Package org.apache.cassandra.locator

Interface Summary
EndpointSnitchInfoMBean MBean exposing standard Snitch info
IEndpointSnitch This interface helps determine location of node in the data center relative to another node.

Class Summary
AbstractNetworkTopologySnitch An endpoint snitch tells Cassandra information about network topology that it can use to route requests more efficiently.
AbstractReplicationStrategy A abstract parent for all replication strategies.
DynamicEndpointSnitch A dynamic snitch that sorts endpoints by latency with an adapted phi failure detector
NetworkTopologyStrategy This Replication Strategy takes a property file that gives the intended replication factor in each datacenter.
OldNetworkTopologyStrategy This Replication Strategy returns the nodes responsible for a given key but respects rack awareness.
PropertyFileSnitch Used to determine if two IP's are in the same datacenter or on the same rack.
RackInferringSnitch A simple endpoint snitch implementation that assumes datacenter and rack information is encoded in the 2nd and 3rd octets of the ip address, respectively.
SimpleSnitch A simple endpoint snitch implementation that treats Strategy order as proximity, allowing non-read-repaired reads to prefer a single endpoint, which improves cache locality.
SimpleStrategy This class returns the nodes responsible for a given key but does not respect rack awareness.

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