o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1355470614.793782:@value"–K{I"
class:EFI"ProcessedAsset; FI"logical_path; FI"-mercury/dependencies/jquery.htmlClean.js; FI"
pathname; FI"ƒ/Users/brownjohn/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/gems/mercury-rails-0.8.0/app/assets/javascripts/mercury/dependencies/jquery.htmlClean.js; FI"content_type; FI"application/javascript; FI"
mtime; FI"2012-08-08T16:13:36+08:00; FI"length; FiÉGI"digest; F"%65d2e64b9860a785af20226bc9075bc1I"source; FI"ÉG/*
HTML Clean for jQuery
Anthony Johnston
version 1.2.3
$Revision: 51 $
requires jQuery http://jquery.com
Use and distibution http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
2010-04-02 allowedTags/removeTags added (white/black list) thanks to David Wartian (Dwartian)
2010-06-30 replaceStyles added for replacement of bold, italic, super and sub styles on a tag
2010-07-01 notRenderedTags added, where tags are to be removed but their contents are kept
(function ($) {
$.fn.htmlClean = function (options) {
// iterate and html clean each matched element
return this.each(function () {
if (this.value) {
this.value = $.htmlClean(this.value, options);
} else {
this.innerHTML = $.htmlClean(this.innerHTML, options);
// clean the passed html
$.htmlClean = function (html, options) {
options = $.extend({}, $.htmlClean.defaults, options);
var tagsRE = /<(\/)?(\w+:)?([\w]+)([^>]*)>/gi;
var attrsRE = /(\w+)=(".*?"|'.*?'|[^\s>]*)/gi;
var tagMatch;
var root = new Element();
var stack = [root];
var container = root;
if (options.bodyOnly) {
// check for body tag
if (tagMatch = /
]*>((\n|.)*)<\/body>/i.exec(html)) {
html = tagMatch[1];
html = html.concat(""); // ensure last element/text is found
var lastIndex;
while (tagMatch = tagsRE.exec(html)) {
var tag = new Tag(tagMatch[3], tagMatch[1], tagMatch[4], options);
// add the text
var text = html.substring(lastIndex, tagMatch.index);
if (text.length > 0) {
var child = container.children[container.children.length - 1];
if (container.children.length > 0 && isText(child = container.children[container.children.length - 1])) {
// merge text
container.children[container.children.length - 1] = child.concat(text);
} else {
lastIndex = tagsRE.lastIndex;
if (tag.isClosing) {
// find matching container
if (pop(stack, [tag.name])) {
container = stack[stack.length - 1];
} else {
// create a new element
var element = new Element(tag);
// add attributes
var attrMatch;
while (attrMatch = attrsRE.exec(tag.rawAttributes)) {
// check style attribute and do replacements
if (attrMatch[1].toLowerCase() == "style" && options.replaceStyles) {
var renderParent = !tag.isInline;
for (var i = 0; i < options.replaceStyles.length; i++) {
if (options.replaceStyles[i][0].test(attrMatch[2])) {
if (!renderParent) {
tag.render = false;
renderParent = true;
container.children.push(element); // assumes not replaced
container = element; // assumes replacement is a container
// create new tag and element
tag = new Tag(options.replaceStyles[i][1], "", "", options);
element = new Element(tag);
if (tag.allowedAttributes != null
&& (tag.allowedAttributes.length == 0
|| $.inArray(attrMatch[1], tag.allowedAttributes) > -1)) {
element.attributes.push(new Attribute(attrMatch[1], attrMatch[2]));
// add required empty ones
$.each(tag.requiredAttributes, function () {
var name = this.toString();
if (!element.hasAttribute(name)) element.attributes.push(new Attribute(name, ""));
// check for replacements
for (var repIndex = 0; repIndex < options.replace.length; repIndex++) {
for (var tagIndex = 0; tagIndex < options.replace[repIndex][0].length; tagIndex++) {
