@import "reset.css.sass" @import "typo.css.scss" @import "functions.css.sass" $w1: #fff $k1: #000 $k2: #303030 $g1: #F5F5F5 $g2: #eee $g3: #E0E0E0 $g4: #C2C2C2 $g5: #7F7F7F $g6: #3e3e3e $b1: #38A5E9 $b2: #0F8FDD $b3: #2F4D7B $r1: #E93838 $r2: #fbb $orange: #ff9900 html min-width: 700px height: 100% overflow-y: scroll background: image-url('bhf/small_ajax_loader.gif') no-repeat -300px -300px, image-url('bhf/small_ajax_loader_h.gif') no-repeat -300px -300px, $k2 body min-width: 960px min-height: 100% -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased -moz-font-smoothing: antialiased -o-font-smoothing: antialiased -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale a text-decoration: none color: inherit &:focus, &:active outline: 0 header display: block overflow: hidden clear: both padding: 0 20px h1 float: right height: 83px overflow: hidden a padding: 16px 24px 0 0 display: block img display: block height: 50px nav padding-top: 25px .shrink_space li margin-right: 5px a padding-left: 19px padding-right: 19px li float: left font-weight: bold margin-right: 20px margin-bottom: 10px &.active a background: $g2 +box-shadow(0, 1, 4) color: $g6 &:hover background: $w1 color: $b2 border-color: $w1 a text-decoration: none display: block padding: 5px 23px color: $g2 &:hover background: $b1 color: $w1 +box-shadow(0, 1, 4) &:active background: $b2 .content_box margin: 10px 20px 20px 20px .dl .dt display: inline-block min-width: 200px color: $g5 a text-decoration: underline .text white-space: pre .default_table width: 100% td, th padding: 2px 5px thead th background: $g6 color: $g4 text-align: left tr &:hover td background: $g2 tbody td border-bottom: 1px solid $g2 &.no_content border-color: transparent background: transparent .font_size_bigger font-size: 1.2em .quick_edit_holder, #main display: table-cell overflow: hidden background: $g2 box-sizing: border-box +box-shadow(0, 1, 4, rgba($k1, 0.5)) .quick_edit_helper, #main > h3 padding: 9px 20px background: $g3 #area_select -webkit-appearance: none -moz-appearance: none -ms-appearance: none appearance: none outline: 0 border: 0 float: right padding: 4px border-radius: 0 width: 34px color: white text-indent: -300px margin-top: 32px font-size: 15px cursor: pointer background-color: transparent background-position: -393px 0 #content display: table width: 100% box-sizing: border-box form border-spacing: 20px h2, h3 color: $g6 h6 color: $g6 .quick_edit_holder &.collapsed width: 50px max-width: auto background: rgb(197, 197, 197) .quick_edit_helper display: none overflow-x: auto position: relative max-width: 400px width: 400px vertical-align: top padding: 0 form padding: 10px 20px margin-left: 0 padding-bottom: 10px .node, .input, .label display: block .input padding-top: 0 min-height: 31px textarea width: 300px height: 100px .group margin-top: 0 margin-bottom: 10px margin-left: 14px padding: 0 button border: none background-color: transparent color: inherit font: inherit margin: 0 float: left cursor: pointer padding: 6px 20px &:focus outline: 0 &.save_and_next border-left: 1px solid $b2 text-indent: -9999px background-position: -140px -40px width: 40px height: 40px &:focus, &:hover background-position: -140px -90px .quick_edit_helper > a &.cancel, &.open float: right margin-top: 10px margin-right: 10px &.cancel:hover background: $r1 &.save margin-right: 16px table.data_table margin-bottom: 40px width: 100% caption overflow: hidden height: 28px -moz-box-sizing: content-box padding: 10px 20px 10px 20px background: $g3 text-align: left h4, .info display: inline-block padding-bottom: 20px h4 color: $g6 .info margin: 0 20px 0 10px min-width: 290px text-transform: uppercase font-size: 12px color: $g5 white-space: nowrap strong color: $g6 form display: inline-block .create float: right td:first-child padding-left: 17px th:first-child padding-left: 20px thead th padding: 4px 0 padding-left: 3px text-align: left white-space: nowrap color: $g5 &.primary_key text-transform: uppercase &.sorted & a:after, &.desc:hover a:after content: ' ▲' &:hover a:after, &.desc a:after content: ' ▼' a:after color: $g4 &:hover a:after color: $b1 a color: $b1 th, td &.drag padding-left: 0px tbody td border-bottom: 1px solid $g3 &.has_many, &.has_and_belongs_to_many, &.text, &.primary_key.key_long max-width: 200px white-space: nowrap overflow: hidden a -webkit-mask-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, color-stop(70%,rgba($k1,1)), color-stop(95%,rgba($w1,0))) &.primary_key.key_long max-width: 50px &:hover max-width: none a -webkit-mask-image: none &.no_entries text-align: center text-transform: uppercase padding: 10px 0 color: $g5 a font-weight: bold display: inline a display: block padding: 5px 3px &.icon padding: 0 margin-right: 5px display: inline-block text-align: left .handle display: block tr &.animate td +transition-duration(.3) +transition-delay(.28) &:hover, &.live_edit td background: $b1 border-bottom-color: $b1 color: $w1 .duplicate background-position: -348px -50px &:hover background-position: -348px -100px .edit background-position: 0 -50px &:hover background-position: 0 -100px .delete background-position: -50px -50px &:hover background-position: -50px -100px .handle background-position: -98px -50px &:hover background-position: -98px -100px .duplicate, .edit, .delete &.clicked background: image-url('bhf/small_ajax_loader_h.gif') no-repeat center center &.live_edit td background: $b2 border-bottom-color: $b2 &.background_delete td background: $r1 border-bottom-color: $r1 &.dragged td opacity: 0.4 background-color: gray thead th.drag width: 24px tfoot td padding-top: 10px thead, tbody .primary_key, .number padding-right: 10px text-align: right .primary_key padding-left: 10px width: 30px .action padding-right: 15px width: 54px text-align: right &.wider width: 88px tbody .primary_key color: $g5 .icon text-indent: -9999px display: inline-block width: 20px height: 20px background: image-url('bhf/pictos.png') no-repeat &.duplicate, &.edit, &.delete &.clicked background: image-url('bhf/small_ajax_loader.gif') no-repeat center center &.duplicate width: 24px background-position: -348px 0 &.delete background-position: -50px 0 &.handle background-position: -98px 0 cursor: move .default_input border: 1px solid transparent background: $w1 +border-radius(2) padding: 2px 5px 2px 5px width: 300px +box-model min-height: 32px margin: 0 margin-bottom: 4px &:focus outline: 0 +transition-duration(1) box-shadow: 0 1px 12px $b2 -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 12px $b2 border-color: $b2 .preview_image @extend .default_input vertical-align: middle padding: 2px width: auto max-width: 400px max-height: 200px .search input[type="text"] @extend .default_input width: 200px min-height: 20px padding-top: 5px .quick_edit_holder .error_explanation margin-left: 0 form .node display: table-row &.primary_key .label text-transform: uppercase &.static .input padding-top: 5px .input, .label display: table-cell vertical-align: top .label width: 200px padding-top: 5px p, label display: block color: $g6 .field_with_errors color: $r1 .select_input .quick_edit.js_edit_field, .qe_delete.js_delete margin-left: 10px .plus_button margin-left: 20px .icon.edit position: relative top: -2px background-position: 0 -150px &.live_edit, &:hover background-position: 0 -200px .input input[type="file"] display: block padding: 3px 0 6px 0 input[type="password"], input[type="text"], .uploaded_image, .uploaded_file, textarea @extend .default_input input[name*="headline"], input[name*="title"], input[name*="name"] font-size: 18px width: 500px margin-top: -4px .quick_edit_holder & width: 320px margin-top: 0px textarea width: 500px height: 200px line-height: 20px &.wysiwyg height: 400px .errors color: $r1 .field_with_errors input border-color: $r1 [disabled] background: $g4 !important input[type="submit"], input[type="password"], input[type="text"], select, textarea, .uploaded_image, .uploaded_file, .mooeditable-container, .wmd-button-row, .map_canvas margin-left: -6px input[type="file"] margin-left: -5px select font-size: 16px margin-top: 5px input[type="checkbox"] margin-top: 9px .multiple_field, .array_fields display: block .uploaded_file, .uploaded_image padding: 2px width: auto max-width: 400px max-height: 200px margin-bottom: 5px display: block .uploaded_file overflow: hidden padding: 7px 5px 8px 7px background: $g5 color: $w1 &:hover background: $w1 color: $b1 .warning font-weight: bold input[type="submit"] margin-right: 20px input[type="submit"].alt_button background: $w1 color: $g5 font-weight: normal +transition-duration(0) &:active, &:hover color: $w1 .cancel color: $g5 &:hover color: $r1 .info font-style: italic font-size: 12px color: $g6 a text-decoration: underline .error_explanation margin-left: 20px