require_relative 'minitest_helper' require_relative 'create_doe_prototype_helper' require 'json' $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../../openstudio-standards/lib', __dir__) def run_dir(test_name) # always generate test output in specially named 'output' directory so result files are not made part of the measure "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/output/#{test_name}" end def model_out_path(test_name) "#{run_dir(test_name)}/ExampleModel.osm" end def workspace_path(test_name) "#{run_dir(test_name)}/ModelToIdf/in.idf" end def sql_path(test_name) "#{run_dir(test_name)}/ModelToIdf/EnergyPlusPreProcess-0/EnergyPlus-0/eplusout.sql" end def report_path(test_name) "#{run_dir(test_name)}/report.html" end def calculate_max_delta_t(adj_DaySchedule, cur_DaySchedule) max = -999 # #if either one of schedule does not exist then it will return the max of the existing schedule # if adj_DaySchedule.nil? # 0.upto(23) do |hour| # time =,hour,0,0) # max = cur_DaySchedule.getValue(time) if cur_DaySchedule.getValue(time) > max # end # elsif cur_DaySchedule.nil? # 0.upto(23) do |hour| # time =,hour,0,0) # max = adj_DaySchedule.getValue(time) if adj_DaySchedule.getValue(time) > max # end # elsif (cur_DaySchedule.nil? and cur_DaySchedule.nil?) # return nil # end if cur_DaySchedule.nil? || adj_DaySchedule.nil? raise 'cur_DaySchedule or adj_DaySchedule is nil' return nil end 0.upto(23) do |hour| time =, hour, 0, 0) difference = (cur_DaySchedule.getValue(time) - adj_DaySchedule.getValue(time)).abs max = difference if difference > max end return max end # returns -999 if current surface does not have heating OR cooling schedule # returns -997 if all adjacent surfaces does not have BOTH heating AND cooling # returns nil if the surface does not have adjacent surface def get_schedule_max_delta_t(model, surface) # find spaces that share that surface. # load the schedules for every day type of the year. for both spaces. If the space is does not have a heating schedule..assume the temperature is the -10C always for now. # iterate through every hour. and determine delta T # Store the max delta T. # end iteration # return max deltaT cur_space = nil delta_t = -998 adjacent_surface_found = false atleast_one_adjacent_surface_has_schedule = false model.getSpaces.each do |space| if space == cur_space = space end end if cur_space.nil? raise "Surface: [#{}] does not belong to any space" end model.getSpaces.each do |space| if space == next end space.surfaces.each do |surf| unless surf.adjacentSurface.empty? adj_surface = surf.adjacentSurface.get if adj_surface == surface adjacent_surface_found = true unless space.thermalZone.empty? adj_surface_thermal_zone = space.thermalZone.get cur_surface_thermal_zone = cur_space.thermalZone.get unless adj_surface_thermal_zone.thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.empty? adj_thermostat = adj_surface_thermal_zone.thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get cur_thermostat = cur_surface_thermal_zone.thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get # if current surface does not have a thermostat schedule, then it will return -999 instead of nil because nil is reserved for surfaces without adjacent surface if cur_thermostat.getHeatingSchedule.empty? || cur_thermostat.getCoolingSchedule.empty? return -999 end # after this point current surface should have BOTH heating and cooling schedule # if adjacent surface does not have a heating OR cooling schedule it will be skipped if adj_thermostat.getHeatingSchedule.empty? || adj_thermostat.getCoolingSchedule.empty? next else atleast_one_adjacent_surface_has_schedule = true end startDate =, 1, 2009) endDate =, 7, 2009) adj_surface_heating_day_schedule_array = adj_thermostat.getHeatingSchedule.