var byName = typeof (options.replace[repIndex][0][tagIndex]) == "string";
if ((byName && options.replace[repIndex][0][tagIndex] == tag.name)
|| (!byName && options.replace[repIndex][0][tagIndex].test(tagMatch))) {
// don't render this tag
tag.render = false;
container = element;
// render new tag, keep attributes
tag = new Tag(options.replace[repIndex][1], tagMatch[1], tagMatch[4], options);
element = new Element(tag);
element.attributes = container.attributes;
repIndex = options.replace.length; // break out of both loops
// check container rules
var add = true;
if (!container.isRoot) {
if (container.tag.isInline && !tag.isInline) {
add = false;
} else if (container.tag.disallowNest && tag.disallowNest
&& !tag.requiredParent) {
add = false;
} else if (tag.requiredParent) {
if (add = pop(stack, tag.requiredParent)) {
container = stack[stack.length - 1];
if (add) {
if (tag.toProtect) {
// skip to closing tag
var tagMatch2 = null;
while (tagMatch2 = tagsRE.exec(html)) {
var tag2 = new Tag(tagMatch2[3], tagMatch2[1], tagMatch2[4], options);
if (tag2.isClosing && tag2.name == tag.name) {
lastIndex = tagsRE.lastIndex;
} else {
// set as current container element
if (!tag.isSelfClosing && !tag.isNonClosing) {
container = element;
// render doc
return render(root, options).join("");
// defaults
$.htmlClean.defaults = {
// only clean the body tagbody
bodyOnly: true,
// only allow tags in this array, (white list), contents still rendered
allowedTags: [],
// remove tags in this array, (black list), contents still rendered
removeTags: ["basefont", "center", "dir", "font", "frame", "frameset", "iframe", "isindex", "menu", "noframes", "s", "strike", "u"],
// array of attribute names to remove on all elements in addition to those not in tagAttributes e.g ["width", "height"]
removeAttrs: [],
// array of [className], [optional array of allowed on elements] e.g. [["class"], ["anotherClass", ["p", "dl"]]]
allowedClasses: [],
// tags not rendered, contents remain
notRenderedTags: [],
// format the result
format: false,
// format indent to start on
formatIndent: 0,
// tags to replace, and what to replace with, tag name or regex to match the tag and attributes
replace: [
["b", "big"],
// styles to replace with tags, multiple style matches supported, inline tags are replaced by the first match blocks are retained
replaceStyles: [
[/font-weight:\s*bold/i, "strong"],
[/font-style:\s*italic/i, "em"],
[/vertical-align:\s*super/i, "sup"],
[/vertical-align:\s*sub/i, "sub"]
function applyFormat(element, options, output, indent) {
if (!element.tag.isInline && output.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < indent; i++) output.push("\t");
function render(element, options) {
var output = [],
empty = element.attributes.length == 0,
indent = 0,
outputChildren = null;
// don't render if not in allowedTags or in removeTags
var renderTag
= element.tag.render
&& (options.allowedTags.length == 0 || $.inArray(element.tag.name, options.allowedTags) > -1)
&& (options.removeTags.length == 0 || $.inArray(element.tag.name, options.removeTags) == -1);
if (!element.isRoot && renderTag) {
// render opening tag
$.each(element.attributes, function () {
if ($.inArray(this.name, options.removeAttrs) == -1) {
var m = new RegExp(/^(['"]?)(.*?)['"]?$/).exec(this.value);
var value = m[2];
var valueQuote = m[1] || "'";
// check for classes allowed
if (this.name == "class") {
value =
$.grep(value.split(" "), function (c) {
return $.grep(options.allowedClasses,
function (a) {
return a[0] == c && (a.length == 1 || $.inArray(element.tag.name, a[1]) > -1);
}).length > 0;
.join(" ");
valueQuote = "'";
