require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') describe 'highlighted fulltext queries', :type => :query do it 'should not send highlight parameter when highlight not requested' do do keywords 'test' end connection.should_not have_last_search_with(:hl) end it 'should enable highlighting when highlighting requested as keywords argument' do do keywords 'test', :highlight => true end connection.should have_last_search_with(:hl => 'on') end it 'should not set highlight fields parameter if highlight fields are not passed' do do keywords 'test', :highlight => true, :fields => [:title] end connection.should_not have_last_search_with(:'hl.fl') end it 'should enable highlighting on multiple fields when highlighting requested as array of fields via keywords argument' do do keywords 'test', :highlight => [:title, :body] end connection.should have_last_search_with(:hl => 'on', :'hl.fl' => %w(title_text body_texts)) end it 'should raise UnrecognizedFieldError if try to highlight unexisting field via keywords argument' do lambda { do keywords 'test', :highlight => [:unknown_field] end }.should raise_error(Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError) end it 'should enable highlighting on multiple fields when highlighting requested as list of fields via block call' do do keywords 'test' do highlight :title, :body end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:hl => 'on', :'hl.fl' => %w(title_text body_texts)) end it 'should raise UnrecognizedFieldError if try to highlight unexisting field via block call' do lambda { do keywords 'test' do highlight :unknown_field end end }.should raise_error(Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError) end it 'should set internal formatting' do do keywords 'test', :highlight => true end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"hl.simple.pre" => '@@@hl@@@', :"" => '@@@endhl@@@' ) end it 'should set options and hihglight fields' do do keywords 'test' do highlight :title, :max_snippets => 3 end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"hl.fl" => %w(title_text), :"hl.snippets" => 3 ) end it 'should set maximum highlights per field' do do keywords 'test' do highlight :max_snippets => 3 end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"hl.snippets" => 3 ) end it 'should set the maximum size' do do keywords 'text' do highlight :fragment_size => 200 end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"hl.fragsize" => 200 ) end it 'enables merging of continuous fragments' do do keywords 'test' do highlight :merge_continuous_fragments => true end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"hl.mergeContinuous" => 'true' ) end it 'enables use of phrase highlighter' do #TODO figure out what the hell this means do keywords 'test' do highlight :phrase_highlighter => true end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"hl.usePhraseHighlighter" => 'true' ) end it 'requires field match if requested' do do keywords 'test' do highlight :phrase_highlighter => true, :require_field_match => true end end connection.should have_last_search_with( :"hl.requireFieldMatch" => 'true' ) end end