describe('railsSerializer', function () { 'use strict'; describe('provider config', function () { it('should allow overriding underscore method', function () { var overrideCalled = false; module('rails', function (railsSerializerProvider) { expect(railsSerializerProvider.underscore(function (value) { overrideCalled = true; return value; })).toBe(railsSerializerProvider); }); inject(function (railsSerializer, RailsResourceInjector) { var test = {id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin'}; expect(RailsResourceInjector.createService(railsSerializer()).serialize(test)).toEqualData(test); expect(overrideCalled).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('should allow overriding camelize method', function () { var overrideCalled = false; module('rails', function (railsSerializerProvider) { expect(railsSerializerProvider.camelize(function (value) { overrideCalled = true; return value; })).toBe(railsSerializerProvider); }); inject(function (railsSerializer, RailsResourceInjector) { var test = {id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin'}; expect(RailsResourceInjector.createService(railsSerializer()).deserialize(test)).toEqualData(test); expect(overrideCalled).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('should allow overriding pluralize method', function () { module('rails', function (railsSerializerProvider) { expect(railsSerializerProvider.pluralize(function (value) { return value + 'ies'; })).toBe(railsSerializerProvider); }); inject(function (railsSerializer, RailsResourceInjector) { expect(RailsResourceInjector.createService(railsSerializer()).pluralize('cook')).toEqual('cookies'); }); }); it('should allow overriding exclusionMatchers method', function () { module('rails', function (railsSerializerProvider) { expect(railsSerializerProvider.exclusionMatchers(['_'])).toBe(railsSerializerProvider); }); inject(function (railsSerializer, RailsResourceInjector) { var test = {id: 1, _firstName: 'George', _middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin'}; expect(RailsResourceInjector.createService(railsSerializer()).serialize(test)).toEqualData({id: 1, last_name: 'Martin'}); }); }); }); describe('default provider options', function () { var factory, railsInjector; function createSerializer(options, customizer) { return railsInjector.createService(factory(options, customizer)); } beforeEach(module('rails')); beforeEach(inject(function (railsSerializer, RailsResourceInjector) { factory = railsSerializer; railsInjector = RailsResourceInjector; })); describe('default config', function () { var serializer; beforeEach(function () { serializer = createSerializer(); }); it('should support customizer being first parameter', function () { var called = false; createSerializer(function () { called = true; }); expect(called).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should support customizer with options as first parameter', function () { var called = false; createSerializer({}, function () { called = true; }); expect(called).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should underscore attributes on single object', function () { var orig = {id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin'}, result = serializer.serialize(orig); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin'}); result = serializer.deserialize(result); expect(result).toEqualData(orig); }); it('should underscore attributes on nested objects', function () { var orig = {id: 6, title: 'Winds of Winter', pages: 1105, publicationDate: '2020-05-25', author: {id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin'}}, result = serializer.serialize(orig); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 6, title: 'Winds of Winter', pages: 1105, publication_date: '2020-05-25', author: {id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin'}}); result = serializer.deserialize(result); expect(result).toEqualData(orig); }); it('should underscore attribute inside array objects', function () { var orig = {id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin', books: [ {id: 1, title: 'A Game of Thrones', publicationDate: '1996-08-06'} ]}, result = serializer.serialize(orig); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin', books: [ {id: 1, title: 'A Game of Thrones', publication_date: '1996-08-06'} ]}); result = serializer.deserialize(result); expect(result).toEqualData(orig); }); it('should support primitive arrays', function () { var orig = {id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin', books: [1, 2, 3]}, result = serializer.serialize(orig); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin', books: [1, 2, 3]}); result = serializer.deserialize(result); expect(result).toEqualData(orig); }); it('should exclude attributes that start with $', function () { var result = serializer.serialize({id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin', $birthDate: '1948-09-20'}); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin'}); result = serializer.deserialize({id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin', $birth_date: '1948-09-20'}); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin'}); }); it('should exclude functions', function () { var result = serializer.serialize({id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin', $books: [], getNumBooks: function () { this.