# frozen_string_literal: true
# This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information:
# https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/version-3/CONTRIBUTING.md
module Aws::TranscribeStreamingService
module Types
# A list of possible alternative transcriptions for the input audio.
# Each alternative may contain one or more of `Items`, `Entities`, or
# `Transcript`.
# @!attribute [rw] transcript
# Contains transcribed text.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] items
# Contains words, phrases, or punctuation marks in your transcription
# output.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] entities
# Contains entities identified as personally identifiable information
# (PII) in your transcription output.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/Alternative AWS API Documentation
class Alternative < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A wrapper for your audio chunks. Your audio stream consists of one or
# more audio events, which consist of one or more audio chunks.
# For more information, see [Event stream encoding][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/event-stream.html
# @note When making an API call, you may pass AudioEvent
# data as a hash:
# {
# audio_chunk: "data",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] audio_chunk
# An audio blob that contains the next part of the audio that you want
# to transcribe. The maximum audio chunk size is 32 KB.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/AudioEvent AWS API Documentation
class AudioEvent < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# One or more arguments to the `StartStreamTranscription`,
# `StartMedicalStreamTranscription`, or
# `StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription` operation was not valid. For
# example, `MediaEncoding` or `LanguageCode` used not valid values.
# Check the specified parameters and try your request again.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/BadRequestException AWS API Documentation
class BadRequestException < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Contains entities identified as personally identifiable information
# (PII) in your transcription output, along with various associated
# attributes. Examples include category, confidence score, content,
# type, and start and end times.
# @!attribute [rw] begin_offset_millis
# The time, in milliseconds, from the beginning of the audio stream to
# the start of the identified entity.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] end_offset_millis
# The time, in milliseconds, from the beginning of the audio stream to
# the end of the identified entity.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] category
# The category of information identified. For example, `PII`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] type
# The type of PII identified. For example, `NAME` or
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content
# The word or words that represent the identified entity.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] confidence
# The confidence score associated with the identification of an entity
# in your transcript.
# Confidence scores are values between 0 and 1. A larger value
# indicates a higher probability that the identified entity correctly
# matches the entity spoken in your media.
# @return [Float]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/CallAnalyticsEntity AWS API Documentation
class CallAnalyticsEntity < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A word, phrase, or punctuation mark in your Call Analytics
# transcription output, along with various associated attributes, such
# as confidence score, type, and start and end times.
# @!attribute [rw] begin_offset_millis
# The time, in milliseconds, from the beginning of the audio stream to
# the start of the identified item.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] end_offset_millis
# The time, in milliseconds, from the beginning of the audio stream to
# the end of the identified item.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] type
# The type of item identified. Options are: `PRONUNCIATION` (spoken
# words) and `PUNCTUATION`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content
# The word or punctuation that was transcribed.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] confidence
# The confidence score associated with a word or phrase in your
# transcript.
# Confidence scores are values between 0 and 1. A larger value
# indicates a higher probability that the identified item correctly
# matches the item spoken in your media.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_filter_match
# Indicates whether the specified item matches a word in the
# vocabulary filter included in your Call Analytics request. If
# `true`, there is a vocabulary filter match.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] stable
# If partial result stabilization is enabled, `Stable` indicates
# whether the specified item is stable (`true`) or if it may change
# when the segment is complete (`false`).
# @return [Boolean]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/CallAnalyticsItem AWS API Documentation
class CallAnalyticsItem < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Provides information on any `TranscriptFilterType` categories that
# matched your transcription output. Matches are identified for each
# segment upon completion of that segment.
# @!attribute [rw] matched_categories
# Lists the categories that were matched in your audio segment.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] matched_details
# Contains information about the matched categories, including
# category names and timestamps.
# @return [Hash]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/CategoryEvent AWS API Documentation
class CategoryEvent < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Makes it possible to specify which speaker is on which audio channel.
# For example, if your agent is the first participant to speak, you
# would set `ChannelId` to `0` (to indicate the first channel) and
# `ParticipantRole` to `AGENT` (to indicate that it's the agent
# speaking).
# @note When making an API call, you may pass ChannelDefinition
# data as a hash:
# {
# channel_id: 1, # required
# participant_role: "AGENT", # required, accepts AGENT, CUSTOMER
# }
# @!attribute [rw] channel_id
# Specify the audio channel you want to define.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] participant_role
# Specify the speaker you want to define. Omitting this parameter is
# equivalent to specifying both participants.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/ChannelDefinition AWS API Documentation
class ChannelDefinition < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Provides the location, using character count, in your transcript where
# a match is identified. For example, the location of an issue or a
# category match within a segment.
# @!attribute [rw] begin
# Provides the character count of the first character where a match is
# identified. For example, the first character associated with an
# issue or a category match in a segment transcript.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] end
# Provides the character count of the last character where a match is
# identified. For example, the last character associated with an issue
# or a category match in a segment transcript.
# @return [Integer]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/CharacterOffsets AWS API Documentation
class CharacterOffsets < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Allows you to set audio channel definitions and post-call analytics
# settings.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass ConfigurationEvent
# data as a hash:
# {
# channel_definitions: [
# {
# channel_id: 1, # required
# participant_role: "AGENT", # required, accepts AGENT, CUSTOMER
# },
# ],
# post_call_analytics_settings: {
# output_location: "String", # required
# data_access_role_arn: "String", # required
# content_redaction_output: "redacted", # accepts redacted, redacted_and_unredacted
# output_encryption_kms_key_id: "String",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] channel_definitions
# Indicates which speaker is on which audio channel.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] post_call_analytics_settings
