== 1.1.9 / 2007-09-08 (Rebecca Nightrod - controlling girlfriend of Nathan Explosion) * fixed broken support for act_as_attachment and attachment_fu == 1.1.8 / 2007-09-08 (James Grishnack - Head of Behemoth Productions, producer of Blood Ocean) * Added support for Orange of France, Orange orange.fr (Julian Biard) * purge in the process block removed, purge must be called explicitly after processing to clean up extracted temporary media files. == 1.1.7 / 2007-08-25 (Adam Nergal, friend of Skwisgaar, but not Pickles) * Added suport for Orange of Poland, Orange mmsemail.orange.pl (Zbigniew Sobiecki) * Cleaned up documentation modifiers * Cleaned out non-Ruby code idioms == 1.1.6 / 2007-08-11 (Mustakrakish, the Lake Troll part 2) * Redo of release mistake of 1.1.5 == 1.1.5 / 2007-08-11 (Mustakrakish, the Lake Troll) * AT&T => mms.att.net not clearing out default "multimedia message" subject to nil (Will Jessup) * Ignore case on default subject for all carriers in corresponding conf/mms2r_XXX_media_subject.yml == 1.1.4 / 2007-08-07 (Dr. Rockso) * AT&T => mms.att.net support (thanks Mike Chen and Dave Myron) * get_body returns nil when there is not user text (sorry Will!) == 1.1.3 / 2007-07-10 (Charles Foster Ofdensen) * Helio support by Will Jessup * get_subject returns nil on default carrier subjects == 1.1.2 / 2007-06-13 (Dethklok roadie #2) * placed versioned hpricot dependency in Hoe's extra_deps (an attempt to appease firebrigade gods or not cause Gem::RemoteInstallationCancelled whichever you prefer) == 1.1.1 / 2007-06-11 (Dethklok roadie) * rescue rcov non-dependency in Rakefile to make firebrigade happy == 1.1.0 / 2007-06-08 (Toki Wartooth) * get_body to return body text (Luke Francl) * get_subject returns "" for default subjects now * default subjects listed in yaml by carrier in conf directory * added granularity to Cingular, Sprint, and Verizon carrier services (Will Jessup) * refactored Sprint instance to process all media (Will Jessup + Mike) * optimized text transformations (Will Jessup) * properly handle ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 text (Will Jessup) * autotest powers activate! (ZenTest autotest discovery enabled) * configuration file ignores, transforms, and subjects all store Regexp's * Put vendor Text::Format & TMail::Mail as an external subversion dependency to the 1.2 stable branch of Rails ActionMailer * added get_number method to return the phone number associated with this MMS * get_media and get_text attachment_fu helper return the largest piece of media of that type if the more than one exits in the media (Luke Francl) * added block support to process() method (Shane Vitarana) == 1.0.7 / 2007-04-27 (Senator Stampingston) * patch submitted by Luke Francl * added a get_subject method that returns nil when any MMS has a default carrier subject * get_subject returns nil for '', 'Multimedia message', '(no subject)', 'You have new Picture Mail!' == 1.0.6 / 2007-04-24 (Pickles the Drummer) * patch submitted by Luke Francl * added support for mms.dobson.net (Dobson aka Cellular One) (Luke) * DRY'd up unit tests (Luke) * added get_media instance method that returns first video or image as File (Luke) * File from get_media can be used by/with attachment_fu (Luke) * added get_text instance method that returns first non advertising text * File from get_text can be used by/with attachment_fu == 1.0.5 / 2007-04-10 (William Murderface) * patch submitted by Luke Francl * made ignore_media? start its text check from the start of the file (Luke) * added new text transform for Verizon messages (Luke) * updated Nextel ignore conf (Luke) * added additional samples and tests for T-Mobile & Verizon (Luke) * cleaned up MMS2R::Media documentation * added Sprint broken image test for when media goes stale on their content server * fixed teardown typo in lots of plases * added tests for 4 three samples of unique variants of Sprint/Nextel text * 100% test coverage! == 1.0.4 / 2007-04-09 (Metalocalypse) * fix teardown in test_mms2r_sprint.rb (shanesbrain.net) * clean up Net::HTTP in MMS2R::SprintMedia (shanesbrain.net) * added accessor MMS2R::Media.media_dir * fixed a nil issue with underlying tmp working dir * added exception handling around Net::HTTP in MMS2R::SprintMedia == 1.0.3 / 2007-04-05 (Paper Cut) * Cleaned up packaging and errors in example found by Shane V. http://shanesbrain.net/ == 1.0.2 / 2007-03-07 * Reorganized tests and fixtures * Added carriers: * Cingular => cingularme.com * Nextel => messaging.nextel.com * Verizon => vtext.com == 1.0.1 / 2007-03-07 * Flubbed RubyForge release ... do not use this. == 1.0.0 / 2007-03-06 * Birthday! * AT&T/Cingular => mmode.com * Cingular => mms.mycingular.com * Sprint => pm.sprint.com * Sprint => messaging.sprintpcs.com * T-Mobile => tmomail.net * Verizon => vzwpix.com