# Environmate Environmate is a ruby sinatra web application to deploy Puppet code to a Puppet master. This web application will completely take control of your environments directory and purge every other environment already in there or which is deployed by other means. Currently it supports webhook events from Gitlab, but this may be easily extended in the future to more GIT web frontends. ## Installation Environmate comes as ruby gem. You can install it on your puppet master by running: $ /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install environmate ## Usage Environmate comes with a webserver included and no additional setup is required. Simply run environmate from the console: $ /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/environmate --help ## Environment Management Environmate provides two different ways to deploy code which represent two different use cases and are explained in the following section. ### Dynamic Environments Dynamic environments are puppet environments which are derived from a GIT branch which starts with a defined prefix. The default prefix is 'env/'. All other branches will simply be ignored. To deploy such branches as environments a web hook has to registered in Gitlab with the API endpoint '/gitlab_push' on push events. The web application will examine each push event and deploy the specified revision. The typical use case for this type of deployment is for development purposes: Start a new branch on a local development machine and push it to your GIT server: $ git checkout -b env/mynewfeature $ vim modules/foo/manifests/init.pp $ git commit -a -m "my awesome new feature" $ git push -u origin env/mynewfeature Environmate will now automatically create a new environment with the name 'mynewfeature' which you can test on any node with: $ puppet agent --test --environment mynewfeature If you delete the branch the environment will be removed again. ### Static Environments Static environments are predefined environments which can be deployed with a different API endpoint '/deploy'. The main purpose is to deploy arbitrary revisions from a deployment pipeline outside the version control system. The push request to this endpoint has to contain the following data: { "environment": "name_of_the_puppet_environment", "token": "secret_token", "revision": "git_commit_revision_(sha1)" } Those environments and their tokens have to be preconfigured in order to work. Dynamic environments can not have the same name as a static environment and will fail to deploy if created. ## Features ### Atomic Deployments Environmate deploys the code for the revisions in directories with the name of the SHA1 reference. Only after the environment is completely deployed it will add a link with the puppet environment name or switch an existing name in an atomic operation which guarantees that there is never an invalid environment. If the deployment of a revision fails for some reason, the link will remain on the old revision and the puppet master stays unaffected. ### Notifications Since the Gitlab hook provides information about the users email it is possible to configure a mapping of email to jabber accounts to inform the user in a timely fashion about the progress of the deployment. However this will only work for ruby > 1.9.3 since xmpp4r uses classes not available in previous ruby versions. ## Configuration Environmate will attempt to load the configuration in the following order. It will use the first yaml file it finds: - '/etc/environmate.yml' - '~/.environmate.yml' Additionally you can provide a configuration file when starting the environmate service: $ /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/environmate --config /path/to/my/conf.yml --rack_env production Here is a complete example config: production: environment_path: '/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments' lockfile_path: '/var/run/lock/environmate_deploy' lockfile_options: timeout: 300 logfile: '/var/log/environmate.log' loglevel: 'INFO' master_repository: 'http://gitlab.exmple.com/puppet/control' master_branch: 'origin/master' master_path: '/etc/puppetlabs/code/environmate_master' dynamic_environments_prefix: 'env/' install_modules_command: 'librarian-puppet install --destructive' static_environments: nonprod: token: 'abc123' prod: token: '123abc' xmpp: username: 'foo@jabber.example.com' password: 'foofoofoo' users: - bob@example.com: 'bob@jabber.example.com' - alice@example.com: 'alice@jabber.example.com' server_settings: :Port: 4443 :Host: '' :SSLEnable: true :SSLCertificate: '/path/to/your/cert.pem' :SSLPrivateKey: '/path/to/your/key.pem' ## Internals ### Locking To prevent deployment processes from interfering with each other, only one deployment can happen at a certain time. Environmate will halt additional deployment requests until the deployment in progress is finished in which case the next deployment waiting will be started automatically. ### Master Repository The master repository is only there to work as a starting point for new branches, so we don't have to clone the whole environment from scratch each time. Environmate will try to find the shortest way to deploy an environment from the already deployed revisions. If no good starting point can be evaluated it will default to the master. ## Debugging To easily debug environmate you can start it manually with the foreground flag to get all the log output to the console. This way you don't have to adjust the config: $ /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/environmate --foreground --verbosity DEBUG --rack_env production If you want to see stacktraces add the trace flag: $ /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/environmate --foreground --verbosity DEBUG --rack_env production --trace ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/puzzle/environmate. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the GNU General Public License 3.0 (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html) ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the Environmate project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/puzzle/environmate/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).