#-- # Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati # See the file named LICENSE for details. $: << File.basename(__FILE__) require 'erb_proxy' require 'doc_format' require 'digest/md5' require 'ostruct' require 'pp' class String def digest Digest::MD5.hexdigest self end end # Processes ERB templates to produce documentation. # Templates may contain "" tags where the ... # represents the target anchor of the cross-reference. class DocProxy < ErbProxy Box = Struct.new(:type, :anchor, :index, :title, :id) BibItem = Struct.new(:anchor, :name) FootNote = Struct.new(:anchor, :name) GROUP2TYPES = { :admonition => [:tip, :note, :important, :caution, :warning], # see http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/FormalTitles.html :formal => [:figure, :table, :example, :equation, :procedure], :latex => [:part, :chapter, :section, :paragraph], } attr_reader :nodeTree, :references def initialize super @boxCipher = Cipher.new @references = [] @boxes = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = []} @lazyHandlers = {} # node hierarcy @nodeTree = NodeTree.new GROUP2TYPES.each_pair do |group, types| next if group == :latex types.each do |type| add_node_handler group, type do |node, content, *args| %{
#{ if group == :admonition %{#{type}} end }

#{type.to_s.capitalize} #{node.number}.   #{node.title.to_html}

} end end end add_node_handler :latex, :front_cover do |node, content, *args| %{


} end add_node_handler :latex, :part do |node, content, *args| %{

Part #{node.number}


} end add_node_handler :latex, :chapter do |node, content, *args| %{

Chapter #{node.latexNumber}


} end add_node_handler :latex, :section do |node, content, *args| level = [node.depth, 6].min %{
#{node.latexNumber}   #{node.title.to_html} #{content.to_html}
} end add_node_handler :latex, :paragraph do |node, content, *args| %{


