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It also provides filters, tags, drops class to be used inside your liquid template. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'liquid4-rails', '~> 0.2.0' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install liquid4-rails -v '~> 0.2.0' ## Usage In order to render with layout, in your layout file `app/views/layouts/application.liquid`, put this: ```html {{ content_for_layout }} ``` ```html # It will render app/views/home/_partial.liquid when the current controller is `HomeController`. {% include 'partial' %} # It will render app/views/shared/_partial.liquid. {% include 'shared/partial' %} ``` ### Template Rendering By default, **Liquid-Rails** makes all instance variables from controller available to liquid template. To limit only some instance variables, do this inside your controller: ```ruby def liquid_assigns { 'listing' => current_listing, 'content_for_header' => content_for_header, 'current_account' => current_account } end ``` By default, **Liquid-Rails** makes all your helper methods inside your rails app available to liquid template. To limit only some helpers, do this inside your controller: ```ruby def liquid_filters [] end ``` You can render liquid templates from other template engines, eg. `erb`, `haml`, ... ```ruby = render 'shared/partial.liquid' ``` ### Filter > Filters are simple methods that modify the output of numbers, strings, variables and objects. They are placed within an output tag `{{` `}}` and are separated with a pipe character `|`. Currently, **Liquid-Rails** adds only the followings: 1. [AssetTagFilter](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/filters/asset_tag_filter.rb) 2. [AssetUrlFilter](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/filters/asset_url_filter.rb) 3. [DateFilter](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/filters/date_filter.rb) 4. [NumberFilter](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/filters/number_filter.rb) 5. [SanitizeFilter](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/filters/sanitize_filter.rb) 6. [TextFilter](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/filters/text_filter.rb) 7. [TranslateFilter](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/filters/translate_filter.rb) 8. [UrlFilter](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/filters/url_filter.rb) 9. [MiscFilter](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/filters/misc_filter.rb) ### Tag > Liquid tags are the programming logic that tells templates what to do. Tags are wrapped in: `{%` `%}`. Currently, **Liquid-Rails** adds only the followings: 1. [csrf_meta_tags](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/tags/csrf_meta_tags.rb) 2. [google_analytics_tag](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/tags/google_analytics_tag.rb) 3. [javascript_tag](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/tags/javascript_tag.rb) 4. [paginate](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/tags/paginate_tag.rb) 4. [content_for](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/lib/liquid-rails/tags/content_for.rb) ### Drop Class > Drops let you provide the user with custom functionality. They are very much like a standard Ruby class, but have all unused and potentially dangerous methods removed. From the user's perspective a drop acts very much like a Hash, though methods are accessed with dot-notation as well as element selection. A drop method cannot be invoked with arguments. Drops are called just-in-time, thus allowing you to lazily load objects. Given two models, a Post(title: string, body: text) and a Comment(name:string, body:text, post_id:integer), you will have two drops: ```ruby class PostDrop < Liquid::Rails::Drop attributes :id, :title, :body has_many :comments end ``` and ```ruby class CommentDrop < Liquid::Rails::Drop attributes :id, :name, :body belongs_to :post end ``` Check out more [examples](https://github.com/yoolk/liquid-rails/blob/master/spec/fixtures/poro.rb). It works for any ORMs. The PORO should include `Liquid::Rails::Droppable`. That's all you need to do to have your POROs supported. ### RSpec In spec_helper.rb, you'll need to require the matchers: ```ruby require 'liquid-rails/matchers' ``` Example: ```ruby describe PostDrop do it { should have_attribute(:id) } it { should have_attribute(:title) } it { should have_attribute(:body) } it { should have_many(:comments) } end ``` ```ruby describe CommentDrop do it { should have_attribute(:id) } it { should have_attribute(:name) } it { should have_attribute(:body) } it { should belongs_to(:post) } end ``` ## Contributors * [Radin Reth](https://github.com/radin-reth/) ## Authors * [Chamnap Chhorn](https://github.com/chamnap)