# # Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The # ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the # License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. require 'nokogiri' require 'rest_client' require 'base64' require 'logger' module DeltaCloud # Get a new API client instance # # @param [String, user_name] API user name # @param [String, password] API password # @param [String, user_name] API URL (eg. http://localhost:3001/api) # @return [DeltaCloud::API] def self.new(user_name, password, api_url, &block) API.new(user_name, password, api_url, &block) end # Check given credentials if their are valid against # backend cloud provider # # @param [String, user_name] API user name # @param [String, password] API password # @param [String, user_name] API URL (eg. http://localhost:3001/api) # @return [true|false] def self.valid_credentials?(user_name, password, api_url) api=API.new(user_name, password, api_url) result = false api.request(:get, '', :force_auth => '1') do |response| result = true if response.code.eql?(200) end return result end # Return a API driver for specified URL # # @param [String, url] API URL (eg. http://localhost:3001/api) def self.driver_name(url) API.new(nil, nil, url).driver_name end def self.define_class(name) @defined_classes ||= [] if @defined_classes.include?(name) self.module_eval("API::#{name}") else @defined_classes << name unless @defined_classes.include?(name) API.const_set(name, Class.new) end end def self.classes @defined_classes || [] end class API attr_accessor :logger attr_reader :api_uri, :driver_name, :api_version, :features, :entry_points def initialize(user_name, password, api_url, opts={}, &block) opts[:version] = true @logger = opts[:verbose] ? Logger.new(STDERR) : [] @username, @password = user_name, password @api_uri = URI.parse(api_url) @features, @entry_points = {}, {} @verbose = opts[:verbose] || false discover_entry_points yield self if block_given? end def connect(&block) yield self end # Return API hostname def api_host; @api_uri.host ; end # Return API port def api_port; @api_uri.port ; end # Return API path def api_path; @api_uri.path ; end # Define methods based on 'rel' attribute in entry point # Two methods are declared: 'images' and 'image' def declare_entry_points_methods(entry_points) logger = @logger API.instance_eval do entry_points.keys.select {|k| [:instance_states].include?(k)==false }.each do |model| define_method model do |*args| request(:get, "/#{model}", args.first) do |response| # Define a new class based on model name c = DeltaCloud.define_class("#{model.to_s.classify}") # Create collection from index operation base_object_collection(c, model, response) end end logger << "[API] Added method #{model}\n" define_method :"#{model.to_s.singularize}" do |*args| request(:get, "/#{model}/#{args[0]}") do |response| # Define a new class based on model name c = DeltaCloud.define_class("#{model.to_s.classify}") # Build class for returned object base_object(c, model, response) end end logger << "[API] Added method #{model.to_s.singularize}\n" define_method :"fetch_#{model.to_s.singularize}" do |url| id = url.grep(/\/#{model}\/(.*)$/) self.send(model.to_s.singularize.to_sym, $1) end end end end def base_object_collection(c, model, response) collection = [] Nokogiri::XML(response).xpath("#{model}/#{model.to_s.singularize}").each do |item| c.instance_eval do attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :uri end collection << xml_to_class(c, item) end return collection end # Add default attributes [id and href] to class def base_object(c, model, response) obj = nil Nokogiri::XML(response).xpath("#{model.to_s.singularize}").each do |item| c.instance_eval do attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :uri end obj = xml_to_class(c, item) end return obj end # Convert XML response to defined Ruby Class def xml_to_class(c, item) obj = c.new # Set default attributes obj.id = item['id'] api = self c.instance_eval do define_method :client do api end end obj.uri = item['href'] logger = @logger logger << "[DC] Creating class #{obj.class.name}\n" obj.instance_eval do # Declare methods for all attributes in object item.xpath('./*').each do |attribute| # If attribute is a link to another object then # create a method which request this object from API if api.entry_points.keys.include?