require 'opal/regexp_anchors' module Opal module Nodes module Helpers # Reserved javascript keywords - we cannot create variables with the # same name (ref: ES51_RESERVED_WORD = /#{REGEXP_START}(?:do|if|in|for|let|new|try|var|case|else|enum|eval|false|null|this|true|void|with|break|catch|class|const|super|throw|while|yield|delete|export|import|public|return|static|switch|typeof|default|extends|finally|package|private|continue|debugger|function|arguments|interface|protected|implements|instanceof)#{REGEXP_END}/ # ES3 reserved words that aren’t ES5.1 reserved words ES3_RESERVED_WORD_EXCLUSIVE = /#{REGEXP_START}(?:int|byte|char|goto|long|final|float|short|double|native|throws|boolean|abstract|volatile|transient|synchronized)#{REGEXP_END}/ # Prototype special properties. PROTO_SPECIAL_PROPS = /#{REGEXP_START}(?:constructor|displayName|__proto__|__parent__|__noSuchMethod__|__count__)#{REGEXP_END}/ # Prototype special methods. PROTO_SPECIAL_METHODS = /#{REGEXP_START}(?:hasOwnProperty|valueOf)#{REGEXP_END}/ # Immutable properties of the global object IMMUTABLE_PROPS = /#{REGEXP_START}(?:NaN|Infinity|undefined)#{REGEXP_END}/ # Doesn't take in account utf8 BASIC_IDENTIFIER_RULES = /#{REGEXP_START}[$_a-z][$_a-z\d]*#{REGEXP_END}/i def property(name) valid_name?(name) ? ".#{name}" : "[#{name.inspect}]" end def valid_name?(name) BASIC_IDENTIFIER_RULES =~ name and not( ES51_RESERVED_WORD =~ name or ES3_RESERVED_WORD_EXCLUSIVE =~ name or IMMUTABLE_PROPS =~ name ) end def variable(name) valid_name?(name.to_s) ? name : "#{name}$" end def valid_ivar_name?(name) not (PROTO_SPECIAL_PROPS =~ name or PROTO_SPECIAL_METHODS =~ name) end def ivar(name) valid_ivar_name?(name.to_s) ? name : "#{name}$" end # Converts a ruby lvar/arg name to a js identifier. Not all ruby names # are valid in javascript. A $ suffix is added to non-valid names. # varibales def lvar_to_js(var) var = "#{var}$" unless valid_name? var.to_s var.to_sym end # Converts a ruby method name into its javascript equivalent for # a method/function call. All ruby method names get prefixed with # a '$', and if the name is a valid javascript identifier, it will # have a '.' prefix (for dot-calling), otherwise it will be # wrapped in brackets to use reference notation calling. def mid_to_jsid(mid) if /\=|\+|\-|\*|\/|\!|\?|<|\>|\&|\||\^|\%|\~|\[/ =~ mid.to_s "['$#{mid}']" else '.$' + mid end end def indent(&block) compiler.indent(&block) end def current_indent compiler.parser_indent end def line(*strs) push "\n#{current_indent}" push(*strs) end def empty_line push "\n" end def js_truthy(sexp) if optimize = js_truthy_optimize(sexp) return optimize end with_temp do |tmp| [fragment("((#{tmp} = "), expr(sexp), fragment(") !== nil && (!#{tmp}.$$is_boolean || #{tmp} == true))")] end end def js_falsy(sexp) if sexp.type == :call mid = sexp[2] if mid == :block_given? scope.uses_block! return "#{scope.block_name} === nil" end end with_temp do |tmp| [fragment("((#{tmp} = "), expr(sexp), fragment(") === nil || (#{tmp}.$$is_boolean && #{tmp} == false))")] end end def js_truthy_optimize(sexp) if sexp.type == :call mid = sexp[2] if mid == :block_given? expr(sexp) elsif Compiler::COMPARE.include? mid.to_s expr(sexp) elsif mid == :"==" expr(sexp) end elsif [:lvar, :self].include? sexp.type [expr(sexp.dup), fragment(" !== false && "), expr(sexp.dup), fragment(" !== nil")] end end end end end