# frozen_string_literal: true require "pundit/version" require "pundit/policy_finder" require "active_support/concern" require "active_support/core_ext/string/inflections" require "active_support/core_ext/object/blank" require "active_support/core_ext/module/introspection" require "active_support/dependencies/autoload" # @api public module Pundit SUFFIX = "Policy".freeze # @api private module Generators; end # @api private class Error < StandardError; end # Error that will be raised when authorization has failed class NotAuthorizedError < Error attr_reader :query, :record, :policy def initialize(options = {}) if options.is_a? String message = options else @query = options[:query] @record = options[:record] @policy = options[:policy] message = options.fetch(:message) { "not allowed to #{query} this #{record.inspect}" } end super(message) end end # Error that will be raised if a policy or policy scope constructor is not called correctly. class InvalidConstructorError < Error; end # Error that will be raised if a controller action has not called the # `authorize` or `skip_authorization` methods. class AuthorizationNotPerformedError < Error; end # Error that will be raised if a controller action has not called the # `policy_scope` or `skip_policy_scope` methods. class PolicyScopingNotPerformedError < AuthorizationNotPerformedError; end # Error that will be raised if a policy or policy scope is not defined. class NotDefinedError < Error; end extend ActiveSupport::Concern class << self # Retrieves the policy for the given record, initializing it with the # record and user and finally throwing an error if the user is not # authorized to perform the given action. # # @param user [Object] the user that initiated the action # @param record [Object] the object we're checking permissions of # @param query [Symbol, String] the predicate method to check on the policy (e.g. `:show?`) # @param policy_class [Class] the policy class we want to force use of # @raise [NotAuthorizedError] if the given query method returned false # @return [Object] Always returns the passed object record def authorize(user, record, query, policy_class: nil) policy = policy_class ? policy_class.new(user, record) : policy!(user, record) raise NotAuthorizedError, query: query, record: record, policy: policy unless policy.public_send(query) record end # Retrieves the policy scope for the given record. # # @see https://github.com/varvet/pundit#scopes # @param user [Object] the user that initiated the action # @param scope [Object] the object we're retrieving the policy scope for # @raise [InvalidConstructorError] if the policy constructor called incorrectly # @return [Scope{#resolve}, nil] instance of scope class which can resolve to a scope def policy_scope(user, scope) policy_scope = PolicyFinder.new(scope).scope policy_scope.new(user, pundit_model(scope)).resolve if policy_scope rescue ArgumentError raise InvalidConstructorError, "Invalid #<#{policy_scope}> constructor is called" end # Retrieves the policy scope for the given record. # # @see https://github.com/varvet/pundit#scopes # @param user [Object] the user that initiated the action # @param scope [Object] the object we're retrieving the policy scope for # @raise [NotDefinedError] if the policy scope cannot be found # @raise [InvalidConstructorError] if the policy constructor called incorrectly # @return [Scope{#resolve}] instance of scope class which can resolve to a scope def policy_scope!(user, scope) policy_scope = PolicyFinder.new(scope).scope! policy_scope.new(user, pundit_model(scope)).resolve rescue ArgumentError raise InvalidConstructorError, "Invalid #<#{policy_scope}> constructor is called" end # Retrieves the policy for the given record. # # @see https://github.com/varvet/pundit#policies # @param user [Object] the user that initiated the action # @param record [Object] the object we're retrieving the policy for # @raise [InvalidConstructorError] if the policy constructor called incorrectly # @return [Object, nil] instance of policy class with query methods def policy(user, record) policy = PolicyFinder.new(record).policy policy.new(user, pundit_model(record)) if policy rescue ArgumentError raise InvalidConstructorError, "Invalid #<#{policy}> constructor is called" end # Retrieves the policy for the given record. # # @see https://github.com/varvet/pundit#policies # @param user [Object] the user that initiated the action # @param record [Object] the object we're retrieving the policy for # @raise [NotDefinedError] if the policy cannot be found # @raise [InvalidConstructorError] if the policy constructor called incorrectly # @return [Object] instance of policy class with query methods def policy!(user, record) policy = PolicyFinder.new(record).policy! policy.new(user, pundit_model(record)) rescue ArgumentError raise InvalidConstructorError, "Invalid #<#{policy}> constructor is called" end private def pundit_model(record) record.is_a?(Array) ? record.last : record end end # @api private module Helper def policy_scope(scope) pundit_policy_scope(scope) end end included do helper Helper if respond_to?(:helper) if respond_to?(:helper_method) helper_method :policy helper_method :pundit_policy_scope helper_method :pundit_user end end protected # @return [Boolean] whether authorization has been performed, i.e. whether # one {#authorize} or {#skip_authorization} has been called def pundit_policy_authorized? !!