# encoding: utf-8 require "stud/task" def silence_warnings warn_level = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil yield ensure $VERBOSE = warn_level end def clear_data_dir if defined?(agent_settings) data_path = agent_settings.get("path.data") else data_path = LogStash::SETTINGS.get("path.data") end Dir.foreach(data_path) do |f| next if f == "." || f == ".." || f == ".gitkeep" FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(data_path, f)) end end def mock_settings(settings_values={}) settings = LogStash::SETTINGS.clone settings_values.each do |key, value| settings.set(key, value) end settings end def make_test_agent(settings=mock_settings) sl = LogStash::Config::SourceLoader.new sl.add_source(LogStash::Config::Source::Local.new(settings)) sl ::LogStash::Agent.new(settings, sl) end def mock_pipeline(pipeline_id, reloadable = true, config_hash = nil) config_string = "input { stdin { id => '#{pipeline_id}' }}" settings = mock_settings("pipeline.id" => pipeline_id.to_s, "config.string" => config_string, "config.reload.automatic" => reloadable) pipeline_config = mock_pipeline_config(pipeline_id, config_string, settings) LogStash::Pipeline.new(pipeline_config) end def mock_pipeline_from_string(config_string, settings = LogStash::SETTINGS, metric = nil) pipeline_config = mock_pipeline_config(settings.get("pipeline.id"), config_string, settings) LogStash::Pipeline.new(pipeline_config, metric) end def mock_pipeline_config(pipeline_id, config_string = nil, settings = {}) config_string = "input { stdin { id => '#{pipeline_id}' }}" if config_string.nil? # This is for older tests when we already have a config unless settings.is_a?(LogStash::Settings) settings.merge!({ "pipeline.id" => pipeline_id.to_s }) settings = mock_settings(settings) end config_part = org.logstash.common.SourceWithMetadata.new("config_string", "config_string", config_string) LogStash::Config::PipelineConfig.new(LogStash::Config::Source::Local, pipeline_id, config_part, settings) end def start_agent(agent) agent_task = Stud::Task.new do begin agent.execute rescue => e raise "Start Agent exception: #{e}" end end sleep(0.1) unless subject.running? agent_task end def temporary_file(content, file_name = Time.now.to_i.to_s, directory = Stud::Temporary.pathname) FileUtils.mkdir_p(directory) target = ::File.join(directory, file_name) File.open(target, "w+") do |f| f.write(content) end target end RSpec::Matchers.define :ir_eql do |expected| match do |actual| next unless expected.java_kind_of?(org.logstash.config.ir.SourceComponent) && actual.java_kind_of?(org.logstash.config.ir.SourceComponent) expected.sourceComponentEquals(actual) end failure_message do |actual| "actual value \n#{actual.to_s}\nis not .sourceComponentEquals to the expected value: \n#{expected.to_s}\n" end end SUPPORT_DIR = Pathname.new(::File.join(::File.dirname(__FILE__), "support"))