class Result attr_accessor :succeeded attr_accessor :error_message def initialize(testcase, response) @succeeded = true @testcase = testcase @response = response @error_message = nil end # honk out the errors message corresponding to the verbosity configuration the user took def honk_in(verbosity="rspec", index) self.send(verbosity.to_sym, index) end private # yields out rspec like error messages only in case of an error def rspec(index) if not @succeeded puts "\n\033[31mError\033[0m (#{index}) - \"#{}\"" puts @error_message end end # yields a more verbose error message only in case of an error def verbose_on_error(index) be_verbose(index) if not @succeeded end # yields a more verbose message in case of an error AND success def verbose_on_success(index) be_verbose(index) end # yields a more verbose message in any case and includes a curl command to manually simulate the testcase def verbose_with_curl(index) be_verbose(index) puts "\n simulate this call with: \"curl TODO\"" end # yields the verbose error messages def be_verbose(index) puts "\n#{result_case} (#{index+1})- \"#{}\"" puts @error_message puts(" More more more verbosity\n") puts(" request method: #{@testcase.request['method']}") puts(" resource path: #{@testcase.request['path']}") puts(" request headers: #{@testcase.request['headers']}") puts(" JSON body sent: #{@testcase.request['body']}") puts(" expectation:") puts(" response status code: #{@testcase.response_expectation['status_code']}") puts(" response headers: #{@testcase.response_expectation['headers']}") puts(" response body: #{@testcase.response_expectation['body']}") puts(" result:") puts(" response status code: #{@response.code}") puts(" response headers: #{@response.headers}") puts(" response body: #{JSON.parse(@response.body) rescue nil}") end # returns the result case for interpolation in the output message header def result_case if @succeeded "\033[32mSuccess\033[0m" else "\033[31mError\033[0m" end end end