# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim # View helpers related to the layout. module LayoutHelper def decidim_page_title title = content_for(:title) title ? "#{title} - #{current_organization.name}" : current_organization.name end # Outputs an SVG-based icon. # # name - The String with the icon name. # options - The Hash options used to customize the icon (default {}): # :width - The Number of width in pixels (optional). # :height - The Number of height in pixels (optional). # :aria_label - The String to set as aria label (optional). # :aria_hidden - The Truthy value to enable aria_hidden (optional). # :role - The String to set as the role (optional). # :class - The String to add as a CSS class (optional). # # Returns a String. def icon(name, options = {}) # Ugly hack to work around the issue of phantomjs not sending js events # when clicking on a SVG element. if Rails.env.test? return content_tag(:span, "?", class: "icon icon--#{name}") end html_properties = {} html_properties["width"] = options[:width] html_properties["height"] = options[:height] html_properties["aria-label"] = options[:aria_label] html_properties["role"] = options[:role] html_properties["aria-hidden"] = options[:aria_hidden] html_properties["class"] = "icon icon--#{name} #{options[:class]}" content_tag :svg, html_properties do content_tag :use, nil, "xlink:href" => "#{asset_url("decidim/icons.svg")}#icon-#{name}" end end end end