} end @bibCipher = Cipher.new # bibliography items add_node_handler :index, :reference do |node, content, *args| %{
[#{node.number}] #{content.to_html}
} end # bibliography items add_handler :footnote do |caller, buffer, content, name| anchor = "ref:#{name}".to_html_anchor index = @footnotes.length @footnotes << FootNote.new(anchor, name) buffer << @bibCipher.encrypt( [ %{
}, %{|_. [#{index}]|#{content}|}.to_html, '
', ].join ) end # bibliography citations add_lazy_handler :cite do |target, *args| node = @nodeTree.type2nodes[:reference].find {|n| n.id == target} if node words = [ %{Reference #{node.number}}, # extra information about the citation (page #, etc.) *args.map {|s| s.to_html} ] "(see #{ words.join(', ') })" else warn "invalid cite to #{target.inspect}" '' end end # cross references add_lazy_handler :xref do |aTarget, aTitle| nodes = @nodeTree.nodes target = nodes.find {|n| n.id == aTarget} || # id has first priority nodes.find {|n| n.anchor == aTarget} if target title = aTitle || "#{target.type.to_s.capitalize} #{target.latexNumber || target.number}" %{#{title.to_html}} else warn "invalid xref to #{aTarget.inspect}" '' end end end def add_lazy_handler aHandlerName, &aHandler (class << self; self; end).instance_eval do define_method aHandlerName do |*args| token = "#{aHandlerName}#{args.object_id}".digest @lazyHandlers[token] = [aHandler, args] token end end end # aNodeType:: name of the command that will trigger the handler # aNodeHandler:: handler that will be triggered by the given command def add_node_handler aNodeGroup, aNodeType, &aNodeHandler #:yields: node, content, *args raise ArgumentError unless block_given? if @nodeTree.handlers.key? aNodeType raise "node handler #{aNodeType.inspect} already exists" end @nodeTree.handlers[aNodeType] = aNodeHandler add_handler aNodeType do |caller, buffer, content, nodeInfo, *args| if @nodeTree.caller2node.key? caller node = @nodeTree.caller2node[caller] # collect tree traversal information node.timesSeen += 1 else # first time we are handling this node # parse the arguments given to this handler if nodeInfo.respond_to? :to_hash nodeInfo = nodeInfo.to_hash raise ArgumentError unless nodeInfo.key? :title else nodeInfo = {:title => nodeInfo.to_s, :id => args.shift} end # register this node as having been seen node = Node.new nodeInfo.merge( # node info :caller => caller, :type => aNodeType, :group => aNodeGroup, :args => args, # content info :content => content, :digest => content.digest, :leadingSpace => (buffer =~ /([ \t]*)\Z/ && $1), # traversal info :orderSeen => @nodeTree.caller2node.keys.length, :timesSeen => 1 ) @nodeTree.caller2node[caller] = node end buffer << node.digest end end # Post-processes the given ERB template result by parsing the document # structure and expanding cross-references, and returns the result. def post_process aResult text = aResult # build the node tree @nodeTree.build! toc = @nodeTree.table_of_contents # convert to HTML File.open('text', 'w') {|f| f << text} if $DEBUG html = text.to_html File.open('html', 'w') {|f| f << html} if $DEBUG @nodeTree.process_input! html, @innerSpace # expand cross-references into links to their targets @lazyHandlers.each_pair do |token, (handler, args)| html.gsub! token, handler.call(*args) end # expand all citations # html = @bibCipher.decrypt_all(html) [toc, html] end ##----------------------------------------------------------------------- # user API # Unindents the inner space by the given amount. def unindent aInnerSpace @innerSpace = aInnerSpace end #----------------------------------------------------------------------- private def expand_includes aFilePath input = File.read(aFilePath) input.gsub! %r{} do expand_includes($1) end input end #----------------------------------------------------------------------- class Node < OpenStruct undef id undef type end class Cipher < Hash def encrypt aString digest = aString.digest self[digest] = aString digest end def decrypt digest self[digest] end # Iteratively decrypts all digest substrings within the given string. def decrypt_all aString temp = self.dup str = aString.dup until temp.empty? cipher = temp.find do |(digest, original)| str.gsub! digest, original end raise unless cipher temp.delete cipher[0] end str end end class NodeTree < Hash attr_reader :caller2node, :group2nodes, :type2nodes, :cipher, :handlers def initialize @cipher = Cipher.new @handlers = {} @caller2node = {} @type2nodes = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = []} @group2nodes = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = []} end def nodes @caller2node.values end # Evaluates the given string which contains node digests. def process_input! aString, aInnerSpace = nil list = nodes # let handlers modify node content list.each do |node| src = node.content dst = @handlers[node.type].call(node, src, *node.args) if aInnerSpace space = node.leadingSpace + aInnerSpace # add leading space if not present. this will ensure that # lines without any leading space are correctly unindented dst.gsub! %r/^[ \t]*/ do if $&.index(space) == 0 $& else space + $& end end # remove leading space dst.gsub! %r/^#{space}/, '' end # XXX: escape single backslashes because they # are removed later on for some reason... dst.gsub! %r/\\/, '\&\&' node.content = dst end # replace all node digests with node content until list.empty? target = list.find do |node| aString.gsub! node.digest, node.content end raise unless target list.delete target end end # Builds this tree from traversal information. def build! # build the tree self.clear children = [] lastDepth = 0 nodes.sort_by {|n| n.orderSeen}.each do |node| currDepth = node.timesSeen # register this node into adjacency list self[node] = [] unless self.key? node if lastDepth > currDepth subnodes = children.select {|n| n.timesSeen > currDepth} self[node].concat subnodes children = children - subnodes end children << node lastDepth = currDepth end if $DEBUG nodes.each do |node| def node.inspect title.inspect end end pp self end # set depths of all nodes starting from root-level nodes rootNodes = self.keys - self.values.flatten.uniq rootNodes.sort_by {|n| n.orderSeen}.each do |node| set_depth node, 1 end # fill information for later stages idUsage = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = []} nodes.each do |node| node.id ||= node.title idUsage[node.id] << node # forward and reverse anchors from & back to TOC node.anchor = node.id.to_html_anchor node.tocAnchor = node.object_id.to_s.to_html_anchor end idUsage.select {|(k,v)| v.length > 1}.each do |id, nodes| warn "#{nodes.length} nodes have the same identifier: #{id.inspect}" end end def table_of_contents toc = '' * prevDepth toc << '' # collapse redundant list elements while toc.gsub! %r{(
  • .*?)
  • (
      )}, '\1\2' end # collapse unnecessary levels while toc.gsub! %r{(
        • (.*)
      • (
      )}, '\1\2\3' end end toc end private # recursively sets the depth of the given # node and performs linear node numbering def set_depth aNode, aDepth aNode.depth = aDepth # set number for boxes (fig 1, fig 2, etc.) ary = @type2nodes[aNode.type] ary << aNode aNode.number = ary.length @group2nodes[aNode.group] << aNode self[aNode].each do |child| set_depth child, aDepth + 1 end end end end