# Imperavi for Rails 3.1+ (still under development) What is Imperavi? Imperavi is open-source, lightweight and really pretty-looking wysiwyg editor written with JQuery. Look at the demo page: http://imperavi.com/redactor/examples/ (sorry for Russian). Like it? I created this mountable engine with Imperavi so now you can easily integrate this editor into your app. ## Installation Put this line into your Gemfile: gem 'imperavi-rails' Then mount the engine in routes.rb: mount ImperaviRails::Engine => "/imperavi" And you're done! ## Usage Add this helpers into the your view that contains a form: <%= include_imperavi_stylesheet %> <%= include_imperavi_javascript %> <%= imperavi :page_article %> In this example `page_article` is an id of textarea field. You can pass additional options to `imperavi` helper as second argument. See the full list of options here: https://github.com/tanraya/imperavi-rails/blob/master/app/helpers/imperavi_rails/imperavi_helper.rb#L35 You may want the text on your page to be styled the same way as it looks in the editor. To do this, add the following styles into your `application.css.scss` (provided that the text on the page is enclosed with `article` tag): @import "imperavi-rails/imperavi/imperavi-base"; body { width: 700px; margin: 0 auto; article { overflow: hidden; @include imperavi-base; p, div { border: 0; } p { padding: 0; margin: 0 0 1.5em 0; } } form { textarea { width: 700px; height: 600px; } } } ## Deal with images: uploading, images list For details look at the Dummy app sources: https://github.com/tanraya/imperavi-rails/tree/master/spec/dummy # Contribute I would appreciate any participation in the project. Any additions, fixes and ideas are welcome! ## How to contribute: * Fork the project on Github * Create a topic branch for your changes * Ensure that the changes in your branch are as atomic as possible * Create a pull request on Github