$books.length }}); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin'}); }); }); describe('custom options', function () { it('should allow overriding attribute transformation functions with undefined', function () { var test, serializer = createSerializer({underscore: undefined, camelize: undefined}); test = {id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin'}; expect(serializer.serialize(test)).toEqualData(test); test = {id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin'}; expect(serializer.deserialize(test)).toEqualData(test); }); it('should allow overriding attribute transformation with custom function', function () { var result, serializer = createSerializer({ underscore: function (attribute) { return 'x' + attribute }, camelize: function (attribute) { return 'y' + attribute } }); result = serializer.serialize({id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin'}); expect(result).toEqualData({xid: 1, xfirstName: 'George', xmiddleName: 'R. R.', xlastName: 'Martin'}); result = serializer.deserialize({id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin'}); expect(result).toEqualData({yid: 1, yfirst_name: 'George', ymiddle_name: 'R. R.', ylast_name: 'Martin'}); }); it('should allow safely ignore null excludePrefixes', function () { var result, underscored, camelized, serializer = createSerializer({exclusionMatchers: null}); camelized = {id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin', $birthDate: '1948-09-20'}; underscored = {id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin', $birth_date: '1948-09-20'}; result = serializer.serialize(camelized); expect(result).toEqualData(underscored); result = serializer.deserialize(underscored); expect(result).toEqualData(camelized); }); it('should allow safely ignore undefined excludePrefixes', function () { var result, underscored, camelized, serializer = createSerializer({exclusionMatchers: undefined}); camelized = {id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin', $birthDate: '1948-09-20'}; underscored = {id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin', $birth_date: '1948-09-20'}; result = serializer.serialize(camelized); expect(result).toEqualData(underscored); result = serializer.deserialize(underscored); expect(result).toEqualData(camelized); }); it('should allow empty excludePrefixes', function () { var result, underscored, camelized, serializer = createSerializer({exclusionMatchers: []}); camelized = {id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin', $birthDate: '1948-09-20'}; underscored = {id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin', $birth_date: '1948-09-20'}; result = serializer.serialize(camelized); expect(result).toEqualData(underscored); result = serializer.deserialize(underscored); expect(result).toEqualData(camelized); }); it('should treat exclusionMatcher strings as prefix exclusions', function () { var result, serializer = createSerializer({exclusionMatchers: ['x']}); result = serializer.serialize({xid: 1, firstNamex: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin', $birthDate: '1948-09-20'}); expect(result).toEqualData({first_namex: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin', $birth_date: '1948-09-20'}); result = serializer.deserialize({xid: 1, first_namex: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin', $birth_date: '1948-09-20'}); expect(result).toEqualData({xid: 1, firstNamex: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin', $birthDate: '1948-09-20'}); }); it('should use combination of string prefix, function, and regexp for exclusions', function () { var result, serializer = createSerializer({exclusionMatchers: ['x', /^$/, function (key) { return key === 'middleName'; }]}); result = serializer.serialize({xid: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin', $birthDate: '1948-09-20'}); expect(result).toEqualData({first_name: 'George', last_name: 'Martin'}); result = serializer.deserialize({xid: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin', $birth_date: '1948-09-20'}); expect(result).toEqualData({xid: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin', $birth_date: '1948-09-20'}); }); }); describe('customized serialization', function () { var camelizedAuthor = { id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin', birthDate: '1948-09-20', books: [ {id: 1, title: 'A Game of Thrones', pages: 694, series: 'A Song of Ice and Fire', publicationDate: '1996-08-06', authorId: 1}, {id: 2, title: 'A Clash of Kings', pages: 