require 'active_type/type_caster' module ActiveType class InvalidAttributeNameError < ::StandardError; end class MissingAttributeError < ::StandardError; end class ArgumentError < ::ArgumentError; end module VirtualAttributes class VirtualColumn def initialize(name, type_caster, options) @name = name @type_caster = type_caster @options = options end def type_cast(value) @type_caster.type_cast_from_user(value) end def default_value(object) default = @options[:default] default.respond_to?(:call) ? object.instance_eval(&default) : default end end class Builder def initialize(owner, mod) @owner = owner @module = mod end def build(name, type, options) validate_attribute_name!(name) options.assert_valid_keys(:default) add_virtual_column(name, type, options) build_reader(name) build_writer(name) build_dirty_tracking_methods(name) end private def add_virtual_column(name, type, options) type_caster = TypeCaster.get(type) column =, type_caster, options.slice(:default)) @owner.virtual_columns_hash = @owner.virtual_columns_hash.merge(name.to_s => column) end def build_reader(name) @module.module_eval <<-BODY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name} read_virtual_attribute('#{name}') end def #{name}? read_virtual_attribute('#{name}').present? end BODY end def build_writer(name) @module.module_eval <<-BODY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}=(value) write_virtual_attribute('#{name}', value) end BODY end # Methods for compatibility with gems expecting the ActiveModel::Dirty API. def build_dirty_tracking_methods(name) return if name.to_s == 'attribute' # clashes with internal methods @module.module_eval <<-BODY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}_was virtual_attributes_were["#{name}"] end BODY @module.module_eval <<-BODY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}_changed? #{name} != virtual_attributes_were["#{name}"] end BODY @module.module_eval <<-BODY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}_will_change! # no-op end BODY end def validate_attribute_name!(name) unless name.to_s =~ /\A[A-z0-9_]*\z/ raise"'#{name}' is not a valid name for a virtual attribute") end end end def self.deep_dup(hash) result = hash.dup result.each do |key, value| result[key] = value.dup if value.duplicable? end result end extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :virtual_columns_hash self.virtual_columns_hash = {} class << self if method_defined?(:attribute) alias_method :ar_attribute, :attribute end end end def initialize_dup(other) @virtual_attributes_cache = {} @virtual_attributes = VirtualAttributes.deep_dup(virtual_attributes) @virtual_attributes_were = VirtualAttributes.deep_dup(virtual_attributes_were) super end def virtual_attributes @virtual_attributes ||= {} end def virtual_attributes_were @virtual_attributes_were ||= {} end def virtual_attributes_cache @virtual_attributes_cache ||= {} end def [](name) if self.singleton_class._has_virtual_column?(name) read_virtual_attribute(name) else super end end # ActiveRecord 4.2.1 def _read_attribute(name) if self.singleton_class._has_virtual_column?(name) read_virtual_attribute(name) else super end end def []=(name, value) if self.singleton_class._has_virtual_column?(name) write_virtual_attribute(name, value) else super end end def attributes self.class._virtual_column_names.each_with_object(super) do |name, attrs| attrs[name] = read_virtual_attribute(name) end end def changed? self.class._virtual_column_names.any? { |attr| virtual_attributes_were[attr] != send(attr) } || super end def changes changes = self.class._virtual_column_names.each_with_object({}) do |attr, changes| current_value = send(attr) previous_value = virtual_attributes_were[attr] changes[attr] = [previous_value, current_value] if previous_value != current_value end super.merge(changes) end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 4 def changes_applied super virtual_attributes.each do |attr, _| value = read_virtual_attribute(attr) virtual_attributes_were[attr] = value.duplicable? ? value.clone : value end end end def read_virtual_attribute(name) name = name.to_s if virtual_attributes_cache.has_key?(name) virtual_attributes_cache[name] else virtual_attributes_cache[name] = begin virtual_column = self.singleton_class._virtual_column(name) raw_value = virtual_attributes.fetch(name) { virtual_column.default_value(self) } virtual_column.type_cast(raw_value) end end end def write_virtual_attribute(name, value) name = name.to_s virtual_attributes_cache.delete(name) virtual_attributes[name] = value end # Returns the contents of the record as a nicely formatted string. def inspect inspection = attributes.collect do |name, value| "#{name}: #{VirtualAttributes.attribute_for_inspect(value)}" end.sort.compact.join(", ") "#<#{self.class} #{inspection}>" end def self.attribute_for_inspect(value) if value.is_a?(String) && value.length > 50 "#{value[0, 50]}...".inspect elsif value.is_a?(Date) || value.is_a?(Time) %("#{value.to_s(:db)}") elsif value.is_a?(Array) && value.size > 10 inspected = value.first(10).inspect %(#{inspected[0...-1]}, ...]) else value.inspect end end module ClassMethods def _virtual_column(name) virtual_columns_hash[name.to_s] || begin if defined?(super) super else raise"Undefined attribute '#{name}'") end end end def _virtual_column_names @virtual_column_names ||= begin names = virtual_columns_hash.keys if defined?(super) names += super end names end end def _has_virtual_column?(name) virtual_columns_hash.has_key?(name.to_s) || begin if defined?(super) super else false end end end def generated_virtual_attribute_methods @generated_virtual_attribute_methods ||= begin mod = include mod mod end end def attribute(name, *args) options = args.extract_options! type = args.first, generated_virtual_attribute_methods).build(name, type, options) end end end end