3.1.12 (Brainy Betty) c506ebc7902275cfdc586ece078a435fbe8a6279 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @options{:@has_childrenT:@templateI"Ê// Turn off the bullet for an element of a list @mixin no-bullet { list-style-image : none; list-style-type : none; margin-left : 0; } // turns off the bullets for an entire list @mixin no-bullets { list-style: none; li { @include no-bullet; } } // Make a list(ul/ol) have an image bullet. // // The mixin should be used like this for an icon that is 5x7: // // ul.pretty // +pretty-bullets("my-icon.png", 5px, 7px) // // Additionally, if the image dimensions are not provided, // The image dimensions will be extracted from the image itself. // // ul.pretty // +pretty-bullets("my-icon.png") // @mixin pretty-bullets($bullet-icon, $width: image-width($bullet-icon), $height: image-height($bullet-icon), $line-height: 18px, $padding: 14px) { margin-left: 0; li { padding-left: $padding; background: image-url($bullet-icon) no-repeat ($padding - $width) / 2 ($line-height - $height) / 2; list-style-type: none; } } :ET:@children[ o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"7/* Turn off the bullet for an element of a list */; T: @linei: @loud0: @silenti;@; [o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ; i: @args[: @nameI"no-bullet; T;@;T; [o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ; o:Sass::Script::String; I" none; T: @type:identifier;@: @tabsi; i:@prop_syntax:new;[I"list-style-image; T;@; [o; ; o;; I" none; T;;;@;i; i ;;;[I"list-style-type; T;@; [o; ; o;; I"0; T;;;@;i; i ;;;[I"margin-left; T;@; [o; ; [I"3/* turns off the bullets for an entire list */; T; i ;0;i;@; [o; ; i;[;I"no-bullets; T;@;T; [o; ; o;; I" none; T;;;@;i; i;;;[I"list-style; T;@; [o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode ;i; i: @rule[I"li; T;@;T; [o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ; i;[:@keywords{;I"no-bullet; T;@; [:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence; i: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence; [o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence; i; [o:Sass::Selector::Element ; i:@namespace0:@filenameI"; F;[I"li; T;%@A;%@Ao; ; [I"t/* Make a list(ul/ol) have an image bullet. * * The mixin should be used like this for an icon that is 5x7: * * ul.pretty * +pretty-bullets("my-icon.png", 5px, 7px) * * Additionally, if the image dimensions are not provided, * The image dimensions will be extracted from the image itself. * * ul.pretty * +pretty-bullets("my-icon.png") * */; T; i;0;i;@; [o; ; i ;[ [o:Sass::Script::Variable:@underscored_nameI"bullet_icon; T;I"bullet-icon; T;@0[o;&;'I" width; T;I" width; T;@o:Sass::Script::Funcall ; i ;[o;& ; i ;'I"bullet_icon; T;I"bullet-icon; T;@;{;I"image-width; T;@[o;&;'I" height; T;I" height; T;@o;( ; i ;[o;& ; i ;'I"bullet_icon; T;I"bullet-icon; T;@;{;I"image-height; T;@[o;&;'I"line_height; T;I"line-height; T;@o:Sass::Script::Number ; i:@numerator_units[I"px; T:@denominator_units[; i :@originalI" 18px; F;@[o;&;'I" padding; T;I" padding; T;@o;) ; i;*[I"px; T;+[; i ;,I" 14px; F;@;I"pretty-bullets; T;@;T; [o; ; o;; I"0; T;;;@;i; i!;;;[I"margin-left; T;@; [o; ;i; i";[I"li; T;@;T; [o; ; o;& ; i#;'I" padding; T;I" padding; T;@;i; i#;;;[I"padding-left; T;@; [o; ; o:Sass::Script::List ; [ o;( ; i$;[o;& ; i$;'I"bullet_icon; T;I"bullet-icon; T;@;{;I"image-url; T;@o; ; I"no-repeat; T; i$;;;@o:Sass::Script::Operation :@operand1o;. ;/o;& ; i$;'I" padding; T;I" padding; T;@:@operand2o;& ; i$;'I" width; T;I" width; T;@:@operator: minus; i$;@;0o;) ; i;*[;+[; i$;,I"2; F;@;1:div; i$;@o;. ;/o;. ;/o;& ; i$;'I"line_height; T;I"line-height; T;@;0o;& ; i$;'I" height; T;I" height; T;@;1;2; i$;@;0o;) ; i;*[;+@š; i$;,I"2; F;@;1;3; i$;@; i$:@separator: space;@;i; i$;;;[I"background; T;@; [o; ; o;; I" none; T;;;@;i; i%;;;[I"list-style-type; T;@; [;o;; i"; [o;!; [o;"; i"; [o;# ; i";$0;%I"; F;[I"li; T;%@·;%@·; i