require 'ebsco/eds/jsonable' module EBSCO module EDS class Options include JSONable attr_accessor :SearchCriteria, :RetrievalCriteria, :Actions def initialize(options = {}, info) @SearchCriteria =, info) @RetrievalCriteria =, info) @Actions = [] # add DefaultOn=y Type=select limiters # info.available_limiters.each do |limiter| # if limiter['DefaultOn'] == 'n' and limiter['Type'] == 'select' # @Actions.push "addLimiter(#{limiter['Id']}:y)" # end # end # blacklight year range slider input # "range"=>{"pub_year_tisim"=>{"begin"=>"1970", "end"=>"1980"}} if options.has_key?('range') if options['range'].has_key?('pub_year_tisim') begin_year = nil end_year = nil if options['range']['pub_year_tisim'].has_key?('begin') begin_year = options['range']['pub_year_tisim']['begin'] end if options['range']['pub_year_tisim'].has_key?('end') end_year = options['range']['pub_year_tisim']['end'] end unless begin_year.nil? or end_year.nil? pub_year_tisim_range = begin_year + '-01/' + end_year + '-01' @Actions.push "addlimiter(DT1:#{pub_year_tisim_range})" end end end # add page default of 1 unless options.has_key?('page') || options.has_key?('page_number') options['page'] = 1 end options.each do |key, value| case key when :actions add_actions(options[:actions], info) # SOLR: Need to add page actions whenever other actions are present since the other actions # will always reset the page to 1 even though a PageNumber is present in RetrievalCriteria. when 'page', 'page_number' @Actions.push "GoToPage(#{value.to_i})" # solr facet translation # "f"=>{"format"=>["eBooks"]} when 'f' if value.has_key?('eds_publication_type_facet') format_list = value['eds_publication_type_facet'] format_list.each do |item| @Actions.push "addfacetfilter(SourceType:#{item})" end end if value.has_key?('eds_language_facet') lang_list = value['eds_language_facet'] lang_list.each do |item| @Actions.push "addfacetfilter(Language:#{item})" end end if value.has_key?('eds_subject_topic_facet') subj_list = value['eds_subject_topic_facet'] subj_list.each do |item| @Actions.push "addfacetfilter(SubjectEDS:#{item})" end end if value.has_key?('eds_subjects_geographic_facet') subj_list = value['eds_subjects_geographic_facet'] subj_list.each do |item| @Actions.push "addfacetfilter(SubjectGeographic:#{item})" end end if value.has_key?('eds_publisher_facet') subj_list = value['eds_publisher_facet'] subj_list.each do |item| @Actions.push "addfacetfilter(Publisher:#{item})" end end if value.has_key?('eds_journal_facet') subj_list = value['eds_journal_facet'] subj_list.each do |item| @Actions.push "addfacetfilter(Journal:#{item})" end end if value.has_key?('eds_category_facet') subj_list = value['eds_category_facet'] subj_list.each do |item| @Actions.push "addfacetfilter(Category:#{item})" end end if value.has_key?('eds_content_provider_facet') subj_list = value['eds_content_provider_facet'] subj_list.each do |item| item = eds_sanitize item @Actions.push "addfacetfilter(ContentProvider:#{item})" end end if value.has_key?('eds_library_location_facet') subj_list = value['eds_library_location_facet'] subj_list.each do |item| item = eds_sanitize item @Actions.push "addfacetfilter(LocationLibrary:#{item})" end end if value.has_key?('eds_library_collection_facet') subj_list = value['eds_library_collection_facet'] subj_list.each do |item| item = eds_sanitize item @Actions.push "addfacetfilter(CollectionLibrary:#{item})" end end if value.has_key?('eds_author_university_facet') subj_list = value['eds_author_university_facet'] subj_list.each do |item| item = eds_sanitize item @Actions.push "addfacetfilter(AuthorUniversity:#{item})" end end # translate solr search limiters into EDS API addLimiter calls # matches are determined by the limiter labels passed in by solr _search_limiter_list = [] if value.has_key?('eds_search_limiters_facet') _search_limiter_list = value['eds_search_limiters_facet'] end info.available_limiters.each do |limiter| # only handle 'select' limiters (ones with values of 'y' or 'n') if _search_limiter_list.include? limiter['Label'] and limiter['Type'] == 'select' @Actions.push "addLimiter(#{limiter['Id']}:y)" end end if value.has_key?('eds_publication_year_range_facet') _list = value['eds_publication_year_range_facet'] _this_year = _this_month = _list.each do |item| if item == 'This year' _range = _this_year.to_s + '-01/' + _this_year.to_s + '-' + _this_month.to_s @Actions.push "addlimiter(DT1:#{_range})" end if item == 'Last 3 years' _range = (_this_year-3).to_s + '-' + _this_month.to_s + '/' + _this_year.to_s + '-' + _this_month.to_s @Actions.push "addlimiter(DT1:#{_range})" end if item == 'Last 10 years' _range = (_this_year-10).to_s + '-' + _this_month.to_s + '/' + _this_year.to_s + '-' + _this_month.to_s @Actions.push "addlimiter(DT1:#{_range})" end if item == 'Last 50 years' _range = (_this_year-50).to_s + '-' + _this_month.to_s + '/' + _this_year.to_s + '-' + _this_month.to_s @Actions.push "addlimiter(DT1:#{_range})" end if item == 'More than 50 years ago' _range = '0000-01/' + (_this_year-50).to_s + '-12' @Actions.push "addlimiter(DT1:#{_range})" end end end if value.has_key?