require "active_support/all" require "active_record" require "cgi" # module SafeInterpolate def generic_interpolate(string_block, interpolator) raise ArgumentError, "block returning string to interpolate must be provided" unless string_block string_with_interpolations = string_with_interpolations.gsub(/\#\{([^}]*)\}/) do result = eval($1, string_block.binding) interpolator[result] end end # Examples # # include SafeInterpolate # ... # sql_interpolate { 'name = #{ name }' } # => "name = 'Bob'" def sql_interpolate(&string_block) generic_interpolate(string_block, ActiveRecord::Base.connection.method(:quote)) end def html_interpolate(&string_block) generic_interpolate(string_block, ERB::Util.method(:html_escape)) end def uri_interpolate(&string_block) generic_interpolate(string_block, CGI.method(:escape)) end end if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ require 'rspec/core' require 'rspec/expectations' require 'rspec/matchers' describe "SafeInterpolate#sql_interpolate" do include SafeInterpolate tmp_db_file = '/tmp/test.sqlite' before(:all) do ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = { 'test' => { :adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => tmp_db_file, :timeout => 5000 } } ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection('test') end after(:all) do ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection File.delete(tmp_db_file) rescue nil end it "returns string passed in block" do sql_interpolate { '42' }.should == "42" end it "interpolates expressions" do num = 1 str = '123' sql_interpolate { 'before #{ num } #{ str } after' }.should == 'before 1 \'123\' after' end it "properly quotes SQL sensitive characters" do str = "'asd'; DROP TABLE users" sql_interpolate { '#{ str }' }.should == "'''asd''; DROP TABLE users'" end end describe "SafeInterpolate#html_interpolate" do include SafeInterpolate it "properly quotes HTML sensitive characters" do str = '&"><' html_interpolate { '
#{ str }
' }.should == "&"><
" end end describe "SafeInterpolate#uri_interpolate" do include SafeInterpolate it "properly quotes URI sensitive characters" do str = ':&? =' uri_interpolate { '{ str }' }.should == "" end end end