module Consul module Controller def self.included(base) base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.send :extend, ClassMethods if ensure_power_initializer_present? if Rails.version.to_i < 4 base.before_filter :ensure_power_initializer_present else base.before_action :ensure_power_initializer_present end end end private def self.ensure_power_initializer_present? ['development', 'test', 'cucumber', 'in_memory'].include?(Rails.env) end module ClassMethods def current_power_initializer @current_power_initializer || (superclass.respond_to?(:current_power_initializer) && superclass.current_power_initializer) end def current_power_initializer=(initializer) @current_power_initializer = initializer end private def require_power_check(options = {}) if Rails.version.to_i < 4 before_filter :unchecked_power, options else before_action :unchecked_power, options end end # This is badly named, since it doesn't actually skip the :check_power filter def skip_power_check(options = {}) if Rails.version.to_i < 4 skip_before_filter :unchecked_power, options elsif Rails.version.to_i < 5 skip_before_action :unchecked_power, options else # Every `power` in a controller will skip the power check filter. After the 1st time, Rails 5+ will raise # an error because there is no `unchecked_power` action to skip any more. # To avoid this, we add the following extra option. Note that it must not be added in Rails 4 to avoid errors. # See skip_before_action :unchecked_power, { :raise => false }.merge!(options) end end def current_power(&initializer) self.current_power_initializer = initializer if Rails.version.to_i < 4 around_filter :with_current_power else around_action :with_current_power end if respond_to?(:helper_method) helper_method :current_power end end def consul_guards @consul_guards ||= [] end def power(*args) guard =*args) consul_guards << guard skip_power_check guard.filter_options # Store arguments for testing (@consul_power_args ||= []) << args if Rails.version.to_i < 4 before_filter :check_power, guard.filter_options else before_action :check_power, guard.filter_options end if guard.direct_access_method define_method guard.direct_access_method do guard.power_value(self, action_name) end private guard.direct_access_method end end end module InstanceMethods private define_method :check_power do self.class.send(:consul_guards).each do |guard| guard.ensure!(self, action_name) end end def unchecked_power raise Consul::UncheckedPower, "This controller does not check against a power" end def current_power @current_power_class && @current_power_class.current end def with_current_power(&action) power = instance_eval(&self.class.current_power_initializer) or raise Consul::Error, 'current_power initializer returned nil' @current_power_class = power.class @current_power_class.current = power ensure if @current_power_class @current_power_class.current = nil end end def ensure_power_initializer_present unless self.class.current_power_initializer.present? raise Consul::UnreachablePower, 'You included Consul::Controller but forgot to define a power using current_power do ... end' end end end end end