--- en: activemodel: attributes: conference: assemblies_ids: Related Assemblies banner_image: Banner image consultations_ids: Related Consultations copy_categories: Copy categories copy_components: Copy components copy_features: Copy features decidim_scope_id: Scope description: Description hashtag: Hashtag hero_image: Home image participatory_processes_ids: Related participatory processes promoted: Highlighted published_at: Published at scope_id: Scope scopes_enabled: Scopes enabled short_description: Short description show_statistics: Show statistics slogan: Slogan slug: URL slug title: Title conference_speaker: full_name: Full name conference_user_role: email: Email name: Name role: Role errors: models: conference_registration_invite: attributes: email: already_invited: This email has already been invited activerecord: models: decidim/conference: one: Conference other: Conferences decidim/conference_speaker: one: Conference speaker other: Conference speakers decidim/conference_user_role: one: Conference user role other: Conference user roles decidim: admin: actions: confirm: Confirm new_conference: New Conference send_diplomas: Send certificates of attendance conference_copies: new: copy: Copy select: Select which data you would like to duplicate title: Duplicate conference conference_publications: create: error: There was a problem publishing this conference. success: Conference successfully published. destroy: error: There was a problem unpublishing this conference. success: Conference successfully unpublished. conference_registration: confirm: error: There was a problem confirming this conference registration. success: Conference registration successfully confirmed. conference_speakers: create: error: There was a problem adding a speaker to this conference. success: Conference speaker successfully created. destroy: success: Conference speaker successfully deleted. edit: title: Update conference speaker. update: Update index: conference_speakers_title: Conference speakers new: create: Create title: New conference speaker. update: error: There was a problem updating this conference speaker. success: Conference speaker successfully updated. conference_user_roles: create: error: There was a problem adding an admin to this conference. success: Conference admin successfully added. destroy: success: Conference admin successfully removed. edit: title: Update conference admin. update: Update index: conference_admins_title: conference admins new: create: Create title: New conference admin. update: error: There was a problem updating this conference admin. success: Conference admin successfully updated. conferences: create: error: There was a problem creating this conference. success: Conference successfully created. edit: update: Update exports: registrations: Registrations form: title: General Information index: not_published: Not published published: Published new: create: Create title: Conference update: error: There was a problem updating this conference. success: Conference successfully updated. conferences_copies: create: error: There was a problem duplicating this conference. success: Conference successfully duplicated. media_links: create: error: There was a problem creating a new media link. success: Media Link successfully created. destroy: success: Media Link successfully deleted. edit: title: Update media link. update: Update index: media_links_title: Media Links new: create: Create title: Media Link update: error: There was a problem updating this media link. success: Media Link successfully updated. menu: conferences: Conferences conferences_submenu: attachment_collections: Folders attachment_files: Files attachments: Attachments categories: Categories components: Components conference_admins: Conference admins conference_invites: Invites conference_speakers: Speakers diploma: Certificate of Attendance info: Info media_links: Media Links moderations: Moderations partners: Partners registration_types: Registration Types registrations: Registrations user_registrations: User Registrations models: conference: fields: created_at: Created at promoted: Highlighted published: Published title: Title conference_speaker: fields: affiliation: Affiliation full_name: Full name position: Position name: Conference Speaker conference_user_role: fields: email: Email name: Name role: Role name: Conference Admin roles: admin: Administrator collaborator: Collaborator moderator: Moderator valuator: Valuator media_link: fields: date: Date link: Link title: Title name: Media Link partner: fields: link: Link logo: Logo name: Name partner_type: Type name: Partner types: collaborator: Collaborator main_promotor: Main promotor registration_type: fields: conference_meetings: Conference meetings price: Price registrations_count: Registrations count title: Title weight: Weight name: Registration type partners: create: error: There was a problem adding a partner for this conference. success: Conference partner successfully added. destroy: success: Conference partner successfully removed. edit: title: Update partner. update: Update new: create: Create title: New partner update: error: There was a problem updating a partner for this conference. success: Conference partner successfully updated. registration_type_publications: create: error: There was a problem publishing this registration type. success: Registration type successfully published. destroy: error: There was a problem unpublishing this registration type. success: Registration type successfully unpublished. registration_types: create: error: There was a problem adding a registration type for this conference. success: Conference registration type successfully added. destroy: success: Conference registration type successfully removed. edit: title: Update registration type. update: Update new: create: Create title: New registration type update: error: There was a problem updating a registration type for this conference. success: Conference registration type successfully updated. titles: conferences: Conferences admin_log: conference: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} conference" publish: "%{user_name} published the %{resource_name} conference" send_conference_diplomas: "%{user_name} sent certificates of attendance to the %{resource_name} conference atendees" unpublish: "%{user_name} unpublished the %{resource_name} conference" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} conference" update_diploma: "%{user_name} updated the certificates of attendance configuration for %{resource_name} conference" conference_speaker: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} speaker in the %{space_name} conference" delete: "%{user_name} removed the %{resource_name} speaker from the %{space_name} conference" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} speaker in the %{space_name} conference" conference_user_role: create: "%{user_name} invited %{resource_name} to the %{space_name} conference" delete: "%{user_name} removed the admin %{resource_name} from the %{space_name} conference" update: "%{user_name} changed the role of %{resource_name} in the %{space_name} conference" conferences: conference_registration: confirm: "%{user_name} confirmed a conference registration in %{resource_name} conference" partner: create: "%{user_name} created the partner %{resource_name} in the %{space_name} conference" delete: "%{user_name} removed the partner %{resource_name} from the %{space_name} conference" update: "%{user_name} updated the partner %{resource_name} in the %{space_name} conference" registration_type: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} registration type in the %{space_name} conference" publish: "%{user_name} published the %{resource_name} registration type in the %{space_name} conference" unpublish: "%{user_name} unpublished the %{resource_name} registration type in the %{space_name} conference" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} registration type in the %{space_name} conference" media_link: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} media link in the %{space_name} conference" delete: "%{user_name} removed the %{resource_name} media link from the %{space_name} conference" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} media link in the %{space_name} conference" conference_program: index: title: Program conference_speakers: index: title: Speakers conferences: admin: conference_copies: form: slug_help: 'URL slugs are used to generate the URLs that point to this conference. Only accepts letters, numbers and dashes, and must start with a letter. Example: %{url}' conference_invites: create: error: There was a problem inviting the participant to join the conference. success: Participant successfully invited to join the conference. form: attendee_type: Attendee type existing_user: Existing participant invite_explanation: The participant will be invited to join the conference and to the organization as well. non_user: Non existing participant select_user: Select participant index: filter: accepted: Accepted all: All rejected: Rejected sent: Sent filter_by: Filter by invite_attendee: Invite participant invites: Invites search: Search new: explanation: The participant will be invited to join a conference. If her email is not registered she will be invited to the organization as well. invite: Invite new_invite: Invite participant conference_registrations: index: registrations: Registrations conference_speakers: form: existing_user: Existing participant non_user: Non participant select_user: Select participant user_type: Participant type index: search: Search conferences: form: available_slots_help: Leave it to 0 if you have unlimited slots available. registrations_count: one: There has been 1 registration. other: There has been %{count} registrations. slug_help: 'URL slugs are used to generate the URLs that point to this conference. Only accepts letters, numbers and dashes, and must start with a letter. Example: %{url}' diplomas: edit: save: Save title: Certificate of Attendance invite_join_conference_mailer: invite: decline: Decline invitation '%{conference_title}' invited_you_to_join_a_conference: "%{invited_by} has invited you to join a conference at %{application}. You can decline or accept it through the links below." registration: Registration for '%{conference_title}' partners: index: title: Partners registration_types: form: select_conference_meetings: Select conference meetings index: title: Registration types send_conference_diploma_mailer: diploma: diploma_html: You will be find the certificate of attendance for the conference %{title} in the attachments. diploma_user: attendance_verified_by: Attendance verified by certificate_of_attendance: Certificate of Attendance certificate_of_attendance_description: This is to certify that %{user} has attended and taken part in the %{title} held at the %{location} on %{start} - %{end} send_diploma: error: There was a problem sending the conference certificates of attendance. success: Conference certificates of attendance successfully sent conference: registration_confirm: cancel: Cancel confirm: Confirm show: free: Free going: Attending no_slots_available: No slots available registration: Registration conference_program: program_meeting: content: Content location: Location speakers: Speakers streaming: Streaming show: day: Day program: Program conference_registration_mailer: confirmation: confirmed_html: Your registration for the conference %{title} has been confirmed. details_1: 'You are registered to the conference with %{registration_type} type. It has a cost of %{price} and you can attend to the following events:' details_2: You will find the conference's details in the attachment. pending_validation: confirmation_pending: You will receive the confirmation shortly details: 'You have registered to %{registration_type} type with a cost of %{price} and you can attend to the following events:' pending_html: Your registration for the conference %{title} is pending confirmation. conference_registrations: create: invalid: There was a problem joining this conference. success: You have successfully joined the conference. decline_invitation: invalid: There was a problem declining the invitation. success: You have successfully declined the invitation. destroy: invalid: There was a problem leaving this conference. success: You have successfully left the conference. conference_speaker: go_to_twitter: Go to Twitter more_info: more info personal_website: Personal website show: more_info: more info speaking_at: Speaking at conference_speaker_cell: personal_url: personal_website: Personal website twitter_handle: go_to_twitter: Go to Twitter conference_speakers: index: speakers: Speakers conferences: partners: collaborators: Partners main_promotors: Organizers show: login_as: You are logged in as %{name} <%{email}> make_conference_registration: 'Make your registration in the conference:' register: Register content_blocks: highlighted_conferences: name: Highlighted conferences index: title: Conferences mailer: conference_registration_mailer: confirmation: subject: Your conference's registration has been confirmed pending_validation: subject: Your conference's registration is pending confirmation invite_join_conference_mailer: invite: subject: Invitation to join a conference send_conference_diploma_mailer: diploma: subject: Your conference certificate of attendance has been sent models: conference_invite: fields: email: Email name: Name registration_type: Registration type sent_at: Sent at status: Status status: accepted: Accepted (%{at}) rejected: Rejected (%{at}) sent: Sent conference_registration: fields: email: Email name: Name registration_type: Registration type state: Status states: confirmed: Confirmed pending: Pending pages: home: highlighted_conferences: active_conferences: Active conferences see_all_conferences: See all conferences photo: image: attributes: alt: Media picture show: close_modal: Close modal photo: Image photos_list: show: related_photos: Images registration_types: index: choose_an_option: 'Choose your registration option:' login_as: You are logged in as %{name} <%{email}> no_registrations: No registrations register: Register title: Registration types shared: conference_user_login: already_account: Do you already have an account in decidim? new_user: New user? sign_in: Login to register for the conference sign_up: Create an account in decidim to register for the conference show: details: Details introduction: Introduction objectives: Objectives related_assemblies: Related assemblies related_consultations: Related Consultations related_participatory_processes: Related participatory processes statistics: answers_count: Answers comments_count: Comments conference_count: Conferences debates_count: Debates endorsements_count: Endorsements headline: Activity meetings_count: Meetings orders_count: Supports pages_count: Pages posts_count: Posts projects_count: Projects proposals_count: Proposals results_count: Results surveys_count: Surveys users_count: Participants votes_count: Supports events: conferences: conference_registration_confirmed: notification_title: Your registration for the conference %{resource_title} has been confirmed. conference_registration_validation_pending: notification_title: Your registration for the conference %{resource_title} is pending to be confirmed. conference_registrations_over_percentage: email_intro: The "%{resource_title}" conference occupied slots are over %{percentage}%. email_outro: You have received this notification because you are an admin of the conference's participatory space. email_subject: The "%{resource_title}" conference occupied slots are over %{percentage}% notification_title: The %{resource_title} conference occupied slots are over %{percentage}%. conference_updated: email_intro: 'The "%{resource_title}" conference was updated. You can read the new version from its page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following the "%{resource_title}" conference. You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: The "%{resource_title}" conference was updated notification_title: The %{resource_title} conference was updated. registrations_enabled: email_intro: 'The "%{resource_title}" conference has enabled registrations. You can register yourself on its page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following the "%{resource_title}" conference. You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: The "%{resource_title}" conference has enabled registrations. notification_title: The %{resource_title} conference has enabled registrations. role_assigned: email_intro: You have been assigned as %{role} for conference "%{resource_title}". email_outro: You have received this notification because you are %{role} of the "%{resource_title}" conference. email_subject: You have been assigned as %{role} for "%{resource_title}". notification_title: You have been assigned as %{role} for conference %{resource_title}. upcoming_conference: email_intro: 'The "%{resource_title}" conference is taking place in 2 days. You can read the description from its page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following the "%{resource_title}" conference. You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: The "%{resource_title}" conference is coming! notification_title: The %{resource_title} conference is coming in 2 days. help: participatory_spaces: conferences: contextual: "
A conference is a collection of meetings arranged in a programme, with a number of people invited as speakers, and other information fields typical of large congresses or social events (registration, list of organisations that support or sponsor the event, etc.).
Examples: A conference can be a relevant event for an organization and its members, or take place as part of a participatory process or follow a consultation.
\n" page: "A conference is a collection of meetings arranged in a programme, with a number of people invited as speakers, and other information fields typical of large congresses or social events (registration, list of organisations that support or sponsor the event, etc.).
Examples: A conference can be a relevant event for an organization and its members, or take place as part of a participatory process or follow a consultation.
\n" title: What are conferences? log: value_types: conference_presenter: not_found: 'The conference was not found on the database (ID: %{id})' media: index: description: Links about this conference title: Media and Links menu: conferences: Conferences devise: mailer: join_conference: subject: Invitation to join a conference layouts: decidim: conference_hero: register: Register conference_widgets: show: take_part: Take part conferences: conference: more_info: More info take_part: Take part index: promoted_conferences: Highlighted conferences order_by_conferences: conferences: one: "%{count} conference" other: "%{count} conferences" promoted_conference: more_info: More info take_part: Take part conferences_nav: conference_menu_item: Information conference_partners_menu_item: Partners conference_speaker_menu_item: Speakers media: Media venues: Venues