describe Rake::Funnel::Support::SpecsRemover do describe 'removal' do let(:projects) {} let(:references) {} let(:specs) {} let(:paket_references) {} let(:packages) {} before { allow(File).to receive(:open) allow(File).to receive(:write) allow(RakeFileUtils).to receive(:rm) } describe 'arguments' do before { described_class.remove(projects: projects, references: references, specs: specs, paket_references: paket_references, packages: packages) } context 'string projects' do let(:projects) { '**/*.??proj' } it 'should succeed' do expect(true).to be(true) end end context 'string references' do let(:projects) { '**/*.??proj' } let(:references) { 'Reference' } it 'should succeed' do expect(true).to be(true) end end context 'string specs' do let(:projects) { '**/*.??proj' } let(:specs) { '*Specs.cs' } it 'should succeed' do expect(true).to be(true) end end end describe 'unchanged files' do let(:project_file) {} let(:paket_references_file) {} before { allow(Dir).to receive(:[]).and_return([]) } before { allow(Dir).to receive(:[]).with(projects).and_return([project_file]) allow(File).to receive(:read).with(project_file).and_return('') } before { allow(Dir).to receive(:[]).with(paket_references).and_return([paket_references_file]) allow(File).to receive(:read).with(paket_references_file).and_return('SomePackage') } before { described_class.remove(projects: projects, references: references, specs: specs, paket_references: paket_references, packages: packages) } context 'project unchanged' do let(:projects) { '**/*.??proj' } let(:project_file) { 'project.proj' } it 'should not write the project file' do expect(File).not_to have_received(:open) end end context 'paket references unchanged' do let(:paket_references) { '*paket.references' } let(:paket_references_file) { 'paket.references' } it 'should not write the references file' do expect(File).not_to have_received(:write) end end end end describe 'example' do let(:projects) { %w(**/*.??proj) } let(:references) { %w(Sample-Ref-1 Sample-Ref-2 Sample-Ref-3) } let(:specs) { %w(*Specs.cs **/*Specs.cs) } let(:paket_references) { %w(**/*paket.references) } let(:packages) { references } let(:temp_dir) { Dir.mktmpdir } before { FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'specs_remover/.'), temp_dir) } before { allow(RakeFileUtils).to receive(:rm) } before { Dir.chdir(temp_dir) do described_class.remove(projects: projects, references: references, specs: specs, paket_references: paket_references, packages: packages) end } after { FileUtils.rm_rf(temp_dir) } describe 'code files' do it 'should keep production code' do expect(RakeFileUtils).not_to have_received(:rm).with('Code.cs') end it 'should delete specs' do expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:rm).with('Specs.cs') expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:rm).with('FooSpecs.cs') expect(RakeFileUtils).to have_received(:rm).with('subdir/BarSpecs.cs') end end describe 'projects' do def project_xml, 'Sample.csproj')) end it 'should remove references' do expect(project_xml).not_to include(*references) end it 'should remove spec files' do expect(project_xml).not_to include('Specs.cs', 'SampleSpecs.cs') end end describe 'paket references' do def content(file), file)) end it 'should remove packages' do [ content('paket.references'), content('subdir/foo.paket.references') ].each do |content| expect(content).not_to include(*packages) end end it 'should keep other packages' do [ content('paket.references'), content('subdir/foo.paket.references') ].each do |content| expect(content).to include('Untouched') end end end end end