if (value != null && (value.length > 0 || $.inArray(this.name, element.tag.requiredAttributes) > -1)) {
output.push(" ");
if (element.tag.isSelfClosing) {
// self closing
if (renderTag) output.push(" />");
empty = false;
} else if (element.tag.isNonClosing) {
empty = false;
} else {
if (!element.isRoot && renderTag) {
// close
indent = options.formatIndent++;
// render children
if (element.tag.toProtect) {
outputChildren = $.htmlClean.trim(element.children.join("")).replace(/
/ig, "\n");
empty = outputChildren.length == 0;
} else {
outputChildren = [];
for (var i = 0; i < element.children.length; i++) {
var child = element.children[i];
var text = $.htmlClean.trim(textClean(isText(child) ? child : child.childrenToString()));
if (isInline(child)) {
if (i > 0 && text.length > 0
&& (startsWithWhitespace(child) || endsWithWhitespace(element.children[i - 1]))) {
outputChildren.push(" ");
if (isText(child)) {
if (text.length > 0) {
} else {
// don't allow a break to be the last child
if (i != element.children.length - 1 || child.tag.name != "br") {
if (options.format) applyFormat(child, options, outputChildren, indent);
outputChildren = outputChildren.concat(render(child, options));
if (outputChildren.length > 0) {
if (options.format && outputChildren[0] != "\n") applyFormat(element, options, output, indent);
output = output.concat(outputChildren);
empty = false;
if (!element.isRoot && renderTag) {
// render the closing tag
if (options.format) applyFormat(element, options, output, indent - 1);
// check for empty tags
if (!element.tag.allowEmpty && empty) {
return [];
return output;
// find a matching tag, and pop to it, if not do nothing
function pop(stack, tagNameArray, index) {
index = index || 1;
if ($.inArray(stack[stack.length - index].tag.name, tagNameArray) > -1) {
return true;
} else if (stack.length - (index + 1) > 0
&& pop(stack, tagNameArray, index + 1)) {
return true;
return false;
// Element Object
function Element(tag) {
if (tag) {
this.tag = tag;
this.isRoot = false;
} else {
this.tag = new Tag("root");
this.isRoot = true;
this.attributes = [];
this.children = [];
this.hasAttribute = function (name) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.attributes.length; i++) {
if (this.attributes[i].name == name) return true;
return false;
this.childrenToString = function () {
return this.children.join("");
return this;
// Attribute Object
function Attribute(name, value) {
this.name = name;
this.value = value;
return this;
// Tag object
function Tag(name, close, rawAttributes, options) {
this.name = name.toLowerCase();
this.isSelfClosing = $.inArray(this.name, tagSelfClosing) > -1;
this.isNonClosing = $.inArray(this.name, tagNonClosing) > -1;
this.isClosing = (close != undefined && close.length > 0);
this.isInline = $.inArray(this.name, tagInline) > -1;
this.disallowNest = $.inArray(this.name, tagDisallowNest) > -1;
this.requiredParent = tagRequiredParent[$.inArray(this.name, tagRequiredParent) + 1];
this.allowEmpty = $.inArray(this.name, tagAllowEmpty) > -1;
this.toProtect = $.inArray(this.name, tagProtect) > -1;
this.rawAttributes = rawAttributes;
this.allowedAttributes = tagAttributes[$.inArray(this.name, tagAttributes) + 1];
this.requiredAttributes = tagAttributesRequired[$.inArray(this.name, tagAttributesRequired) + 1];
this.render = options && $.inArray(this.name, options.notRenderedTags) == -1;
return this;
function startsWithWhitespace(item) {
while (isElement(item) && item.children.length > 0) {
item = item.children[0]
return isText(item) && item.length > 0 && $.htmlClean.isWhitespace(item.charAt(0));
function endsWithWhitespace(item) {