@_pundit_policy_authorized end # @return [Boolean] whether policy scoping has been performed, i.e. whether # one {#policy_scope} or {#skip_policy_scope} has been called def pundit_policy_scoped? !!@_pundit_policy_scoped end # Raises an error if authorization has not been performed, usually used as an # `after_action` filter to prevent programmer error in forgetting to call # {#authorize} or {#skip_authorization}. # # @see https://github.com/varvet/pundit#ensuring-policies-and-scopes-are-used # @raise [AuthorizationNotPerformedError] if authorization has not been performed # @return [void] def verify_authorized raise AuthorizationNotPerformedError, self.class unless pundit_policy_authorized? end # Raises an error if policy scoping has not been performed, usually used as an # `after_action` filter to prevent programmer error in forgetting to call # {#policy_scope} or {#skip_policy_scope} in index actions. # # @see https://github.com/varvet/pundit#ensuring-policies-and-scopes-are-used # @raise [AuthorizationNotPerformedError] if policy scoping has not been performed # @return [void] def verify_policy_scoped raise PolicyScopingNotPerformedError, self.class unless pundit_policy_scoped? end # Retrieves the policy for the given record, initializing it with the record # and current user and finally throwing an error if the user is not # authorized to perform the given action. # # @param record [Object] the object we're checking permissions of # @param query [Symbol, String] the predicate method to check on the policy (e.g. `:show?`). # If omitted then this defaults to the Rails controller action name. # @param policy_class [Class] the policy class we want to force use of # @raise [NotAuthorizedError] if the given query method returned false # @return [Object] Always returns the passed object record def authorize(record, query = nil, policy_class: nil) query ||= "#{action_name}?" @_pundit_policy_authorized = true policy = policy_class ? policy_class.new(pundit_user, record) : policy(record) raise NotAuthorizedError, query: query, record: record, policy: policy unless policy.public_send(query) record end # Allow this action not to perform authorization. # # @see https://github.com/varvet/pundit#ensuring-policies-and-scopes-are-used # @return [void] def skip_authorization @_pundit_policy_authorized = true end # Allow this action not to perform policy scoping. # # @see https://github.com/varvet/pundit#ensuring-policies-and-scopes-are-used # @return [void] def skip_policy_scope @_pundit_policy_scoped = true end # Retrieves the policy scope for the given record. # # @see https://github.com/varvet/pundit#scopes # @param scope [Object] the object we're retrieving the policy scope for # @param policy_scope_class [Class] the policy scope class we want to force use of # @return [Scope{#resolve}, nil] instance of scope class which can resolve to a scope def policy_scope(scope, policy_scope_class: nil) @_pundit_policy_scoped = true policy_scope_class ? policy_scope_class.new(pundit_user, scope).resolve : pundit_policy_scope(scope) end # Retrieves the policy for the given record. # # @see https://github.com/varvet/pundit#policies # @param record [Object] the object we're retrieving the policy for # @return [Object, nil] instance of policy class with query methods def policy(record) policies[record] ||= Pundit.policy!(pundit_user, record) end # Retrieves a set of permitted attributes from the policy by instantiating # the policy class for the given record and calling `permitted_attributes` on # it, or `permitted_attributes_for_{action}` if `action` is defined. It then infers # what key the record should have in the params hash and retrieves the # permitted attributes from the params hash under that key. # # @see https://github.com/varvet/pundit#strong-parameters # @param record [Object] the object we're retrieving permitted attributes for # @param action [Symbol, String] the name of the action being performed on the record (e.g. `:update`). # If omitted then this defaults to the Rails controller action name. # @return [Hash{String => Object}] the permitted attributes def permitted_attributes(record, action = action_name) policy = policy(record) method_name = if policy.respond_to?("permitted_attributes_for_#{action}") "permitted_attributes_for_#{action}" else "permitted_attributes" end pundit_params_for(record).permit(*policy.public_send(method_name)) end # Retrieves the params for the given record. # # @param record [Object] the object we're retrieving params for # @return [ActionController::Parameters] the params def pundit_params_for(record) params.require(PolicyFinder.new(record).param_key) end # Cache of policies. You should not rely on this method. # # @api private # rubocop:disable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName def policies @_pundit_policies ||= {} end # rubocop:enable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName # Cache of policy scope. You should not rely on this method. # # @api private # rubocop:disable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName def policy_scopes @_pundit_policy_scopes ||= {} end # rubocop:enable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName # Hook method which allows customizing which user is passed to policies and # scopes initialized by {#authorize}, {#policy} and {#policy_scope}. # # @see https://github.com/varvet/pundit#customize-pundit-user # @return [Object] the user object to be used with pundit def pundit_user current_user end private def pundit_policy_scope(scope) policy_scopes[scope] ||= Pundit.policy_scope!(pundit_user, scope) end end