module Lockbox class Utils def self.build_box(context, options, table, attribute) options = options.except(:attribute, :encrypted_attribute, :migrating, :attached, :type) options[:encode] = false unless options.key?(:encode) options.each do |k, v| if v.respond_to?(:call) # context not present for pluck # still possible to use if not dependent on context options[k] = context ? context.instance_exec(&v) : elsif v.is_a?(Symbol) # context not present for pluck raise Error, "Not available since :#{k} depends on record" unless context options[k] = context.send(v) end end unless options[:key] || options[:encryption_key] || options[:decryption_key] options[:key] = Lockbox.attribute_key(table: table, attribute: attribute, master_key: options.delete(:master_key)) end if options[:previous_versions].is_a?(Array) options[:previous_versions] = options[:previous_versions].dup options[:previous_versions].each_with_index do |version, i| if !(version[:key] || version[:encryption_key] || version[:decryption_key]) && version[:master_key] options[:previous_versions][i] = version.merge(key: Lockbox.attribute_key(table: table, attribute: attribute, master_key: version.delete(:master_key))) end end end**options) end def self.encrypted_options(record, name) record.class.respond_to?(:lockbox_attachments) ? record.class.lockbox_attachments[name.to_sym] : nil end def self.decode_key(key, size: 32, name: "Key") if key.encoding != Encoding::BINARY && key =~ /\A[0-9a-f]{#{size * 2}}\z/i key = [key].pack("H*") end raise Lockbox::Error, "#{name} must be 32 bytes (64 hex digits)" if key.bytesize != size raise Lockbox::Error, "#{name} must use binary encoding" if key.encoding != Encoding::BINARY key end def self.encrypted?(record, name) !encrypted_options(record, name).nil? end def self.encrypt_attachable(record, name, attachable) io = nil ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("encrypt_file.lockbox", {name: name}) do options = encrypted_options(record, name) box = build_box(record, options, record.class.table_name, name) case attachable when ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile, Rack::Test::UploadedFile io = attachable attachable = { io: box.encrypt_io(io), filename: attachable.original_filename, content_type: attachable.content_type } when Hash io = attachable[:io] attachable = attachable.dup attachable[:io] = box.encrypt_io(io) else # TODO raise ArgumentError raise NotImplementedError, "Could not find or build blob: expected attachable, got #{attachable.inspect}" end # don't analyze encrypted data metadata = {"analyzed" => true} metadata["encrypted"] = true if options[:migrating] attachable[:metadata] = (attachable[:metadata] || {}).merge(metadata) end # set content type based on unencrypted data # keep synced with ActiveStorage::Blob#extract_content_type attachable[:io].extracted_content_type = Marcel::MimeType.for(io, name: attachable[:filename].to_s, declared_type: attachable[:content_type]) attachable end def self.decrypt_result(record, name, options, result) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("decrypt_file.lockbox", {name: name}) do Utils.build_box(record, options, record.class.table_name, name).decrypt(result) end end def self.rebuild_attachable(attachment) { io:, filename: attachment.filename, content_type: attachment.content_type } end end end