while (isElement(item) && item.children.length > 0) {
item = item.children[item.children.length - 1]
return isText(item) && item.length > 0 && $.htmlClean.isWhitespace(item.charAt(item.length - 1));
function isText(item) {
return item.constructor == String;
function isInline(item) {
return isText(item) || item.tag.isInline;
function isElement(item) {
return item.constructor == Element;
function textClean(text) {
return text.replace(/ |\n/g, " ").replace(/\s\s+/g, " ");
// trim off white space, doesn't use regex
$.htmlClean.trim = function (text) {
return $.htmlClean.trimStart($.htmlClean.trimEnd(text));
$.htmlClean.trimStart = function (text) {
return text.substring($.htmlClean.trimStartIndex(text));
$.htmlClean.trimStartIndex = function (text) {
for (var start = 0; start < text.length - 1 && $.htmlClean.isWhitespace(text.charAt(start)); start++);
return start;
$.htmlClean.trimEnd = function (text) {
return text.substring(0, $.htmlClean.trimEndIndex(text));
$.htmlClean.trimEndIndex = function (text) {
for (var end = text.length - 1; end >= 0 && $.htmlClean.isWhitespace(text.charAt(end)); end--);
return end + 1;
// checks a char is white space or not
$.htmlClean.isWhitespace = function (c) {
return $.inArray(c, whitespace) != -1;
// tags which are inline
var tagInline = [
"a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "b", "big", "br", "button",
"caption", "cite", "code", "del", "em", "font",
"hr", "i", "input", "img", "ins", "label", "legend", "map", "q",
"samp", "select", "small", "span", "strong", "sub", "sup",
"tt", "var"];
var tagDisallowNest = ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "p", "th", "td"];
var tagAllowEmpty = ["th", "td"];
var tagRequiredParent = [
"li", ["ul", "ol"],
"dt", ["dl"],
"dd", ["dl"],
"td", ["tr"],
"th", ["tr"],
"tr", ["table", "thead", "tbody", "tfoot"],
"thead", ["table"],
"tbody", ["table"],
"tfoot", ["table"]
var tagProtect = ["script", "style", "pre", "code"];
// tags which self close e.g.
var tagSelfClosing = ["br", "hr", "img", "link", "meta"];
// tags which do not close
var tagNonClosing = ["!doctype", "?xml"];
// attributes allowed on tags
var tagAttributes = [
["class"], // default, for all tags not mentioned
"?xml", [],
"!doctype", [],
"a", ["accesskey", "class", "href", "name", "title", "rel", "rev", "type", "tabindex"],
"abbr", ["class", "title"],
"acronym", ["class", "title"],
"blockquote", ["cite", "class"],
"button", ["class", "disabled", "name", "type", "value"],
"del", ["cite", "class", "datetime"],
"form", ["accept", "action", "class", "enctype", "method", "name"],
"input", ["accept", "accesskey", "alt", "checked", "class", "disabled", "ismap", "maxlength", "name", "size", "readonly", "src", "tabindex", "type", "usemap", "value"],
"img", ["alt", "class", "height", "src", "width"],
"ins", ["cite", "class", "datetime"],
"label", ["accesskey", "class", "for"],
"legend", ["accesskey", "class"],
"link", ["href", "rel", "type"],
"meta", ["content", "http-equiv", "name", "scheme"],
"map", ["name"],
"optgroup", ["class", "disabled", "label"],
"option", ["class", "disabled", "label", "selected", "value"],
"q", ["class", "cite"],
"td", ["colspan", "rowspan"],
"th", ["colspan", "rowspan"],
"script", ["src", "type"],
"select", ["class", "disabled", "multiple", "name", "size", "tabindex"],
"style", ["type"],
"table", ["class", "summary"],
"textarea", ["accesskey", "class", "cols", "disabled", "name", "readonly", "rows", "tabindex"]
var tagAttributesRequired = [[], "img", ["alt"]];
// white space chars
var whitespace = ["Â ", " ", "\t", "\n", "\r", "\f"];
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