module ActiveAdmin module Views # = Index as a Sortable List or Tree class IndexAsSortable < ActiveAdmin::Component def build(page_presenter, collection) @page_presenter = page_presenter @collection = if tree? roots else collection end @collection = @collection.sort_by do |a| a.send(options[:sorting_attribute]) || 1 end @resource_name = active_admin_config.resource_name.to_s.underscore.parameterize('_') # Call the block passed in. This will set the # title and body methods instance_eval &page_presenter.block if page_presenter.block add_class "index" build_list end def self.index_name; "sortable"; end def options active_admin_config.dsl.sortable_options end def roots roots_collection || default_roots_collection end # Find the roots by calling the roots method directly on the resource. # This effectively performs: # # TreeNode.roots # => [#, ... ] # # Returns collection of roots. def default_roots_collection resource_class.send(options[:roots_method]) end # Use user-defined logic to find the root nodes. This executes a callable # object within the context of the resource's controller. # # Example # # options[:roots_collection] = proc { current_user.tree_nodes.roots } # # Returns collection of roots. def roots_collection if (callable = options[:roots_collection]) controller.instance_exec(&callable) end end def tree? !!options[:tree] end # Setter method for the configuration of the label def label(method = nil, &block) if block_given? || method @label = block_given? ? block : method end @label end # Adds links to View, Edit and Delete def actions(options = {}, &block) options = { :defaults => true }.merge(options) @default_actions = options[:defaults] @other_actions = block end protected def build_list resource_selection_toggle_panel if active_admin_config.batch_actions.any? ol sortable_data_options do @collection.each do |item| build_nested_item(item) end end end def sortable_data_options return {} if !sortable? sort_url = if (( sort_url_block = options[:sort_url] )) else url_for(:action => :sort) end { "data-sortable-type" => tree? ? "tree" : "list", "data-sortable-url" => sort_url, "data-max-levels" => options[:max_levels], "data-start-collapsed" => options[:start_collapsed], "data-protect-root" => options[:protect_root], } end def sortable? if (sortable = options[:sortable]).respond_to? :call controller.instance_exec(&sortable) else sortable end end def build_nested_item(item) li :id => "#{@resource_name}_#{}" do div :class => "item " << cycle("odd", "even", :name => "list_class") do if active_admin_config.batch_actions.any? div :class => "cell left" do resource_selection_cell(item) end end if options[:collapsible] && item.send(options[:children_method]).any? span :class => :disclose do span end end h3 :class => "cell left" do call_method_or_proc_on(item, @label) end div :class => "cell right" do build_actions(item) end end ol do item.send(options[:children_method]).order(options[:sorting_attribute]).each do |c| build_nested_item(c) end end if tree? end end def build_actions(resource) links = ''.html_safe if @default_actions if controller.action_methods.include?('show') && authorized?(ActiveAdmin::Auth::READ, resource) links << link_to(I18n.t('active_admin.view'), resource_path(resource), :class => "member_link view_link") end if controller.action_methods.include?('edit') && authorized?(ActiveAdmin::Auth::UPDATE, resource) links << link_to(I18n.t('active_admin.edit'), edit_resource_path(resource), :class => "member_link edit_link") end if controller.action_methods.include?('destroy') && authorized?(ActiveAdmin::Auth::DESTROY, resource) links << link_to(I18n.t('active_admin.delete'), resource_path(resource), :method => :delete, :data => {:confirm => I18n.t('active_admin.delete_confirmation')}, :class => "member_link delete_link") end end links << instance_exec(resource, &@other_actions) if @other_actions links end end end end