/* * Copyright (c) 2002, Darren Hiebert * * This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the * GNU General Public License version 2 or (at your option) any later version. * * External interface to routines.c */ #ifndef CTAGS_MAIN_ROUTINES_H #define CTAGS_MAIN_ROUTINES_H /* * INCLUDE FILES */ #include "general.h" /* must always come first */ #include #include "mio.h" /* * MACROS */ #define xMalloc(n,Type) (Type *)eMalloc((size_t)(n) * sizeof (Type)) #define xCalloc(n,Type) (Type *)eCalloc((size_t)(n), sizeof (Type)) #define xRealloc(p,n,Type) (Type *)eRealloc((p), (n) * sizeof (Type)) #define ARRAY_SIZE(X) (sizeof (X) / sizeof (X[0])) #define ARRAY_AND_SIZE(X) (X), ARRAY_SIZE(X) #define STRINGIFY(X) STRINGIFY_(X) #define STRINGIFY_(X) #X /* * Portability macros */ #ifndef PATH_SEPARATOR # if defined (MSDOS_STYLE_PATH) # define PATH_SEPARATOR '\\' # else # define PATH_SEPARATOR '/' # endif #endif #if defined (MSDOS_STYLE_PATH) && defined (UNIX_PATH_SEPARATOR) # define OUTPUT_PATH_SEPARATOR '/' #else # define OUTPUT_PATH_SEPARATOR PATH_SEPARATOR #endif /* * DATA DECLARATIONS */ #if defined (MSDOS_STYLE_PATH) extern const char *const PathDelimiters; #endif extern char *CurrentDirectory; typedef int errorSelection; enum eErrorTypes { FATAL = 1, WARNING = 2, PERROR = 4 }; typedef struct { /* Name of file for which status is valid */ char* name; /* Does file exist? If not, members below do not contain valid data. */ bool exists; /* is file path a symbolic link to another file? */ bool isSymbolicLink; /* Is file (pointed to) a directory? */ bool isDirectory; /* Is file (pointed to) a normal file? */ bool isNormalFile; /* Is file (pointed to) executable? */ bool isExecutable; /* Is file (pointed to) setuid? */ bool isSetuid; /* Is file (pointed to) setgid? */ bool isSetgid; /* Size of file (pointed to) */ unsigned long size; } fileStatus; /* * FUNCTION PROTOTYPES */ extern void freeRoutineResources (void); extern void setExecutableName (const char *const path); extern const char *getExecutableName (void); extern const char *getExecutablePath (void); extern void error (const errorSelection selection, const char *const format, ...) CTAGS_ATTR_PRINTF (2, 3); /* Memory allocation functions */ #ifdef NEED_PROTO_MALLOC extern void *malloc (size_t); extern void *realloc (void *ptr, size_t); #endif extern void *eMalloc (const size_t size); extern void *eCalloc (const size_t count, const size_t size); extern void *eRealloc (void *const ptr, const size_t size); extern void eFree (void *const ptr); /* String manipulation functions */ extern int struppercmp (const char *s1, const char *s2); extern int strnuppercmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n); #ifndef HAVE_STRSTR extern char* strstr (const char *str, const char *substr); #endif extern char* strrstr (const char *str, const char *substr); extern char* eStrdup (const char* str); extern char* eStrndup (const char* str, size_t len); extern void toLowerString (char* str); extern void toUpperString (char* str); extern char* newLowerString (const char* str); extern char* newUpperString (const char* str); extern bool strToUInt(const char *const str, int base, unsigned int *value); extern bool strToULong(const char *string, int base, unsigned long *value); extern bool strToInt(const char *const str, int base, int *value); extern bool strToLong(const char *string, int base, long *value); /* File system functions */ extern void setCurrentDirectory (void); extern fileStatus *eStat (const char *const fileName); extern void eStatFree (fileStatus *status); extern bool doesFileExist (const char *const fileName); extern bool doesExecutableExist (const char *const fileName); extern bool isRecursiveLink (const char* const dirName); extern bool isSameFile (const char *const name1, const char *const name2); extern const char *baseFilename (const char *const filePath); extern const char *fileExtension (const char *const fileName); extern bool isAbsolutePath (const char *const path); extern char *combinePathAndFile (const char *const path, const char *const file); extern char* absoluteFilename (const char *file); extern char* absoluteDirname (char *file); extern char* relativeFilename (const char *file, const char *dir); extern MIO *tempFile (const char *const mode, char **const pName); extern char* baseFilenameSansExtensionNew (const char *const fileName, const char *const templateExt); #endif /* CTAGS_MAIN_ROUTINES_H */