require 'thread' require 'time' require 'securerandom' require 'concurrent' module Bugsnag class SessionTracker THREAD_SESSION = "bugsnag_session" SESSION_PAYLOAD_VERSION = "1.0" MUTEX = attr_reader :session_counts ## # Sets the session information for this thread. def self.set_current_session(session) Thread.current[THREAD_SESSION] = session end ## # Returns the session information for this thread. def self.get_current_session Thread.current[THREAD_SESSION] end ## # Initializes the session tracker. def initialize @session_counts = end ## # Starts a new session, storing it on the current thread. # # This allows Bugsnag to track error rates for a release. def start_session return unless Bugsnag.configuration.enable_sessions start_delivery_thread start_time ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00') new_session = { :id => SecureRandom.uuid, :startedAt => start_time, :events => { :handled => 0, :unhandled => 0 } } SessionTracker.set_current_session(new_session) add_session(start_time) end alias_method :create_session, :start_session ## # Delivers the current session_counts lists to the session endpoint. def send_sessions sessions = [] counts = @session_counts @session_counts = counts.each do |min, count| sessions << { :startedAt => min, :sessionsStarted => count } end deliver(sessions) end private def start_delivery_thread MUTEX.synchronize do @started = nil unless defined?(@started) return if @started == @started = at_exit do if !@delivery_thread.nil? @delivery_thread.execute @delivery_thread.shutdown else if @session_counts.size > 0 send_sessions end end end @delivery_thread = Concurrent::TimerTask.execute(execution_interval: 30) do if @session_counts.size > 0 send_sessions end end end end def add_session(min) @session_counts[min] += 1 end def deliver(session_payload) if session_payload.length == 0 Bugsnag.configuration.debug("No sessions to deliver") return end if !Bugsnag.configuration.valid_api_key? Bugsnag.configuration.debug("Not delivering sessions due to an invalid api_key") return end if !Bugsnag.configuration.should_notify_release_stage? Bugsnag.configuration.debug("Not delivering sessions due to notify_release_stages :#{Bugsnag.configuration.notify_release_stages.inspect}") return end body = { :notifier => { :name => Bugsnag::Report::NOTIFIER_NAME, :url => Bugsnag::Report::NOTIFIER_URL, :version => Bugsnag::Report::NOTIFIER_VERSION }, :device => { :hostname => Bugsnag.configuration.hostname }, :app => { :version => Bugsnag.configuration.app_version, :releaseStage => Bugsnag.configuration.release_stage, :type => Bugsnag.configuration.app_type }, :sessionCounts => session_payload } payload = ::JSON.dump(body) headers = { "Bugsnag-Api-Key" => Bugsnag.configuration.api_key, "Bugsnag-Payload-Version" => SESSION_PAYLOAD_VERSION } options = {:headers => headers} Bugsnag::Delivery[Bugsnag.configuration.delivery_method].deliver(Bugsnag.configuration.session_endpoint, payload, Bugsnag.configuration, options) end end end