# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Since version 2.0.0, the format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed ### Removed ## [2.0.6] - 2024-04-25 ([tag][2.0.6t]) ### Added * Appraisals & Combustion for comprehensive testing across versions of Rails (@pboling) * Rails 3.0 to Test Matrix (@pboling) * Rails 3.1 to Test Matrix (@pboling) * Rails 3.2 to Test Matrix (@pboling) * Rails 4.0 to Test Matrix (@pboling) * Rails 4.1 to Test Matrix (@pboling) * Rails 4.2 to Test Matrix (@pboling) * Rails 5.0 to Test Matrix (@pboling) * Rails 5.1 to Test Matrix (@pboling) * More Documentation (@pboling) ### Fixed * Compatibility with Rails 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 (@pboling) * Compatibility with Rails 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.1 (@pboling) ## [2.0.5] - 2024-04-18 ([tag][2.0.5t]) ### Added * New RSpec matcher (@pboling) * `have_bcc_username` * Feature #21 - environment configuration option can now be set to proc / lambda / #call (@pboling) * Documentation of all configuration options in README.md (@pboling) * Many more tests * Confirmed compatibility with [`sendgrid-actionmailer`](https://github.com/eddiezane/sendgrid-actionmailer) * Code coverage up to 90% ### Changed * Averted deprecation warnings when using Rails 6 (@pboling) ## Fixed * Bug #37 - Unable to send email when only CC or BCC present ## [2.0.4] - 2024-03-22 ([tag][2.0.4t]) ### Added * [#74](https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/pull/74) Support sanitizing SendGrid personalization fields (@joeyparis) * mail gem dependency (@pboling) * version_gem dependency (@pboling) * new RSpec Matchers (@pboling) * `have_sanitized_to_header` * `have_sanitized_cc_header` * Contributor [CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) (@pboling) * Security Policy in [SECURITY.md](SECURITY.md) (@pboling) * More documentation (@pboling) ### Changed * Switched from Travis-CI to GitHub Actions * Testing for ### Fixed * [#64](https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/issues/64) Automatically dedup recipients in cascading fashion: To > CC > BCC (@pboling) * Set sanitized email headers with decoded values from Mail gem ### Removed * Dependency on git in gemspec (@pboling) * Coveralls development gem dependecy ## [2.0.3] - 2018-09-08 ([tag][2.0.3t]) ### Changed * Nothing ## [2.0.2] - 2018-09-08 ([tag][2.0.2t]) ### Added * More and fixed badges (@pboling) * Code Coverage reporting (@pboling) ### Changed * begin following SemVer for dependency requirements (@pboling) ### Fixed * [#47](https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/pull/47) Don't use #prepend on subject (@mslade-fairfax) ### Removed * Ability to install on Ruby 2.2 (@pboling) ## [2.0.1] - 2018-03-07 ([tag][2.0.1t]) ### Fixed * [#32](https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/pull/32) A better fix for the frozen subject bug (@pboling) ### Removed * Ruby 2.2 is really no longer supported (@pboling) ## [2.0.0] - 2018-03-07 ([tag][2.0.0t]) ### Added * Add testing for Rails 5.1 and 5.2 (@pboling) * More and fixed badges (@pboling) ### Changed * Drop support for MRI Ruby 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 (@pboling) * Drop support for JRuby 1.7 and 9.0, while still supporting 9.1 (@pboling) * Drop support for Rails 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, while still supporting 4.2 (@pboling) ### Fixed * Frozen subject bug (@pboling) ### Removed * Ruby 2.2 is no longer supported (@pboling) Version 1.2.2 - FEB.20.2017 * Improve handling of frozen strings, which are becoming more common (@milgner) Version 1.2.1 - NOV.03.2016 * Fix bug where non-array to address would not get prepended to subject when that feature is turned on * SanitizeEmail::TestHelpers::UnexpectedMailType no longer raised by SanitizeEmail::RspecMatchers (a breaking change if you were depending on that for your specs to pass) * SanitizeEmail::RspecMatchers are now fully composed Rspec Matchers with much improved spec failure output * Many linting improvements * Added Rails 5.0 to test matrix - but is only tested on travis against 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 - Rails versions tested are now 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 5.0 - Runtime code might still be compatible with ruby 1.8.7, should be compatible