![slodown](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7288/hendrik.mans.de/slodown.png) # slodown is the ultimate user input rendering pipeline. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/hmans/slodown.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/hmans/slodown) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/slodown.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/slodown) **I love Markdown. I love syntax highlighting. I love oEmbed. And last but not least, I love whitelist-based HTML sanitizing. slodown rolls all of these into one, and then some.** Here's what slodown does by default: - **render extended Markdown into HTML**. It uses the [kramdown](http://kramdown.rubyforge.org/) library, so yes, footnotes are supported! - **add syntax highlighting to Markdown code blocks** through [CodeRay](http://coderay.rubychan.de/). - **support super-easy rich media embeds**, [sloblog.io-style](http://sloblog.io/~hmans/qhdsk2SMoAU). Just point the Markdown image syntax at, say, a Youtube video, and slodown will fetch the complete embed code through the magic of [ruby-oembed](https://github.com/judofyr/ruby-oembed). - **auto-link contained URLs** using [Rinku](https://github.com/vmg/rinku), which is smart enough to not auto-link URLs contained in, say, code blocks. - **sanitize the generated HTML** using the white-list based [sanitize](https://github.com/rgrove/sanitize) gem. slodown is an extraction from [sloblog.io](http://sloblog.io). It is very easy to extend or modify, as it's just a plain old Ruby class you can inherit from. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'slodown' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install slodown ## Usage For every piece of user input that needs to be rendered, create an instance of `Slodown::Formatter` with the source text and use it to perform some or all transformations on it. Finally, call `#to_s` to get the rendered output. ### Examples: ~~~ruby # let's create an instance to work with formatter = Slodown::Formatter.new(text) # just extract metadata formatter.extract_metadata.to_s # just render Markdown to HTML formatter.markdown.to_s # just auto-link contained URLs formatter.autolink.to_s # just sanitize HTML tags formatter.sanitize.to_s # you can chain multiple operations formatter.markdown.sanitize.to_s # this is the whole deal: formatter.extract_metadata.markdown.autolink.sanitize.to_s # which is the same as: formatter.complete.to_s ~~~ ### Metadata Slodown allows metadata, such as the creation date, to be defined in the text to be processed: ~~~markdown #+title: Slodown #+created_at: 2014-03-01 13:51:12 CET # Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'slodown' ... ~~~ Metadata can be accessed with `Slodown::Formatter#metadata`: ~~~ruby formatter.metadata[:title] # => "Slodown" ~~~ ## OEmbed support Slodown extends the Markdown image syntax to support OEmbed-based embeds. Anything supported by the great [OEmbed gem](https://github.com/judofyr/ruby-oembed) will work. Just supply the URL: ~~~markdown ![youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0) ~~~ Some OEmbed providers will return IFRAME-based embeds. If you want to control which hosts are allowed to have IFRAMEs on your site, override the `Formatter#allowed_iframe_hosts` method to return a regular expression that will be matched against the IFRAME source URL's host. Please note that this will also apply to IFRAME HTML tags added by the user directly. ## Hints * If you want to add more transformations or change the behavior of the `#complete` method, just subclass `Slodown::Formatter` and go wild. :-) * Markdown transformations, HTML sanitizing, oEmbed handshakes and other operations are pretty expensive operations. For sake of performance (and stability), it is recommended that you cache the generated output in some manner. * Eat more Schnitzel. ## TODOs - More/better specs. slodown doesn't have a lot of functionality of its own, passing most of its duties over to the beautiful rendering gems it uses, but I'm sure there's still an opportunity or two for it to break, so, yeah, I should be adding _some_ specs. - Better configuration for the HTML sanitizer. Right now, in order to change the sanitizing behavior, you'll need to inherit a new class from `Slodown::Formatter` and override its `#sanitize_config` method. Regarding the contents of the hash this method returns, please refer to the [sanitize documentation](https://github.com/rgrove/sanitize#custom-configuration). ## Contributing Just like with my other gems, I am trying to keep slodown as sane (and small) as possible. If you want to contribute code, **please talk to me before writing a patch or submitting a pull request**! I'm serious about keeping things focused and would hate to cause unnecessary disappointment. Thank you. If you're still set on submitting a pull request, please consider the following: 1. Create your pull request from a _feature branch_. 2. The pull request must only contain changes _related to the feature_. 3. Please include specs where it makes sense. 4. Absolutely _no_ version bumps or similar. ## Version History ### 0.2.0 - Slodown is now whitelisting all domains for possible iframe/embed-based media embeds by default. If you don't want this, you can override `Formatter#allowed_iframe_hosts` to return a regular expression that will match against the embed URL's host. - Bumped minimum required version of kramdown to 1.5.0 for all the nice new syntax highlighter integrations it offers (and changes required due to deprecated/changed options.) - Support for Twitter oEmbed (using an unfortunately deprecated API, nonetheless.) - Added `Slodown::Formatter#kramdown_options`, returning a hash of kramdown configuration options. Overload this in order to customize the formatter's behavior. ### 0.1.3 - first public release