module Methadone
# By require'ing methadone/cucumber in your Cucumber setup (e.g. in env.rb), you
# gain access to the steps defined in this file. They provide you with the following:
# * Run command_to_run --help using aruba
# When I get help for "command_to_run"
# * Make sure that each option shows up in the help and has *some* sort of documentation. By default,
# the options won't be required to be negatable.
# Then the following options should be documented:
# |--force|
# |-x |
# Then the following options should be documented:
# |--force| which is negatable |
# |-x | which is not negatable |
# * Check an individual option for documentation:
# Then the option "--force" should be documented
# Then the option "--force" should be documented which is negatable
# * Checks that the help has a proper usage banner
# Then the banner should be present
# * Checks that the banner includes the version
# Then the banner should include the version
# * Checks that the usage banner indicates it takes options via [options]
# Then the banner should document that this app takes options
# * Do the opposite; check that you don't indicate options are accepted
# Then the banner should document that this app takes no options
# * Checks that the app's usage banner documents that its arguments are args
# Then the banner should document that this app's arguments are
# |foo|which is optional|
# |bar|which is required|
# * Do the opposite; check that your app doesn't take any arguments
# Then the banner should document that this app takes no arguments
# * Check for a usage description which occurs after the banner and a blank line
# Then there should be a one line summary of what the app does
module Cucumber
Given /^PENDING/ do
pending "test needs to be writen"
When /^I get help for "([^"]*)"$/ do |app_name|
@app_name = app_name
step %(I run `#{app_name} --help`)
When /^I get help for "([^"]*)" subcommand "([^"]*)"$/ do |app_name,subcommands|
@app_name = app_name
@subcommands = subcommands.split(/\s+/)
step %(I run `#{app_name} #{subcommands} --help`)
Then /^the following (argument|option)s should be documented:$/ do |type,table|
table.raw.each do |row|
step %(the #{type} "#{row[0]}" should be documented #{row[1]})
Then /^there should be (\d+) options listed$/ do |option_count|
match = all_output.match(/(?m)Options:\n((?:(?!\n\n).)*)(?:\n\n|\z)/)
real_option_count = match[1].chomp.split(/\n/).select {|l| l =~ /^ *-/}.length
real_option_count.should == option_count.to_i
Then /^the option "([^"]*)" should be documented(.*)$/ do |options,qualifiers|
options.split(',').map(&:strip).each do |option|
if qualifiers.strip == "which is negatable"
option = option.gsub(/^--/,"--[no-]")
step %(the output should match /\\s*#{Regexp.escape(option)}[\\s\\W]+\\w[\\s\\w][\\s\\w]+/)
Then /^the following (commands|global options) should be documented:$/ do |type, table|
table.raw.each do |row|
step %(the output should match /(?m)#{type.capitalize}:((?!\\n\\n).)*\\n +#{Regexp.escape(row[0])}/)
Then /^there should be (\d+) command listed$/ do |command_count|
match = all_output.match(/(?m)Commands:\n((?: [^\n]*\n)+)(\n|\z)/)
real_command_count = match[1].chomp.split(/\n/).length
real_command_count.should == command_count.to_i.should
Then /^the banner should be present$/ do
step %(the output should match /Usage: #{@app_name}/)
Then /^the banner should document that this app takes options$/ do
step %(the output should match /\[options\]/)
step %(the output should contain "Options")
Then /^the banner should document that this app takes global options$/ do
step %(the output should match /\[global options\]/)
step %(the output should contain "Global options")
Then /^the banner should document that this app takes commands$/ do
step %(the output should match /command \[command options and args...\]/)
step %(the output should contain "\\nCommands:")
Then /^the banner should document that this app's arguments are:$/ do |table|
expected_arguments = { |row|
option = row[0]
option = "#{option}..." if row[1] =~ /(?:which can take )?(many|any)( values)?/
option = "[#{option}]" if row[1] =~ /(which is optional|which can take any( values)?|optional|any)/
}.join(' ')
step %(the output should contain "#{expected_arguments}")
Then /^there should be (\d+) arguments? listed$/ do |arg_count|
match = all_output.match(/(?m)\nArguments:\n((?: [^\n]*\n)+)(?:\n|\z)/)
real_arg_count = match[1].chomp.split(/\n (?=[^ ])/).length
real_arg_count.should == arg_count.to_i
Then /^the argument "([^"]*)" should be documented(.*)$/ do |arg,qualifiers|
if qualifiers.strip == "which is optional"
arg += " (optional)"
step %(the output should match /(?m)Arguments:((?!\\n\\n).)*\\n #{Regexp.escape(arg)}/)
Then /^the banner should document that this app takes no options$/ do
step %(the output should not contain "[options]")
step %(the output should not contain "^Options:")
Then /^the banner should document that this app takes no arguments$/ do
step %(the output should match /Usage: #{@app_name}\\s*\(\\[options\\]\)?$/)
Then /^the banner should document that this app takes no commands$/ do
step %(the output should not match /command \[command options and args...\]/)
step %(the output should not contain "\\nCommands:")
Then /^the banner should include the version$/ do
step %(the output should match /v\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+/)
Then /^there should be a one line summary of what the app does$/ do
output_lines = all_output.split(/\n/)
output_lines.size.should >= 4
# [0] is a blank line,
# [1] is our banner, which we've checked for
output_lines[2].should match(/^\s*$/)
output_lines[3].should match(/^\w+\s+\w+/)