capabilities = Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'capabilities', '*.rb')) capabilities.each {|capability| require capability} module ExpressTemplates # Components provide self-contained reusable view code meant to be shared # within a project or across many projects through a library of components # module Components # Components::Base is the base class for ExpressTemplates view components. # # class Base < Arbre::Component def self.builder_method_and_class(method_name, klass) Arbre::Element::BuilderMethods.class_eval <<-EOF, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{method_name}(*args, &block) insert_tag ::#{}, *args, &block end EOF # puts "added #{method_name} -> #{}" end def initialize(*) super _default_attributes.each do |name, value| set_attribute(name, value) end add_class _default_classes end def self.contains(proc = nil, &block) define_method(:_build_body, &(proc || block)) end # Override the tag_name method for other than
def self.tag(tag) define_method(:tag_name) { tag } end # Provide default attributes for the enclosing tag # of the component def self.has_attributes(attribs) self._default_classes = attribs.delete(:class) _default_attributes.merge!(attribs) end def self.before_build(proc_or_symbol = nil, &block) if proc_or_symbol.kind_of?(Symbol) define_method(:_before_build) do self.send(proc_or_symbol) end else define_method(:_before_build, &(proc_or_symbol || block)) end end def build(*args, &block) _extract_class!(args) _before_build if respond_to?(:_before_build) super(*args) { _build_body(&block) if respond_to?(:_build_body) } end def resource helpers.resource end def self.inherited(subclass) builder_method_and_class subclass.to_s.demodulize.underscore, subclass end protected def default_class_name end private def _extract_class!(args) add_class args.last.delete(:class) if args.last.try(:kind_of?, Hash) end def _default_attributes self.class._default_attributes end def self._default_attributes @default_attributes ||= {} end def _default_classes self.class._default_classes end def self._default_classes @default_classes ||= '' end def self._default_classes=(classes) @default_classes = classes end end end end