@prefix : <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . @prefix ex: <#> . <> a :Ontology; :comment "An example ontology"; :imports <http://www.daml.org/2000/10/daml-ont>; :versionInfo "" . ex:Adam a :Person; :comment "Adam is a person."; :label "Adam" . ex:Animal a :Class; :comment """This class of animals is illustrative of a number of ontological idioms."""; :label "Animal" . ex:Car a :Class; :comment "no car is a person"; :subClassOf [ a :Class; :complementOf ex:Person ] . ex:Female a :Class; :disjointFrom ex:Male; :subClassOf ex:Animal . ex:Height a :Class; :oneOf ( ex:short ex:medium ex:tall ) . ex:Male a :Class; :subClassOf ex:Animal . ex:Man a :Class; :subClassOf ex:Male, ex:Person . ex:Person a :Class; :comment "every person is a man or a woman"; :disjointUnionOf ( ex:Man ex:Woman ); :restrictedBy [ a :Restriction; :onProperty ex:parent; :toClass ex:Person ]; :subClassOf ex:Animal . ex:TallMan a :Class; :intersectionOf ( ex:TallThing ex:Man ) . ex:TallThing a :Class; :restrictedBy [ a :Restriction; :onProperty ex:height; :toValue ex:tall ] . ex:Woman a :Class; :subClassOf ex:Female, ex:Person . ex:ancestor a :TransitiveProperty; :label "ancestor" . ex:child a :Property; :inverseOf ex:parent . ex:descendant a :TransitiveProperty . ex:father a :Property; :cardinality "1"; :range ex:Man; :subProperty ex:parent . ex:height a :Property; :domain ex:Person; :range ex:Height . ex:medium a :Height . ex:mom a :Property; = ex:mother . ex:mother a :UniqueProperty; :range ex:Woman; :subProperty ex:parent . ex:occupation a :Property; :maxCardinality "1" . ex:parent a :Property; :cardinality "2"; :domain ex:Animal . ex:short a :Height . ex:tall a :Height .