label color: $r1 cursor: pointer display: block &:hover color: $orange .qe_button text-decoration: none background: white padding: 3px 6px border-radius: 4px display: inline-block margin-bottom: 8px &:hover color: white background-color: $b1 &.live_edit color: white background-color: $b2 border-color: $b2 &.animate +transition-duration(.3) &.plus_button font-size: 20px font-weight: bold padding: 0 8px 6px 8px line-height: 20px cursor: pointer .default_form_align margin-left: -6px a &[href='null'], &[href=''] opacity: 0.3 pointer-events: none .relation margin-left: -6px input margin-right: 5px li:hover .qe_delete opacity: 1 //+transition-duration(0.5) .qe_delete opacity: 0 .qe_delete font-size: 20px font-weight: bold padding: 0 8px 6px 8px line-height: 20px &:hover color: $r1 footer padding: 20px 0 60px 0 text-align: center color: gray font-size: 12px line-height: 20px a text-decoration: none &:hover text-decoration: underline input[type="submit"], .button &.disabled opacity: 0.4 cursor: pointer display: inline-block padding: 6px 20px margin: 20px 0 0 background: $b1 color: $w1 font-weight: bold font-size: 18px text-decoration: none border: 0 +border-radius(5) +transition-duration(0.3) +transition-property(background) &:hover background: $b2 &:focus, &:active outline: 0 background: $b2 &:active background: darken($b2, 5%) input[type="submit"].alt_button, .alt_button &.disabled opacity: 0.4 display: inline-block padding: 12px 50px +border-radius(4) text-decoration: none font-size: 13px cursor: pointer background: $g5 padding: 5px 10px color: $w1 border: 0 +transition-duration(0.3) &:hover background: $b1 text-decoration: none &:active background: darken($b2, 5%) &:focus outline: 0 #flash_massages position: fixed +transition-duration(0.6) bottom: -45px opacity: 0 width: 100% font-size: 1.2em &.show bottom: 0 opacity: 1 ul display: block padding: 15px 20px 15px 20px border: 1px solid $b1 background: $b1 color: $w1 .pagination .gap display: inline padding: 0 8px a, span, em @extend .alt_button span color: $g4 cursor: default &:hover background: $g5 border-color: $g5 .page_number background: transparent color: $g6 border-color: $g4 &:hover color: $w1 em font-style: normal font-weight: bold cursor: default background: $g6 .basic_info_list font-size: 20px font-weight: bold line-height: 40px color: $g6 li padding-left: 10px border-top: 1px solid $g4 +transition-duration &:first-child border: none &:hover +transition-duration(0) color: $b2 a +transition-duration(0) &:hover, &:hover + li border-color: $b1 a +transition-duration display: block @media (max-width: 960px) .default_columns thead th:nth-last-child(2), tbody td:nth-last-child(2), thead th:nth-last-child(3), tbody td:nth-last-child(3) display: none .mappin .map_canvas @extend .default_input height: 350px width: 500px // MooEditable @import "MooEditable.css.scss" .mooeditable-container @extend .default_input background: white border: 1px solid $g4 .toolbar-separator background: $g4 .mooeditable-ui-toolbar +border-radius(2) margin-top: 2px button background: white !important padding: 2px 4px 4px 4px !important &:hover background: $g4 !important .datepicker position: absolute width: 172px padding: 5px 10px background: $g2 border: 1px solid $g4 +border-radius(2) color: $b3 margin-top: -2px .header position: relative margin-bottom: 5px padding-bottom: 5px border-bottom: 1px solid $g4 .title padding-top: 3px text-align: center margin: 0 18px 0 18px .previous, .next, .closeButton position: absolute cursor: pointer overflow: hidden width: 12px top: 2px font-weight: bold &:hover color: $b2 .previous left: 4px .next right: 4px .closeButton display: none right: 0px top: 0px .titles font-weight: bold font-size: 12px .title.day color: $g4 .body position: relative top: 0px width: 170px height: 156px overflow: hidden > div margin-top: 2px margin-left: 2px .time position: relative width: 100% height: 100% .hour, .separator, .minutes position: absolute .hour, .minutes left: 23px font-size: 26px height: 48px width: 40px color: $g6 text-align: center @extend .default_input .separator width: 10px font-size: 34px left: 78px .minutes left: 103px .ok position: absolute cursor: pointer top: 46px left: 15px width: 134px @extend .alt_button font-size: 20px !important .days .day float: left text-align: center overflow: hidden width: 23px margin: 0 1px 1px 0 color: $g6 .day0 margin-right: 0 .week5 .day margin-bottom: 0 .week .day cursor: pointer &:hover +box-shadow(0, 0, 1, $b2) background-color: $w1 color: $b2 +border-radius(2) .otherMonth color: $g5 .selected +border-radius(2) background-color: $b2 color: $w1 +box-shadow(0, 0, 1, $w1) .months .month float: left cursor: pointer text-align: center margin-top: 2px padding-top: 3px padding-bottom: 3px width: 55px overflow: hidden margin: 0 1px 1px 0 .month3, .month6, .month9, .month12 margin-right: 0 .month10, .month11, .month12 margin-bottom: 0 .month:hover +box-shadow(0, 0, 1, $b2) background-color: $w1 color: $b2 .selected background-color: $b2 color: $w1 +box-shadow(0, 0, 1, $w1) .years .year float: left cursor: pointer text-align: center margin-top: 2px padding-top: 3px padding-bottom: 3px width: 32px font-size: 12px overflow: hidden margin: 0 1px 1px 0 .year4, .year9, .year14, .year19 margin-right: 0 .year15, .year16, .year17, .year18, .year19 margin-bottom: 0 .year:hover +box-shadow(0, 0, 1, $b2) background-color: $w1 color: $b2 .selected background-color: $b2 color: $w1 +box-shadow(0, 0, 1, $w1) .unavailable background: none !important color: $r2 !important cursor: default !important .hide display: none !important .float_left float: left .float_right float: right .clear clear: both .animate +transition-duration #ajax_holder text-indent: -9999px height: 60px opacity: 0 width: 120px margin-left: -60px position: fixed top: -50px left: 50% z-index: 4000 +border-bottom-radius(4) background: $b1 image-url('bhf/ajax_loader.gif') no-repeat center 16px +box-shadow(0, 3, 8, #333) +transition-duration(0.6) &.loading height: 100px opacity: 1 top: -4px &.failure background-image: none width: auto opacity: 1 top: 0 text-indent: 0px +transition-duration(0) height: auto color: white padding: 20px marign-left: -120px font-weight: bold .wmd-preview, .wmd-output @extend .default_input width: 700px margin: 0 -6px 0 -6px background-color: $w1 padding: 3px 5px 2px 5px margin-bottom: 10px line-height: 22px .wmd-panel width: 700px !important .wmd-preview img display: block ul, ol padding-left: 30px ul, ol, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p padding-bottom: 10px a text-decoration: underline color: $b2 font-weight: bold .preview_switch padding-right: 6px span float: right margin-left: 10px cursor: pointer &.active color: $b2 .wmd-output font-size: 12px line-height: 16px background: $g6 color: $w1 code font-family: Monaco,Consolas,"Andale Mono WT","Andale Mono","Lucida Console","Courier New",Courier,monospace white-space: pre-wrap .wmd-button-row width: 700px background: $w1 padding: 6px 5px 1px 5px @extend .default_input margin-bottom: 5px #main .wmd_editor height: 400px width: 700px .wmd-spacer width: 1px height: 20px margin-left: 14px position: absolute background-color: Silver display: inline-block list-style: none .wmd-button width: 20px height: 20px margin-left: 5px margin-right: 5px position: relative background-image: image-url('bhf/wmd-buttons.png') background-repeat: no-repeat display: inline-block list-style: none border: 1px solid transparent &:hover border-color: $g4 &:active border-color: $b2 .wmd-spacer width: 1px height: 20px margin-left: 7px margin-right: 7px position: relative background-color: $g4 display: inline-block list-style: none .wmd-button-row .wmd-bold-button background-position: 0px 0px .wmd-italic-button background-position: -20px 0 .wmd-link-button background-position: -40px 0 .wmd-quote-button background-position: -60px 0 .wmd-code-button background-position: -80px 0 .wmd-image-button background-position: -100px 0 .wmd-olist-button background-position: -120px 0 .wmd-ulist-button background-position: -140px 0 .wmd-heading-button background-position: -160px 0 .wmd-hr-button background-position: -180px 0 .wmd-undo-button background-position: -200px 0 .wmd-redo-button background-position: -220px 0 .wmd-help-button background-position: -240px 0 .wmd-prompt-background background-color: $k1 .wmd-prompt-dialog border: 1px solid $g5 background-color: $g1 > div font-size: 0.8em font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif > form input[type="text"] border: 0 color: black input[type="button"] border: 0 font-size: 0.8em font-weight: bold .translation_missing color: $r1 !important @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) .icon background-image: image-url('bhf/pictos_2x.png') background-size: 440px 260px