require 'test/unit' require 'funkr/types/maybe' require 'funkr/extensions' class TestMaybe < Test::Unit::TestCase M = Funkr::Types::Maybe def j(v) M.just(v) end def n M.nothing end def test_map assert_equal(j(6), j(5).map{|v| v+1 }) assert_equal(n, j(5).map{|v| v+1}) end def test_curry_lift f = M.curry_lift_proc{|x,y| x + y} assert_equal(j(8), f.apply(j(5)).apply(j(3))) assert_equal(n, f.apply(j(5)).apply(n)) end def test_or_else assert_equal(j(10), n.or_else{j(10)}) assert_equal(j(4), j(4).or_else{j(2)}) assert_nothing_raised{ j(5).or_else{raise 'should not be raised'} } assert_raise(RuntimeError){ n.or_else{raise 'should not be raised'} } end def test_full_lift f = M.full_lift_proc{|x,y| x + y} assert_equal(j(6),,j(2))) assert_equal(n,,n)) end def test_lift_with assert_equal(j(7), M.lift_with(j(4),j(3)){|x,y| x + y}) end def test_mconcat assert_equal(j(60), M.mconcat([j(10), j(20), n, j(30)])) end def test_concat assert_equal([10,20,30], M.concat([j(10), j(20), n, j(30)])) end def test_comparisons assert_equal(j(0), j(5) <=> j(5)) assert_equal(j(-1), j(5) <=> j(7)) assert_equal(j(1), j(2) <=> j(1)) assert_equal(j(true), j(3) < j(7)) assert_equal(n, j(4) <=> n) assert_equal(n, n <=> j(2)) end def test_unbox assert_equal(5, j(5).unbox) assert_equal(5, j(5).unbox(2)) assert_equal(nil, n.unbox) assert_equal(2, n.unbox(2)) end def test_box assert_equal(j(5), assert_equal(n, end end