Class UpdateCheckResults

  extended by

public class UpdateCheckResults
extends java.lang.Object

Makes information about the local SDK version and the latest remote version available.

Nested Class Summary
static class UpdateCheckResults.VersionComparator
          VersionComparator compares strings that represent dotted version numbers (e.g.
Method Summary
 Version getLocalVersion()
          Returns a Version for the current local SDK.
 Version getRemoteVersion()
          Returns a Version for the remote servers.
 boolean isApiVersionSupportedLocally(java.lang.String apiVersion)
          Returns true if apiVersion is supported by the local SDK.
 boolean isApiVersionSupportedRemotely(java.lang.String apiVersion)
          Returns true if apiVersion is supported on the server.
 boolean isLocalApiVersionNoLongerSupported()
          Returns true if the server does not support any of the API versions supported by the local SDK.
 boolean isNewerApiVersionAvailable()
          Returns true if the server supports a new API version that the local SDK does not.
 boolean isNewerReleaseAvailable()
          Returns true if there is a newer SDK release available on the remote server.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public Version getLocalVersion()
Returns a Version for the current local SDK.


public Version getRemoteVersion()
Returns a Version for the remote servers.


public boolean isNewerReleaseAvailable()
Returns true if there is a newer SDK release available on the remote server.


public boolean isNewerApiVersionAvailable()
Returns true if the server supports a new API version that the local SDK does not.


public boolean isLocalApiVersionNoLongerSupported()
Returns true if the server does not support any of the API versions supported by the local SDK.


public boolean isApiVersionSupportedRemotely(java.lang.String apiVersion)
Returns true if apiVersion is supported on the server.


public boolean isApiVersionSupportedLocally(java.lang.String apiVersion)
Returns true if apiVersion is supported by the local SDK.