(:"#{attribute.name}s") c.instance_eval do define_method :"#{attribute.name.sanitize}" do client.send(:"#{attribute.name}", attribute['id'] ) end logger << "[DC] Added #{attribute.name} to class #{obj.class.name}\n" end else # Define methods for other attributes c.instance_eval do case attribute.name # When response cointains 'link' block, declare # methods to call links inside. This is used for instance # to dynamicaly create .stop!, .start! methods when "actions": actions = [] attribute.xpath('link').each do |link| actions << [link['rel'], link[:href]] define_method :"#{link['rel'].sanitize}!" do |*params| client.request(:"#{link['method']}", link['href'], {}, params.first || {}) @current_state = client.send(:"#{item.name}", item['id']).state obj.instance_eval do |o| def state @current_state end end end end define_method :actions do actions.collect { |a| a.first } end define_method :actions_urls do urls = {} actions.each { |a| urls[a.first] = a.last } urls end # Property attribute is handled differently when "property": attr_accessor :"#{attribute['name'].sanitize}" if attribute['value'] =~ /^(\d+)$/ obj.send(:"#{attribute['name'].sanitize}=", DeltaCloud::HWP::FloatProperty.new(attribute, attribute['name'])) else obj.send(:"#{attribute['name'].sanitize}=", DeltaCloud::HWP::Property.new(attribute, attribute['name'])) end # Public and private addresses are returned as Array when "public_addresses", "private_addresses": attr_accessor :"#{attribute.name.sanitize}" obj.send(:"#{attribute.name.sanitize}=", attribute.xpath('address').collect { |address| address.text }) # Value for other attributes are just returned using # method with same name as attribute (eg. .owner_id, .state) else attr_accessor :"#{attribute.name.sanitize}" obj.send(:"#{attribute.name.sanitize}=", attribute.text.convert) logger << "[DC] Added method #{attribute.name}[#{attribute.text}] to #{obj.class.name}\n" end end end end end return obj end # Get /api and parse entry points def discover_entry_points return if discovered? request(:get, @api_uri.to_s) do |response| api_xml = Nokogiri::XML(response) @driver_name = api_xml.xpath('/api').first['driver'] @api_version = api_xml.xpath('/api').first['version'] logger << "[API] Version #{@api_version}\n" logger << "[API] Driver #{@driver_name}\n" api_xml.css("api > link").each do |entry_point| rel, href = entry_point['rel'].to_sym, entry_point['href'] @entry_points.store(rel, href) logger << "[API] Entry point '#{rel}' added\n" entry_point.css("feature").each do |feature| @features[rel] ||= [] @features[rel] << feature['name'].to_sym logger << "[API] Feature #{feature['name']} added to #{rel}\n" end end end declare_entry_points_methods(@entry_points) end def create_key(opts={}, &block) params = { :name => opts[:name] } key = nil request(:post, entry_points[:keys], {}, params) do |response| c = DeltaCloud.define_class("Key") key = base_object(c, :key, response) yield key if block_given? end return key end # Create a new instance, using image +image_id+. Possible optiosn are # # name - a user-defined name for the instance # realm - a specific realm for placement of the instance # hardware_profile - either a string giving the name of the # hardware profile or a hash. The hash must have an # entry +id+, giving the id of the hardware profile, # and may contain additional names of properties, # e.g. 'storage', to override entries in the # hardware profile def create_instance(image_id, opts={}, &block) name = opts[:name] realm_id = opts[:realm] user_data = opts[:user_data] key_name = opts[:key_name] params = opts.dup ( params[:realm_id] = realm_id ) if realm_id ( params[:name] = name ) if name ( params[:user_data] = user_data ) if user_data ( params[:keyname] = key_name ) if key_name if opts[:hardware_profile].is_a?(String) params[:hwp_id] = opts[:hardware_profile] elsif opts[:hardware_profile].is_a?(Hash) params.delete(:hardware_profile) opts[:hardware_profile].each do |k,v| params[:"hwp_#{k}"] = v end end params[:image_id] = image_id instance = nil request(:post, entry_points[:instances], {}, params) do |response| c = DeltaCloud.define_class("Instance") instance = base_object(c, :instance, response) yield instance if block_given? end return instance end def create_storage_volume(opts={}, &block) params = opts.dup params[:realm_id] ||= params.delete(:realm) storage_volume = nil request(:post, entry_points[:storage_volumes], {}, params) do |response| c = DeltaCloud.define_class("StorageVolume") storage_volume = base_object(c, :storage_volume, response) yield storage_volume if block_given? end storage_volume end # Basic request method # def request(*args, &block) conf = { :method => (args[0] || 'get').to_sym, :path => (args[1]=~/^http/) ? args[1] : "#{api_uri.to_s}#{args[1]}", :query_args => args[2] || {}, :form_data => args[3] || {} } if conf[:query_args] != {} conf[:path] += '?' + URI.escape(conf[:query_args].collect{ |key, value| "#{key}=#{value}" }.join('&')).to_s end logger << "[#{conf[:method].to_s.upcase}] #{conf[:path]}\n" if conf[:method].eql?(:post) RestClient.send(:post, conf[:path], conf[:form_data], default_headers) do |response, request, block| if response.respond_to?('body') yield response.body if block_given? else yield response.to_s if block_given? end end else RestClient.send(conf[:method], conf[:path], default_headers) do |response, request, block| if response.respond_to?