ENV['RDOCOPT'] = "-S -f html -T hanna" require 'rubygems' require 'rake' begin require 'jeweler' Jeweler::Tasks.new do |gemspec| gemspec.name = "authlogic_haapi" gemspec.summary = "Extension of the Authlogic library to add support for HTTP Auth with API Key (single access token)" gemspec.email = "joe@quantipay.com" gemspec.homepage = "http://github.com/quantipay/authlogic_haapi" gemspec.description = "This gem Extends the Authlogic library and allows using an API key (single access token) with active resource as the login method" gemspec.authors = ["Joe Scharf"] end rescue LoadError puts "Jeweler not available. Install it with: sudo gem install technicalpickles-jeweler -s http://gems.github.com" end