with 1.9.3 - Specs suite should still run 1.9.3 if you want to run them manually Version 1.2.0 - JUL.24.2016 * No longer registers instance of SanitizeEmail::Bleach to avoid the dev env reloading problem (fixes #12) * Instead registers SanitizeEmail::Bleach class. * Deprecate sending arguments to SanitizeEmail::Bleach.new Version 1.1.7 - AUG.30.2015 * No API changes * General improvement to the code base by Peter Boling - small refactorings - documentation - setup reek properly - Fixed travis build matrix, added latest Ruby and Rails, and bumped patch releases Version 1.1.6 - AUG.29.2015 * spec run as default rake task & improve Rakefile syntax by Peter Boling * prevent direct configuration via `DEFAULTS` from working, as that is not the API by Peter Boling * better gem summary: "Email Condom for your Ruby Server" by Peter Boling * Improve specs and spec config by Peter Boling Version 1.1.5 - MAR.10.2015 * Refactored `prepend_subject_array` by Scott Rocher * Specs for prepending to subject by Scott Rocher * Fix spec examples by Peter Boling * Update Readme by Theo Bittencourt Version 1.1.4 - JAN.06.2014 * Another attempt at not breaking when subject is nil by Peter Boling Version 1.1.3 - JAN.06.2014 * Allow specification of environment when outside Rails by Peter Boling Version 1.1.2 - JAN.06.2014 * Don't break when subject is nil by Peter Boling Version 1.1.1 - DEC.30.2013 * Cribbed have_body_text from email_spec gem by Peter Boling * Cribbed have_header from email_spec gem by Peter Boling * Cribbed MailExt from email_spec gem by Peter Boling * All Rspec Matchers now working by Peter Boling * All Test Helpers now working by Peter Boling * All internal tests now use the matchers and helpers of sanitize_email by Peter Boling * Development dependency on email_spec gem removed by Peter Boling * Travis is getting barfy on my 1.8.7 build (passes locally) by Peter Boling Version 1.1.0 - DEC.30.2013 * Add documentation for non-Rails setup by Peter Boling * Add documentation for using sanitize_email's bundled Rspec Matchers by Peter Boling * Add documentation for using sanitize_email's bundled Test Helpers by Peter Boling * Stopped using method_missing internally for config access by Peter Boling * Improved ease of setup with mail gem outside rails by auto-configuring the interceptor (default inactive) by Peter Boling Version 1.0.11 - DEC.30.2013 * Fix travis build by Peter Boling * Fix test suite to run on Ruby 1.8.7 again, add back to Travis by Peter Boling * Add mode badges to Readme by Peter Boling * Improve Readme by Peter Boling Version 1.0.10 - NOV.24.2013 * Expand test suite to test against all supported versions of ActionMailer and Railties gems by Peter Boling * Add Coveralls by Peter Boling * Fix Travis Build by Peter Boling * Stop using method missing when alternatives exist inside gem by Peter Boling Version 1.0.9 - AUG.31.2013 * \[Bug Fix\] More Fixes for #12 - Strange repeating headers, and repeated subject injection by Peter Boling Version 1.0.8 - AUG.30.2013 * \[Bug Fix\] Partial Fix for #12 - Strange repeating headers by Peter Boling * Lots of refactoring by Peter Boling * Properly supports when a to/cc field has multiple recipients sanitized and adds all to mail headers * Improved specs by Peter Boling Version 1.0.7 - AUG.06.2013 * \[Bug Fix\] Stripping the message headers before appending new headers. - In a scenario where there is a trailing space, adding the newline before we append results in a blank header which throws an error as illegal by Eric Musgrove * Minor updates to Gemspec by Peter Boling Version 1.0.6 - JAN.25.2013 * \[New Feature\] use_actual_environment_prepended_to_subject by [altonymous](https://github.com/Altonymous) Version 1.0.5 - DEC.20.2012 * Fixes Compatibility with Rails 3.0 by David Morton * Added header tests to ensure original header markers do not appear when sanitize is disabled by Harry Lascelles * Added tests and email_spec for have_header matcher by Harry Lascelles * Make activation_proc option a bit more configurable by Nikita Fedyashev * Adding message to engage proc, so we can sanitize on a message by message basis by Harry Lascelles * Allowing for nil ccs and bccs by Harry Lascelles * Adding original emails as headers, except for bcc by Harry Lascelles Version 1.0.4 - SEP.10.2012 * Removes facets dependency, upgrades to rspec v2.11 