require_relative "../test_helper" describe Minuteman do Given(:analytics) { } after { analytics.reset_all } context "configuration" do Then { analytics.redis } Then { analytics.options[:cache] == true } context "switching options" do Given(:minuteman) { } When { minuteman.options[:cache] = false } Then { minuteman.options[:cache] == false } end context "changing time spans" do Given(:time_spans) { %w[year month day hour] } Given(:minuteman) { time_spans) } When { minuteman.track("login", 12) } Then { minuteman.respond_to?(:year) } Then { minuteman.respond_to?(:month) } Then { minuteman.respond_to?(:day) } Then { minuteman.respond_to?(:hour) } Then { !minuteman.respond_to?(:minute) } Then { !minuteman.respond_to?(:week) } Then { minuteman.redis.keys.size == 4 } Then { minuteman.options[:time_spans] == time_spans } end context "fail silently" do Given(:minuteman) { true, redis: { port: 1234 }) } When(:result) { minuteman.track("test", 1) } Then { result == nil } end context "fail loudly" do Given(:minuteman) { { port: 1234 }) } When(:result) { minuteman.track("test", 1) } Then { result == Failure(Redis::CannotConnectError) } end context "changing Redis connection" do Given(:redis) { } Then { Minuteman.redis != redis } context "return the correct connection" do When(:minuteman) { redis) } Then { minuteman.redis == redis } end context "switching the connection" do Given(:minuteman) { } When { minuteman.redis = redis } Then { redis == Minuteman.redis } end context "using Redis::Namespace" do Given(:namespace) {, redis: } Given(:minuteman) { namespace) } Then { minuteman.redis == namespace } end end end context "event tracking" do Given(:today) { } Given(:last_month) { today - (3600 * 24 * 30) } Given(:last_week) { today - (3600 * 24 * 7) } Given(:last_minute) { today - 120 } Given(:year_events) { analytics.year("login", today) } Given(:week_events) { analytics.week("login", today) } Given(:month_events) { analytics.month("login", today) } Given(:day_events) {"login", today) } Given(:hour_events) { analytics.hour("login", today) } Given(:minute_events) { analytics.minute("login", today) } Given(:last_week_events) { analytics.week("login", last_week) } Given(:last_minute_events) { analytics.minute("login", last_minute) } Given(:last_month_events) { analytics.month("login:successful", last_month) } before do analytics.track("login", 12) analytics.track("login", [2, 42]) analytics.track("login", 2, last_week) analytics.track("login:successful", 567, last_month) end Then { == 2 } Then { year_events.length == 3 } Then { week_events.length == 3 } Then { last_week_events.length == 1 } Then { last_month_events.length == 1 } context "reseting" do before { analytics.reset_all } Then { == 0 } context "bit operations" do before { week_events & last_week_events } When { analytics.reset_operations_cache } Then { analytics.operations.size == 0 } end end context "on a given time" do Then { year_events.length == 3 } Then { week_events.length == 3 } Then { week_events.include?(12, 2, 1) == [true, true, false] } Then { year_events.include?(12) } Then { month_events.include?(12) } Then { day_events.include?(12) } Then { hour_events.include?(12) } Then { minute_events.include?(12) } Then { last_week_events.include?(2) } Then { !month_events.include?(5) } Then { !last_minute_events.include?(12) } Then { last_month_events.include?(567) } end context "listing events" do Then { == 2 } Then { == ["login", "login:successful"] } end context "composing" do context "using AND" do Given(:and_operation) { week_events & last_week_events } Then { week_events.include?(2) } Then { week_events.include?(12) } Then { last_week_events.include?(2) } Then { !last_week_events.include?(12) } Then { !and_operation.include?(12) } Then { and_operation.include?(2) } Then { and_operation.length == 1 } end context "using OR" do Given(:or_operation) { week_events | last_week_events } Then { week_events.include?(2) } Then { last_week_events.include?(2) } Then { !last_week_events.include?(12) } Then { or_operation.include?(12) } Then { or_operation.include?(2) } Then { or_operation.length == 3 } end context "using NOT" do Given(:not_operation) { ~week_events } Then { week_events.include?(2) } Then { week_events.include?(12) } Then { !not_operation.include?(12) } Then { !not_operation.include?(2) } end context "using OR alias (+)" do Given(:or_operation) { week_events + last_week_events } Then { week_events.include?(2) } Then { last_week_events.include?(2) } Then { !last_week_events.include?(12) } Then { or_operation.include?(12) } Then { or_operation.include?(2) } Then { or_operation.length == 3 } end context "using MINUS" do Given(:substract_operation) { year_events - week_events } Then { week_events.include?(2) } Then { year_events.include?(2) } Then { !substract_operation.include?(2) } end end context "composing multiple operations" do Given(:multi_operation) { week_events & last_week_events | year_events } Then { multi_operation.is_a?(Minuteman::BitOperations::Result) } end context "composing against arrays" do context "using AND returns the intersection" do Given(:ids) { week_events & [2, 12, 43] } Then { ids.is_a?(Minuteman::BitOperations::Data) } Then { ids == [2, 12] } end context "using MINUS returns the difference" do Given(:ids) { week_events - [2, 12, 43] } Then { ids.is_a?(Minuteman::BitOperations::Data) } Then { ids == [43] } end context "returns an object that behaves like Array" do Given(:ids) { week_events & [2, 12, 43] } Then { ids.each.is_a?(Enumerator) } Then { } Then { ids.size == 2 } end end end end