module Nesta module View module Helpers def set_from_config(*variables) variables.each do |var| instance_variable_set("@#{var}", Nesta::Config.send(var)) end end def set_from_page(*variables) variables.each do |var| instance_variable_set("@#{var}", @page.send(var)) end end def no_widow(text) text.split[0...-1].join(" ") + " #{text.split[-1]}" end def set_common_variables @menu_items = Nesta::Menu.for_path('/') @site_title = Nesta::Config.title set_from_config(:title, :subtitle, :google_analytics_code) @heading = @title end def absolute_urls(text) text.gsub!(/( 0 haml_tag :link, href: path_to("/css/#{name}.css"), rel: "stylesheet" end end def latest_articles(count = 8) Nesta::Page.find_articles[0..count - 1] end def article_summaries(articles) haml(:summaries, layout: false, locals: { pages: articles }) end def articles_heading @page.metadata('articles heading') || "Articles on #{@page.heading}" end # Generates the full path to a given page, taking Rack routers and # reverse proxies into account. # # Takes an options hash with a single option called `uri`. Set it # to `true` if you'd like the publicly accessible URI for the # path, rather than just the path relative to the site's root URI. # The default is `false`. # # path_to(page.abspath, uri: true) # def path_to(page_path, options = {}) host = '' if options[:uri] host << "http#{'s' if request.ssl?}://" if (request.env.include?("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST") or request.port != (request.ssl? ? 443 : 80)) host << request.host_with_port else host << end end uri_parts = [host] uri_parts << request.script_name.to_s if request.script_name uri_parts << page_path File.join(uri_parts) end end end end