module Antelope module Ace # Defines a presidence. A presidence has a type, tokens, and a # level. class Presidence <, :tokens, :level) # @!attribute [rw] type # The type of presidence level. This should be one of # `:left`, `:right`, or `:nonassoc`. # # @return [Symbol] the type. # @!attribute [rw] tokens # An set of tokens that are on this specific presidence # level. The tokens are identified as symbols. The special # symbol, `:_`, represents any token. # # @return [Set] the tokens on this level. # @!attribute [rw] level # The level we're on. The higher the level, the higher the # presidence. include Comparable # Compares the other object to this object. If the other object # isn't a {Presidence}, it returns nil. If the other # presidence isn't on the same level as this one, then the # levels are compared and the result of that is returned. If # it is, however, the type is checked; if this presidence is # left associative, then it returns 1 (it is greater than the # other); if this presidence is right associative, then it # returns -1 (it is less than the other); if this presidence is # nonassociative, it returns 0 (it is equal to the other). # # @param other [Object] the object to compare to this one. # @return [Numeric?] def <=>(other) return nil unless other.is_a? Presidence if level != other.level level <=> other.level elsif type == :left 1 elsif type == :right -1 else 0 end end end end end