('eds_publication_year_facet') year_list = value['eds_publication_year_facet'] year_list.each do |item| @Actions.push "addfacetfilter(PublicationYear:#{item})" end end end end end def add_actions(actions, info) if actions.kind_of?(Array) && actions.count > 0 actions.each do |item| #if is_valid_action(item, info) @Actions.push item #end end else #if is_valid_action(actions, info) @Actions = [actions] #else #end end end def eds_sanitize(str) pattern = /(\'|\"|\*|\/|\-|\\|\)|\$|\+|\(|\^|\?|\!|\~|\`)/ str = str.gsub(pattern){ |match| '\\' + match } str end # def is_valid_action(action, info) # # actions in info that require an enumerated value (e.g., addlimiter(LA99:Bulgarian)) # _available_actions = info.available_actions # _defined_action = _available_actions.include? action # # actions not enumerated in info (e.g., GoToPage(3)) # _available_standard_actions = ['GoToPage'] # _standard_action = _available_standard_actions.any? { |std| action.include? std } # # actions in info that require a user supplied value (e.g., addlimiter(TI:value)) # _available_value_actions = %w{PG4 CS1 FM FT FR RV DT1 SO} # _value_action = _available_value_actions.any? { |type| action.include? type } # # if _value_action || _defined_action || _standard_action # true # else # false # end # end # query-1=AND,volcano&sort=relevance&includefacets=y&searchmode=all&autosuggest=n&view=brief&resultsperpage=20&pagenumber=1&highlight=y def to_query_string qs = '' # SEARCH CRITERIA: # query # if @SearchCriteria.Queries[0].has_key? :BooleanOperator # qs << 'query=' + @SearchCriteria.Queries[0][:BooleanOperator] # else # qs << 'query=AND' # end # if @SearchCriteria.Queries[0].has_key? :FieldCode # qs << ',' + @SearchCriteria.Queries[0][:FieldCode] # end qs << 'query=' + @SearchCriteria.Queries[0][:Term] # mode qs << '&searchmode=' + @SearchCriteria.SearchMode # facets qs << '&includefacets=' + @SearchCriteria.IncludeFacets # sort qs << '&sort=' + @SearchCriteria.Sort # auto-suggest qs << '&autosuggest=' + @SearchCriteria.AutoSuggest # limiters unless @SearchCriteria.Limiters.nil? qs << '&limiter=' + @SearchCriteria.Limiters end # expanders qs << '&expander=' + @SearchCriteria.Expanders.join(',') # facet filters unless @SearchCriteria.FacetFilters.nil? qs << '&facetfilter=1,' + @SearchCriteria.FacetFilters end # related content unless @SearchCriteria.RelatedContent.nil? qs << '&relatedcontent=' + @SearchCriteria.RelatedContent.join(',') end # Retrieval Criteria unless @RetrievalCriteria.View.nil? qs << '&view=' + @RetrievalCriteria.View end unless @RetrievalCriteria.ResultsPerPage.nil? qs << '&resultsperpage=' + @RetrievalCriteria.ResultsPerPage.to_s end unless @RetrievalCriteria.PageNumber.nil? qs << '&pagenumber=' + @RetrievalCriteria.PageNumber.to_s end unless @RetrievalCriteria.Highlight.nil? qs << '&highlight=' + @RetrievalCriteria.Highlight end unless @Actions.nil? @Actions.each do |action| qs << '&action=' + action end end qs end end class SearchCriteria include JSONable attr_accessor :Queries, :SearchMode, :IncludeFacets, :FacetFilters, :Limiters, :Sort, :PublicationId, :RelatedContent, :AutoSuggest, :Expanders def initialize(options = {}, info) # defaults @SearchMode = info.default_search_mode @IncludeFacets = 'y' @Sort = 'relevance' @AutoSuggest = info.default_auto_suggest _has_query = false @Expanders = info.default_expander_ids _my_expanders = [] _available_expander_ids = info.available_expander_ids @Limiter = nil _my_limiters = [] @RelatedContent = info.default_related_content_types _my_related_content = [] _available_related_content_types = info.available_related_content_types options.each do |key, value| case key # ==================================================================================== # query # ==================================================================================== when :query, 'q' # add blacklight search_fields _field_code = '' if options.has_key? 'search_field' _field = options['search_field'] case _field when 'author' _field_code = 'AU' when 'subject' _field_code = 'SU' when 'title' _field_code = 'TI' when 'text' _field_code = 'TX' when 'abstract' _field_code = 'AB' when 'source' _field_code = 'SO' when 'issn' _field_code = 'IS' when 'isbn' _field_code = 'IB' when 'descriptor' _field_code = 'DE' end end if not _field_code == '' @Queries = [{:FieldCode => _field_code, :Term => value}] else @Queries = [{:Term => value}] end _has_query = true # ==================================================================================== # mode # ==================================================================================== when :mode if info.available_search_mode_types.include? value.downcase @SearchMode = value.downcase else @SearchMode = info.default_search_mode end # ==================================================================================== # facets # ==================================================================================== when :include_facets @IncludeFacets = value ? 'y' : 'n' when :facet_filters @FacetFilters = value # # handle solr facets without causing the page to reset to 1 again? # when 'f' # # if value.has_key?