module IsoDoc class PresentationXMLConvert < ::IsoDoc::Convert def concept(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//concept")).each { |f| concept1(f) } end def concept1(node) xref = node&.at(ns("./xref/@target"))&.text or return concept_render(node, ital: node["ital"] || "true", ref: node["ref"] || "true", linkref: node["linkref"] || "true", linkmention: node["linkmention"] || "false") if"//definitions//dt[@id = '#{xref}']")) concept_render(node, ital: node["ital"] || "false", ref: node["ref"] || "false", linkref: node["linkref"] || "true", linkmention: node["linkmention"] || "false") else concept_render(node, ital: node["ital"] || "true", ref: node["ref"] || "true", linkref: node["linkref"] || "true", linkmention: node["linkmention"] || "false") end end def concept_render(node, opts) node&.at(ns("./refterm"))&.remove r ="./renderterm")) ref ="./xref | ./eref | ./termref")) ref && opts[:ref] != "false" and r&.next = " " opts[:ital] == "true" and r&.name = "em" if opts[:linkmention] == "true" && !r.nil? && !ref.nil? ref2 = ref.clone r2 = r.clone r.replace(ref2).children = r2 end concept1_ref(node, ref, opts) if opts[:ital] == "false" r =".//renderterm")) r&.replace(r&.children) end node.replace(node.children) end def concept1_ref(_node, ref, opts) ref.nil? and return return ref.remove if opts[:ref] == "false" r = concept1_ref_content(ref) ref ="./descendant-or-self::xmlns:xref | "\ "./descendant-or-self::xmlns:eref | "\ "./descendant-or-self::xmlns:termref") %w(xref eref).include? ref&.name and get_linkend(ref) if opts[:linkref] == "false" && %w(xref eref).include?(ref&.name) ref.replace(ref.children) end end def concept1_ref_content(ref) if non_locality_elems(ref).select do |c| !c.text? || /\S/.match(c) end.empty? ref.replace(@i18n.term_defined_in.sub(/%/, ref.to_xml)) else ref.replace("[#{ref.to_xml}]") end end end end