('body') yield response.body if block_given? else yield response.to_s if block_given? end end end end # Check if specified collection have wanted feature def feature?(collection, name) @features.has_key?(collection) && @features[collection].include?(name) end # List available instance states and transitions between them def instance_states states = [] request(:get, entry_points[:instance_states]) do |response| Nokogiri::XML(response).xpath('states/state').each do |state_el| state = DeltaCloud::InstanceState::State.new(state_el['name']) state_el.xpath('transition').each do |transition_el| state.transitions << DeltaCloud::InstanceState::Transition.new( transition_el['to'], transition_el['action'] ) end states << state end end states end # Select instance state specified by name def instance_state(name) instance_states.select { |s| s.name.to_s.eql?(name.to_s) }.first end # Skip parsing /api when we already got entry points def discovered? true if @entry_points!={} end def documentation(collection, operation=nil) data = {} request(:get, "/docs/#{collection}") do |body| document = Nokogiri::XML(body) if operation data[:operation] = operation data[:description] = document.xpath('/docs/collection/operations/operation[@name = "'+operation+'"]/description').first.text.strip return false unless data[:description] data[:params] = [] (document/"/docs/collection/operations/operation[@name='#{operation}']/parameter").each do |param| data[:params] << { :name => param['name'], :required => param['type'] == 'optional', :type => (param/'class').text } end else data[:description] = (document/'/docs/collection/description').text data[:collection] = collection data[:operations] = (document/"/docs/collection/operations/operation").collect{ |o| o['name'] } end end return Documentation.new(self, data) end private def default_headers # The linebreaks inserted every 60 characters in the Base64 # encoded header cause problems under JRuby auth_header = "Basic "+Base64.encode64("#{@username}:#{@password}") auth_header.gsub!("\n", "") { :authorization => auth_header, :accept => "application/xml" } end end class Documentation attr_reader :api, :description, :params, :collection_operations attr_reader :collection, :operation def initialize(api, opts={}) @description, @api = opts[:description], api @params = parse_parameters(opts[:params]) if opts[:params] @collection_operations = opts[:operations] if opts[:operations] @collection = opts[:collection] @operation = opts[:operation] self end def operations @collection_operations.collect { |o| api.documentation(@collection, o) } end class OperationParameter attr_reader :name attr_reader :type attr_reader :required attr_reader :description def initialize(data) @name, @type, @required, @description = data[:name], data[:type], data[:required], data[:description] end def to_comment " # @param [#{@type}, #{@name}] #{@description}" end end private def parse_parameters(params) params.collect { |p| OperationParameter.new(p) } end end module InstanceState class State attr_reader :name attr_reader :transitions def initialize(name) @name, @transitions = name, [] end end class Transition attr_reader :to attr_reader :action def initialize(to, action) @to = to @action = action end def auto? @action.nil? end end end module HWP class Property attr_reader :name, :unit, :value, :kind def initialize(xml, name) @name, @kind, @value, @unit = xml['name'], xml['kind'].to_sym, xml['value'], xml['unit'] declare_ranges(xml) self end def present? ! @value.nil? end private def declare_ranges(xml) case xml['kind'] when 'range': self.class.instance_eval do attr_reader :range end @range = { :from => xml.xpath('range').first['first'], :to => xml.xpath('range').first['last'] } when 'enum': self.class.instance_eval do attr_reader :options end @options = xml.xpath('enum/entry').collect { |e| e['value'] } end end end # FloatProperty is like Property but return value is Float instead of String. class FloatProperty < Property def initialize(xml, name) super(xml, name) @value = @value.to_f if @value end end end end class String unless method_defined?(:classify) # Create a class name from string def classify self.singularize.camelize end end unless method_defined?(:camelize) # Camelize converts strings to UpperCamelCase def camelize self.to_s.gsub(/\/(.?)/) { "::#{$1.upcase}" }.gsub(/(?:^|_)(.)/) { $1.upcase } end end unless method_defined?(:singularize) # Strip 's' character from end of string def singularize self.gsub(/s$/, '') end end # Convert string to float if string value seems like Float def convert return self.to_f if self.strip =~ /^([\d\.]+$)/ self end # Simply converts whitespaces and - symbols to '_' which is safe for Ruby def sanitize self.gsub(/(\W+)/, '_') end end