// ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Kentucky.scss // // The goal of Kentucky is to do a majority of the heavy lifting // for you at the very start of a project. The styles and organization // required at the beginning of every project is done for you, just // fill in the variables! // // The table of contents below explains, briefly, what each import // does. // // Kentucky aims to be heavily documented to help you learn why or how // it's pieces work. More complex portions come with implemenation // examples. // // Copyright 2013 LookThink // Developed in part by: // Greg Bruening, Aaron Clemmer, and Chris Brinson // // WARNING: Variables set now are being used throughout the entirety // of Kentucky. Any custom, project-related styles SHOULD NOT be added // or modified in Kentucky diretcly, but added via a separate theme // folder/files. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Contents // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Imports Begin importing the sections below // Defaults All variable values set here // Normalize Nicolas Gallagher's normalize.css, sassy style // Clearfix Set some defaults // Mixins Super-simple SCSS stuff // Main High-level elements like `html`, `body`, etc. // Headings Double-stranded heading hierarchy // Smallprint Smaller text elements like `small` // Lists Basic list styles and extends // Abstraction details here // Brand Helper class to apply brand treatment to elements // Helpers A series of helper classes to use arbitrarily // Debug Enable to add visual flags for debugging purposes // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Generic utility styles // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // @import "defaults"; @import "generic/normalize"; @import "generic/clearfix"; @import "generic/mixins"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Base styles; unclassed HTML elements // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // @import "base/main"; @import "base/headings"; @import "base/smallprint"; @import "base/lists"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Objects and abstractions // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // @import "objects/media"; @import "objects/breadcrumb"; @import "objects/split"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Style trumps; helper and brand classes // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // @import "generic/brand"; @import "generic/helpers"; @import "generic/debug";