('content_provider_facet') # f_filter = {'FilterId' => 1, 'FacetValues' => []} # flist = value['content_provider_facet'] # flist.each do |item| # item = eds_sanitize item # f_filter['FacetValues'].push({'Id' => 'ContentProvider', 'Value' => item}) # end # @FacetFilters.push f_filter # puts 'FACET FILTERS: ' + @FacetFilters.inspect # end # ==================================================================================== # sort # ==================================================================================== when :sort, 'sort' if info.available_sorts(value.downcase).empty? if value.downcase == 'newest' || value.downcase == 'pub_date_sort desc' @Sort = 'date' elsif value.downcase == 'oldest' || value.downcase == 'pub_date_sort asc' @Sort = 'date2' elsif value.downcase == 'score desc' @Sort = 'relevance' else @Sort = 'relevance' end else @Sort = value.downcase end # ==================================================================================== # publication id # ==================================================================================== when :publication_id @PublicationId = value when :auto_suggest @AutoSuggest = value ? 'y' : 'n' # ==================================================================================== # expanders # ==================================================================================== when :expanders value.each do |item| if _available_expander_ids.include? item.downcase _my_expanders.push(item) end end if _my_expanders.empty? _my_expanders = info.default_expander_ids end @Expanders = _my_expanders # ==================================================================================== # limiters # ==================================================================================== when :limiters value.each do |item| _key = item.split(':',2).first.upcase _values = item.split(':',2).last # is limiter id available? if info.available_limiter_ids.include? _key _limiter = info.available_limiters(_key) # if multi-value, add the values if they're available if _limiter['Type'] == 'multiselectvalue' _available_values = info.available_limiter_values(_key) _multi_values = [] _values.split(',').each do |val| # todo: make case insensitive? if _available_values.include? val _multi_values.push(val) end end if _multi_values.empty? # do nothing, none of the values are available else _my_limiters.push({:Id => _key, :Values => _multi_values}) end # single value, just pass it on else _my_limiters.push({:Id => _key, :Values => [_values]}) end end end @Limiters = _my_limiters # ==================================================================================== # related content # ==================================================================================== when :related_content value.each do |item| if _available_related_content_types.include? item.downcase _available_related_content_types.push(item) else # silently ignore end end if _my_related_content.empty? _my_related_content = info.default_related_content_types end @RelatedContent = _my_related_content # ==================================================================================== # unsupported parameters, ignore # ==================================================================================== else # ignore end end end end class RetrievalCriteria include JSONable attr_accessor :View, :ResultsPerPage, :PageNumber, :Highlight def initialize(options = {}, info) # defaults @View = info.default_result_list_view @ResultsPerPage = info.default_results_per_page @PageNumber = 1 options.each do |key, value| case key # ==================================================================================== # view # ==================================================================================== when :view, 'view' if info.available_result_list_views.include? value.downcase @View = value.downcase else @View = info.default_result_list_view end # ==================================================================================== # results per page # ==================================================================================== when :results_per_page, 'results_per_page', 'rows', 'per_page' if value.to_i > info.max_results_per_page @ResultsPerPage = info.max_results_per_page else @ResultsPerPage = value.to_i end # ==================================================================================== # page number # ==================================================================================== when :page_number, 'page_number', 'page' @PageNumber = value.to_i # solr starts at page 0 # when 'start' # @PageNumber = value.to_i + 1 # ==================================================================================== # highlight # ==================================================================================== when :highlight, 'highlight' @Highlight = value # solr/blacklight version when 'hl' if value == 'on' @Highlight = 'y' else @Highlight = 'y' # API bug: if set to 'n' you won't get research starter abstracts! end else end end end end end end