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.get.getDaySchedules(startDate, endDate) unless adj_thermostat.getHeatingSchedule.empty? adj_surface_cooling_day_schedule_array = adj_thermostat.getCoolingSchedule.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.get.getDaySchedules(startDate, endDate) unless adj_thermostat.getCoolingSchedule.empty? cur_surface_heating_day_schedule_array = cur_thermostat.getHeatingSchedule.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.get.getDaySchedules(startDate, endDate) unless cur_thermostat.getHeatingSchedule.empty? cur_surface_cooling_day_schedule_array = cur_thermostat.getCoolingSchedule.get.to_ScheduleRuleset.get.getDaySchedules(startDate, endDate) unless cur_thermostat.getCoolingSchedule.empty? delta_t = -998 heating_delta_t = [] cooling_delta_t = [] 1.upto(7) do |i| puts 'mee mee mee' puts calculate_max_delta_t(adj_surface_heating_day_schedule_array[i - 1], cur_surface_heating_day_schedule_array[i - 1]) heating_delta_t << calculate_max_delta_t(adj_surface_heating_day_schedule_array[i - 1], cur_surface_heating_day_schedule_array[i - 1]) cooling_delta_t << calculate_max_delta_t(adj_surface_cooling_day_schedule_array[i - 1], cur_surface_cooling_day_schedule_array[i - 1]) end delta_t = [heating_delta_t.max, cooling_delta_t.max].max puts "delta_t: #{delta_t}" end end end end end end # adjacent_surface_found ? (atleast_one_adjacent_surface_has_schedule ? (return delta_t) : (return -997)) : (return nil) if adjacent_surface_found if atleast_one_adjacent_surface_has_schedule return delta_t else return -997 end else return nil end end # LargeOffice class TestNECBSurfaces8426Custom < CreateDOEPrototypeBuildingTest building_types = [ 'LargeOffice', 'LargeHotel', 'FullServiceRestaurant', 'Outpatient', 'PrimarySchool' ] templates = ['NECB 2011'] climate_zones = ['NECB HDD Method'] epw_files = [ # 'CAN_BC_Vancouver.718920_CWEC.epw',# CZ 5 - Gas HDD = 3019 # 'CAN_ON_Toronto.716240_CWEC.epw', #CZ 6 - Gas HDD = 4088 # 'CAN_PQ_Sherbrooke.716100_CWEC.epw', #CZ 7a - Electric HDD = 5068 # 'CAN_YT_Whitehorse.719640_CWEC.epw', #CZ 7b - FuelOil1 HDD = 6946 # 'CAN_NU_Resolute.719240_CWEC.epw', # CZ 8 -FuelOil2 HDD = 12570 # 'CAN_BC_Prince.George.718960_CWEC.epw', 'CAN_QC_Montreal.Intl.AP.716270_CWEC2020.epw' ] building_types.each do |building| epw_files.each do |weather| hash = {} test_name = "#{building}_#{weather}" unless File.exist?(run_dir(test_name)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(run_dir(test_name)) end # assert(File.exist?(run_dir(test_name))) if File.exist?(report_path(test_name)) FileUtils.rm(report_path(test_name)) end # assert(File.exist?(model_in_path)) if File.exist?(model_out_path(test_name)) FileUtils.rm(model_out_path(test_name)) end output_folder = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/output/#{test_name}" model = model.create_prototype_building(building, 'NECB 2011', 'NECB HDD Method', weather, output_folder) weather_file_path = OpenstudioStandards::Weather.get_standards_weather_file_path(weather) OpenstudioStandards::Weather.model_set_building_location(model, weather_file_path: weather_file_path) model.getSpaces.each do |space| # puts hash[:"Space: #{}"] = {} hash[:"Space: #{}"][:"With Adjacent Surface"] = {} hash[:"Space: #{}"][:"No Adjacent surface"] = [] space.surfaces.each do |surface| max_delta_t = get_schedule_max_delta_t(model, surface) if max_delta_t.nil? hash[:"Space: #{}"][:"No Adjacent surface"] << else hash[:"Space: #{}"][:"With Adjacent Surface"][:"#{}"] = max_delta_t end end end #, true)"#{output_folder}/max_delta_t.json", 'w') { |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(hash)) } end end end