#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Gosu { namespace { GOSU_NORETURN void throwLastSDLError() { throw std::runtime_error(Mix_GetError()); } bool noSound = false; Song* curSong = NULL; void requireSDLMixer() { static bool mixerInitialized = false; if (mixerInitialized) return; if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) || Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096) < 0) noSound = true; std::atexit(Mix_CloseAudio); mixerInitialized = true; } } std::map channelRegistry; } bool Gosu::SampleInstance::alive() const { return !noSound && channelRegistry[handle] == extra && Mix_Playing(handle) == 1; } Gosu::SampleInstance::SampleInstance(int handle, int extra) : handle(handle), extra(extra) { } bool Gosu::SampleInstance::playing() const { return alive() && !Mix_Paused(handle); } void Gosu::SampleInstance::resume() { if (alive()) Mix_Resume(handle); } void Gosu::SampleInstance::pause() { if (alive()) Mix_Pause(handle); } bool Gosu::SampleInstance::paused() const { return alive() && Mix_Paused(handle); } void Gosu::SampleInstance::stop() { if (alive()) Mix_HaltChannel(handle); } void Gosu::SampleInstance::changeVolume(double volume) { if (alive()) Mix_Volume(handle, clamp(volume * 255, 0, 255)); } void Gosu::SampleInstance::changePan(double pan) { int rightPan = clamp(pan * 127, 0, 127); if (alive()) Mix_SetPanning(handle, 254 - rightPan, rightPan); } void Gosu::SampleInstance::changeSpeed(double speed) { /* We ignore the speed for now as this seems to be non-trivial * with SDL_mixer. */ } struct Gosu::Sample::SampleData : boost::noncopyable { Mix_Chunk* rep; SampleData(): rep(0) {} ~SampleData() { if (rep != 0) Mix_FreeChunk(rep); } }; Gosu::Sample::Sample(const std::wstring& filename) { requireSDLMixer(); if (noSound) return; data.reset(new SampleData); // Saved locally because Mix_LoadWAV is a macro, wouldn't trust it... std::string filenameUTF8 = wstringToUTF8(filename); data->rep = Mix_LoadWAV(filenameUTF8.c_str()); if (data->rep == NULL) throwLastSDLError(); } Gosu::Sample::Sample(Reader reader) { requireSDLMixer(); if (noSound) return; std::size_t bufsize = reader.resource().size() - reader.position(); Uint8* buffer = static_cast(malloc(bufsize)); reader.read(buffer, bufsize); data.reset(new SampleData); data->rep = Mix_LoadWAV_RW(SDL_RWFromMem(buffer, bufsize), 1); if (data->rep == NULL) throwLastSDLError(); } Gosu::SampleInstance Gosu::Sample::play(double volume, double speed, bool looping) const { int channel; if (noSound || (channel = Mix_PlayChannel(-1, data->rep, looping ? -1 : 0)) == -1) return SampleInstance(-1, -1); int extra = ++channelRegistry[channel]; SampleInstance result(channel, extra); if (volume != 1) result.changeVolume(volume); return result; /* We ignore the speed for now as this seems to be non-trivial * with SDL_mixer. */ } Gosu::SampleInstance Gosu::Sample::playPan(double pan, double volume, double speed, bool looping) const { int channel; if (noSound || (channel = Mix_PlayChannel(-1, data->rep, looping ? -1 : 0)) == -1) return SampleInstance(-1, -1); int extra = ++channelRegistry[channel]; SampleInstance result(channel, extra); result.changePan(pan); if (volume != 1) result.changeVolume(volume); return result; /* Speed ignored for now, as above. */ } // No class hierarchy here; SDL_mixer abstracts this away for us. class Gosu::Song::BaseData : boost::noncopyable { public: Mix_Music* music; //std::vector buffer; - used by constructor that has been commented out double volume; BaseData() : music(0), volume(1.0) {} ~BaseData() { if (music) Mix_FreeMusic(music); } static void endSongCallback() { curSong = 0; } }; Gosu::Song::Song(const std::wstring& filename) : data(new BaseData) { requireSDLMixer(); if (noSound) return; data->music = Mix_LoadMUS(Gosu::wstringToUTF8(filename).c_str()); if (data->music == NULL) throwLastSDLError(); Mix_HookMusicFinished(BaseData::endSongCallback); } Gosu::Song::Song(Reader reader) : data(new BaseData) { requireSDLMixer(); if (noSound) return; #if 0 // This is traditionally broken in SDL_mixer. File bugs :) std::size_t bufsize = reader.resource().size() - reader.position(); data->buffer.resize(bufsize); reader.read(data->buffer.data(), bufsize); data->music = Mix_LoadMUS_RW(SDL_RWFromMem(data->buffer.data(), bufsize)); if (data->music == NULL) throwLastSDLError(); Mix_HookMusicFinished(BaseData::endSongCallback); #else throw std::runtime_error("Loading files from memory not possible with libSDL_mixer"); #endif } Gosu::Song::~Song() { stop(); } Gosu::Song* Gosu::Song::currentSong() { return curSong; } void Gosu::Song::play(bool looping) { if (noSound) return; if (curSong && curSong != this) { curSong->stop(); assert(curSong == 0); } if (Mix_PausedMusic()) Mix_ResumeMusic(); if (!playing() && Mix_PlayMusic(data->music, looping ? -1 : 0) < 0) throwLastSDLError(); changeVolume(data->volume); curSong = this; } void Gosu::Song::pause() { if (curSong == this) Mix_PauseMusic(); } bool Gosu::Song::paused() const { return curSong == this && Mix_PausedMusic(); } void Gosu::Song::stop() { if (curSong == this) { Mix_HaltMusic(); curSong = 0; } } bool Gosu::Song::playing() const { return curSong == this && !paused(); } double Gosu::Song::volume() const { return data->volume; } void Gosu::Song::changeVolume(double volume) { data->volume = clamp(volume, 0.0, 1.0); if (playing()) Mix_VolumeMusic(trunc(data->volume * MIX_MAX_VOLUME)); } void Gosu::Song::update() { } // Deprecated constructors. Gosu::Sample::Sample(Audio& audio, const std::wstring& filename) { Sample(filename).data.swap(data); } Gosu::Sample::Sample(Audio& audio, Reader reader) { Sample(reader).data.swap(data); } Gosu::Song::Song(Audio& audio, const std::wstring& filename) { Song(filename).data.swap(data); } Gosu::Song::Song(Audio& audio, Type type, Reader reader) { Song(type, reader).data.swap(data); }