module ThinkingSphinx module ActiveRecord # This module contains all the delta-related code for models. There isn't # really anything you need to call manually in here - except perhaps # index_delta, but not sure what reason why. # module Delta # Code for after_commit callback is written by Eli Miller: # # with slight modification from Joost Hietbrink. # def self.included(base) base.class_eval do class << self def delta_object self.sphinx_indexes.first.delta_object end end def toggled_delta? self.class.delta_object.toggled(self) end private # Set the delta value for the model to be true. def toggle_delta self.class.delta_object.toggle(self) if should_toggle_delta? end def should_toggle_delta? self.new_record? || indexed_data_changed? end def indexed_data_changed? sphinx_indexes.any? { |index| index.fields.any? { |field| field.changed?(self) } || index.attributes.any? { |attrib| attrib.public? && attrib.changed?(self) && !attrib.updatable? } } end end end end end end