2.2 - Depend on logstash-core-plugin-api instead of logstash-core, removing the need to mass update plugins on major releases of logstash ## 2.2.1 - New dependency requirements for logstash-core for the 5.0 release ## 2.2.0 - The server can now do client side verification by providing a list of certificate authorities and configuring the `ssl_verify_mode`, the server can use `peer`, if the client send a certificate it will be validated. Using `force_peer` will make sure the client provide a certificate and it will be validated with the know CA. #8 ## 2.1.4 - Change the `logger#warn` for `logger.debug` when a peer get disconnected, keep alive check from proxy can generate a lot of logs #46 ## 2.1.3 - Make sure we stop all the threads after running the tests #48 ## 2.1.2 - Catch the `java.lang.InterruptedException` in the events broker - Give a bit more time to the Thread to be started in the test #42 ## 2.1.1 - Release a new version of the gem that doesn't included any other gems, 2.1.0 is yanked from rubygems ## 2.1.0 - Refactor of the code to make it easier to unit test - Fix a conncurrency error on high load on the SizeQueue #37 - Drop the internal SizeQueue to rely on Java Synchronous Queue - Remove the majority of the nested blocks - Move the CircuitBreaker inside an internal namespace so it doesn't conflict with the input lumberjack - Add more debugging log statement - Flush the codec when a disconnect happen - Tag/Decorate the event when a shutdown occur. - The name of the threads managed by the input beat are now meaningful. ## 2.0.3 - Reduce the size of the gem by removing vendor jars ## 2.0.2 - Copy the `beat.hostname` field into the `host` field for better compatibility with the other Logstash plugins #28 - Correctly merge multiple line with the multiline codec ref: #24 ## 2.0.0 - Add support for stream identity, the ID will be generated from beat.id+resource_id or beat.name + beat.source if not present #22 #13 The identity allow the multiline codec to correctly merge string from multiples files. ## 0.9.6 - Fix an issue with rogue events created by buffered codecs #19 ## 0.9.5 - Set concurrent-ruby to 0.9.1 see https://github.com/elastic/logstash/issues/4141 ## 0.9.4 - Correctly decorate the event with the `add_field` and `tags` option from the config #12 ## 0.9.3 - Connection#run should rescue `Broken Pipe Error` #5 - Fix a `SystemCallErr` issue on windows when shutting down the server #9 ## 0.9.2 - fix an issue with the incorrectly calculated ack when the window_size was smaller than the ACK_RATIO see https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/issues/3 ## 0.9.1 - Move the ruby-lumberjack library into the plugin ## 0.9 - Created from `logstash-input-lumberjack` version 2.0.2 https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-lumberjack - Use SSL off by default