by Peter Boling * REEK refactoring by Peter Boling * Improve handling of mal-formed calls to (un)sanitary (raises error) by Peter Boling * code cleanup by Peter Boling * Put some examples back in the README, until I improve and link to the wiki. :/ Version 1.0.3 - AUG.12.2012 * Accidentally broke spec suite with 1.0.2 - fixed * Expanded spec suite * Split test_helpers from rspec_matchers (test_helpers may be useful in TestUnit * Moving Examples from README to wiki * Document and implement working deprecation of version 0's SanitizeEmail::Config.config[:force_sanitize] behavior * Now use SanitizeEmail.force_sanitize = true # or false or nil Version 1.0.2 - AUG.11.2012 * Massive improvement to spec suite, and found bleeding * needed to unregister the interceptors: * Mail.class_variable_get(:@@delivery_interceptors).pop * Added SanitizeEmail.deprecate_in_silence * Added SanitizeEmail.sanitary &block * Local overrides to SanitizeEmail config for specific local purpose * Force Sanitization On for a block * Added SanitizeEmail.unsanitary &block * Force Sanitization Off for a block * Added SanitizeEmail.force_sanitize = true # or false or nil * Force Sanitization On or Off Version 1.0.1 - Unintentional, unexpected bump behavior from gem-release gem (Issues #24 & #25) Version 1.0.0.rc3 - AUG.08.2012 * Forgot to switch from jeweler to gem-release, so making appropriate changes and bumping again * Aligning closer to bundler gem defaults * Removing Rails dependency - Should work with Sinatra, or any Mail-like interface * Added facets dependency to get cattr functionality (and hopefully other cool stuff) * Gem dependencies in gemspec Version 1.0.0.rc2 - AUG.08.2012 - botched * Bug: loading the gem in a rails app broke mailer specs in the app - Fixed * https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/issues/4 * Moved MIT-LICENSE to LICENSE, updated years * Added Travis-CI for... CI. Version 1.0.0.rc1 * Added a good_list and a bad_list (i.e. allowlist and blocklist) * Added Deprecation library * Refactored Sanitization module into Hook class * Renamed Hook Class to Bleach Class * Improve support for non-rails implementations * Deprecated local_environments in favor of local_environment_proc * Deprecated sanitized_recipients in favor of sanitized_to * More specs Version 1.0.0.alpha2 * Complete refactor! Implementing initial support for Rails >= 3.0 (new ActionMailer API) * Support for Rails <= 2.X remains in version 0.X.X releases. * NinthBit namespace is now SanitizeEmail namespace * Now has a first class Config class XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Rails 3.0+ Only From here on up! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Version 0.3.8 * Update specs, note requirement of Rails 2.3 or below to run spec quite. * Support use_actual_email_prepended_to_subject * Fix environment check for old versions of Rails * Improved Readme Version 0.3.7 * Improved Installation instructions * Fixed so tests run from inside a rails app (previously only ran standalone) Version 0.3.6 * Fixed Installation instructions * Improved README Old version? * Fixed require paths * added about.yml and this CHANGELOG [Unreleased]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/compare/v2.0.6...HEAD [2.0.6]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/compare/v2.0.5...v2.0.6 [2.0.6t]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/tags/v2.0.6 [2.0.5]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/compare/v2.0.4...v2.0.5 [2.0.5t]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/tags/v2.0.5 [2.0.4]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/compare/v2.0.3...v2.0.4 [2.0.4t]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/tags/v2.0.4 [2.0.3]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/compare/v2.0.2...v2.0.3 [2.0.3t]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/tags/v2.0.3 [2.0.2]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/compare/v2.0.1...v2.0.2 [2.0.2t]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/tags/v2.0.2 [2.0.1]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/compare/v2.0.0...v2.0.1 [2.0.1t]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/tags/v2.0.1 [2.0.0]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/compare/v1.2.2...v2.0.0 [2.0.0t]: https://github.com/pboling/sanitize_email/tags/v2.0.0