768, series: 'A Song of Ice and Fire', publicationDate: '1999-03-01', authorId: 1}, ] }, underscoredAuthor = { id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin', birth_date: '1948-09-20', books: [ {id: 1, title: 'A Game of Thrones', pages: 694, series: 'A Song of Ice and Fire', publication_date: '1996-08-06', author_id: 1}, {id: 2, title: 'A Clash of Kings', pages: 768, series: 'A Song of Ice and Fire', publication_date: '1999-03-01', author_id: 1}, ] }; it('should allow single exclusion', function () { var result, serializer = createSerializer(function (config) { config.exclude('books'); }); result = serializer.serialize(camelizedAuthor); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin', birth_date: '1948-09-20'}); result = serializer.deserialize(underscoredAuthor); expect(result).toEqualData(camelizedAuthor); }); it('should allow variable exclusions', function () { var result, serializer = createSerializer(function (config) { config.exclude('books', 'birthDate'); }); result = serializer.serialize(camelizedAuthor); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 1, first_name: 'George', middle_name: 'R. R.', last_name: 'Martin'}); result = serializer.deserialize(underscoredAuthor); expect(result).toEqualData(camelizedAuthor); }); it('should allow renaming attributes', function () { var result, serializer = createSerializer(function (config) { // this & config should be interchangeable this.exclude('books', 'birthDate'); this.rename('id', 'authorId'); this.rename('firstName', 'first'); this.rename('middleName', 'middle'); config.rename('lastName', 'last'); }); result = serializer.serialize(camelizedAuthor); expect(result).toEqualData({author_id: 1, first: 'George', middle: 'R. R.', last: 'Martin'}); result = serializer.deserialize({author_id: 1, first: 'George', middle: 'R. R.', last: 'Martin'}); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 1, firstName: 'George', middleName: 'R. R.', lastName: 'Martin'}); }); it('should allow nested attributes', function () { var result, serializer = createSerializer(function () { this.nestedAttribute('books') }); result = serializer.serialize(camelizedAuthor); expect(result['books_attributes']).toEqualData([ {id: 1, title: 'A Game of Thrones', pages: 694, series: 'A Song of Ice and Fire', publication_date: '1996-08-06', author_id: 1}, {id: 2, title: 'A Clash of Kings', pages: 768, series: 'A Song of Ice and Fire', publication_date: '1999-03-01', author_id: 1} ]); result = serializer.deserialize(underscoredAuthor); expect(result).toEqualData(camelizedAuthor); }); it('should add custom attribute from function', function () { var result, serializer = createSerializer(function () { this.add('numBooks', function (author) { return author.books.length; }); }); result = serializer.serialize(camelizedAuthor); expect(result['num_books']).toBe(2); }); it('should add custom attribute from constant value', function () { var result, serializer = createSerializer(function () { this.add('numBooks', 2); }); result = serializer.serialize(camelizedAuthor); expect(result['num_books']).toBe(2); }); it('should add custom attribute to collection from function', function() { var result, authorWithPublisher, serializedBooks, serializer = createSerializer(function () { this.serializeWith('books', factory(function() { this.add('publisherId', function(book) { return; }); })); }); authorWithPublisher = { books: [ {id: 1, publisher: {id: 3}}, {id: 2, publisher: {id: 4}} ] }; serializedBooks = [ {id: 1, publisher_id: 3, publisher: {id:3}}, {id: 2, publisher_id: 4, publisher: {id:4}} ]; result = serializer.serialize(authorWithPublisher); expect(result['books']).toEqual(serializedBooks); }); it('should add custom attribute to collection from constant value', function() { var result, authorWithPublisher, serializedBooks, serializer = createSerializer(function () { this.serializeWith('books', factory(function() { this.add('publisherId', 3); })); }); authorWithPublisher = { books: [ {id: 1, publisher: {id: 3}}, {id: 2, publisher: {id: 4}} ] }; serializedBooks = [ {id: 1, publisher_id: 3, publisher: {id:3}}, {id: 2, publisher_id: 3, publisher: {id:4}} ]; result = serializer.serialize(authorWithPublisher); expect(result['books']).toEqual(serializedBooks); }); it('should use custom serializer for books', function () { var result, serializedBooks, underscored, serializer = createSerializer(function () { this.serializeWith('books', factory(function () { this.rename('publicationDate', 'published'); })); }); result = serializer.serialize(camelizedAuthor); serializedBooks = [ {id: 1, title: 'A Game of Thrones', pages: 694, series: 'A Song of Ice and Fire', published: '1996-08-06', author_id: 1}, {id: 2, title: 'A Clash of Kings', pages: 768, series: 'A Song of Ice and Fire', published: '1999-03-01', author_id: 1} ]; expect(result['books']).toEqualData(serializedBooks); underscored = angular.copy(underscoredAuthor); underscored['books'] = serializedBooks; result = serializer.deserialize(underscored); expect(result).toEqualData(camelizedAuthor); }); }); describe('default exclusion serialization', function () { it('should only serialize id', function () { var result, serializer = createSerializer(function (config) { // this & config should be interchangeable this.only('id'); }); result = serializer.serialize({id: 1, first: 'George', middle: 'R. R.', last: 'Martin'}); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 1}); result = serializer.deserialize({id: 1, first: 'George', middle: 'R. R.', last: 'Martin'}); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 1, first: 'George', middle: 'R. R.', last: 'Martin'}); }); it('should only serialize id and last', function () { var result, serializer = createSerializer(function (config) { this.only('id', 'last'); }); result = serializer.serialize({id: 1, first: 'George', middle: 'R. R.', last: 'Martin'}); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 1, last: 'Martin'}); result = serializer.deserialize({id: 1, first: 'George', middle: 'R. R.', last: 'Martin'}); expect(result).toEqualData({id: 1, first: 'George', middle: 'R. R.', last: 'Martin'}); }); it('should only serialize id and books', function() { var result, serializer = createSerializer(function(config) { this.only('id', 'books'); this.nestedAttribute('books'); this.serializeWith('books', factory(function() { })); }); var book = { id: 1, title: 'A Game of Thrones', publicationDate: '1996-08-06' }; result = serializer.serialize({ id: 1, first: 'George', last: 'Martin', books: [book] }); expect(result).toEqualData({ id: 1, books_attributes: [{ id: 1, title: 'A Game of Thrones', publication_date: '1996-08-06' }] }); result = serializer.deserialize(result); expect(result).toEqual({ id: 1, books: [book]}); }); }); describe('multiple levels of nested attributes', function () { module('rails'); angular.module('rails').factory('Campaign', function (railsResourceFactory, railsSerializer) { return railsResourceFactory({ name: 'campaign', serializer: railsSerializer(function() { this.resource('emails', 'Email'); this.nestedAttribute('emails'); }) }); }); angular.module('rails').factory('Email', function (railsResourceFactory, railsSerializer) { return railsResourceFactory({ name: 'email', serializer: railsSerializer(function() { this.resource('emailTemplate', 'EmailTemplate'); this.nestedAttribute('emailTemplate'); }) }); }); angular.module('rails').factory('EmailTemplate', function (railsResourceFactory) { return railsResourceFactory({name: 'emailTemplate'}); }); it('should add email template as nested attribute', inject(function(Campaign, Email, EmailTemplate) { var campaign = new Campaign({ id: 1, name: 'Test', emails: [ new Email({id: 1, name: '50% off', emailTemplate: new EmailTemplate({id: 1, name: 'Discount'})}) ] }); var serializedCampaign = { id: 1, name: 'Test', emails_attributes: [ {id: 1, name: '50% off', email_template_attributes: { id: 1, name: 'Discount' }}], }; expect(Campaign.config.serializer.serialize(campaign)).toEqual(serializedCampaign); })); }); describe('nested resource collection serialization', function () { module('rails'); angular.module('rails').factory('Team', function (railsResourceFactory, railsSerializer) { return railsResourceFactory({ name: 'team', serializer: railsSerializer(function() { this.nestedAttribute('members'); this.resource('members', 'Member'); this.add('vehicle_id', function(team) { return; }); this.exclude('vehicle'); }) }); }); angular.module('rails').factory('Member', function (railsResourceFactory, railsSerializer) { return railsResourceFactory({ name: 'member', serializer: railsSerializer(function() { this.resource('user', 'User'); this.resource('slot', 'Slot'); this.nestedAttribute('slot'); this.add('user_id', function(member) { return; }); this.exclude('user'); }) }); }); angular.module('rails').factory('Slot', function (railsResourceFactory) { return railsResourceFactory({name: 'slot'}); }); angular.module('rails').factory('User', function (railsResourceFactory) { return railsResourceFactory({name: 'user'}); }); angular.module('rails').factory('Vehicle', function (railsResourceFactory) { return railsResourceFactory({name: 'vehicle'}); }); it('should add custom attribute in nested resource', inject(function(Team) { var team1 = new Team({ id: 1, name: 'Team 1', vehicle: { id: 123, name: 'Subaru Impreza' }, members: [ { id: 352435, user: { id: 100500, name: 'Andrey' }, slot: { id: 200425, rank_id: 1 } }, { id: 235433, user: { id: 100501, name: 'Anton' }, slot: { id: 200426, rank_id: 2 } }, ], }); var serializedTeam1 = { id: 1, name: 'Team 1', vehicle_id: 123, members_attributes: [{id: 352435, user_id: 100500, slot_attributes: { id: 200425, rank_id: 1 }}, {id: 235433, user_id: 100501, slot_attributes: { id: 200426, rank_id: 2 }}], }; expect(Team.config.serializer.serialize(team1)).toEqual(serializedTeam1); })); }); }); });