# Provides additional optional settings for your Call Analytics
# post-call request, including encryption and output locations for
# your redacted and unredacted transcript.
# @return [Types::PostCallAnalyticsSettings]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/ConfigurationEvent AWS API Documentation
class ConfigurationEvent < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A new stream started with the same session ID. The current stream has
# been terminated.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/ConflictException AWS API Documentation
class ConflictException < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Contains entities identified as personally identifiable information
# (PII) in your transcription output, along with various associated
# attributes. Examples include category, confidence score, type,
# stability score, and start and end times.
# @!attribute [rw] start_time
# The start time, in milliseconds, of the utterance that was
# identified as PII.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] end_time
# The end time, in milliseconds, of the utterance that was identified
# as PII.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] category
# The category of information identified. The only category is `PII`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] type
# The type of PII identified. For example, `NAME` or
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content
# The word or words identified as PII.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] confidence
# The confidence score associated with the identified PII entity in
# your audio.
# Confidence scores are values between 0 and 1. A larger value
# indicates a higher probability that the identified entity correctly
# matches the entity spoken in your media.
# @return [Float]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/Entity AWS API Documentation
class Entity < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A problem occurred while processing the audio. Amazon Transcribe
# terminated processing.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/InternalFailureException AWS API Documentation
class InternalFailureException < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Lists the issues that were identified in your audio segment.
# @!attribute [rw] character_offsets
# Provides the timestamps that identify when in an audio segment the
# specified issue occurs.
# @return [Types::CharacterOffsets]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/IssueDetected AWS API Documentation
class IssueDetected < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A word, phrase, or punctuation mark in your transcription output,
# along with various associated attributes, such as confidence score,
# type, and start and end times.
# @!attribute [rw] start_time
# The start time, in milliseconds, of the transcribed item.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] end_time
# The end time, in milliseconds, of the transcribed item.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] type
# The type of item identified. Options are: `PRONUNCIATION` (spoken
# words) and `PUNCTUATION`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content
# The word or punctuation that was transcribed.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_filter_match
# Indicates whether the specified item matches a word in the
# vocabulary filter included in your request. If `true`, there is a
# vocabulary filter match.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] speaker
# If speaker partitioning is enabled, `Speaker` labels the speaker of
# the specified item.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] confidence
# The confidence score associated with a word or phrase in your
# transcript.
# Confidence scores are values between 0 and 1. A larger value
# indicates a higher probability that the identified item correctly
# matches the item spoken in your media.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] stable
# If partial result stabilization is enabled, `Stable` indicates
# whether the specified item is stable (`true`) or if it may change
# when the segment is complete (`false`).
# @return [Boolean]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/Item AWS API Documentation
class Item < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The language code that represents the language identified in your
# audio, including the associated confidence score. If you enabled
# channel identification in your request and each channel contained a
# different language, you will have more than one `LanguageWithScore`
# result.
# @!attribute [rw] language_code
# The language code of the identified language.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] score
# The confidence score associated with the identified language code.
# Confidence scores are values between zero and one; larger values
# indicate a higher confidence in the identified language.
# @return [Float]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/LanguageWithScore AWS API Documentation
class LanguageWithScore < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Your client has exceeded one of the Amazon Transcribe limits. This is
# typically the audio length limit. Break your audio stream into smaller
# chunks and try your request again.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/LimitExceededException AWS API Documentation
class LimitExceededException < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A list of possible alternative transcriptions for the input audio.
# Each alternative may contain one or more of `Items`, `Entities`, or
# `Transcript`.
# @!attribute [rw] transcript
# Contains transcribed text.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] items
# Contains words, phrases, or punctuation marks in your transcription
# output.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] entities
# Contains entities identified as personal health information (PHI) in
# your transcription output.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/MedicalAlternative AWS API Documentation
class MedicalAlternative < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Contains entities identified as personal health information (PHI) in
# your transcription output, along with various associated attributes.
# Examples include category, confidence score, type, stability score,
# and start and end times.
# @!attribute [rw] start_time
# The start time, in milliseconds, of the utterance that was
# identified as PHI.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] end_time
# The end time, in milliseconds, of the utterance that was identified
# as PHI.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] category
# The category of information identified. The only category is `PHI`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content
# The word or words identified as PHI.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] confidence
# The confidence score associated with the identified PHI entity in
# your audio.
# Confidence scores are values between 0 and 1. A larger value
# indicates a higher probability that the identified entity correctly
# matches the entity spoken in your media.
# @return [Float]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/MedicalEntity AWS API Documentation
class MedicalEntity < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A word, phrase, or punctuation mark in your transcription output,
# along with various associated attributes, such as confidence score,
# type, and start and end times.
# @!attribute [rw] start_time
# The start time, in milliseconds, of the transcribed item.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] end_time
# The end time, in milliseconds, of the transcribed item.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] type
# The type of item identified. Options are: `PRONUNCIATION` (spoken
# words) and `PUNCTUATION`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content
# The word or punctuation that was transcribed.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] confidence
# The confidence score associated with a word or phrase in your
# transcript.
# Confidence scores are values between 0 and 1. A larger value
# indicates a higher probability that the identified item correctly
# matches the item spoken in your media.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] speaker
# If speaker partitioning is enabled, `Speaker` labels the speaker of
# the specified item.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/MedicalItem AWS API Documentation
class MedicalItem < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `Result` associated with a ``.
# Contains a set of transcription results from one or more audio
# segments, along with additional information per your request
# parameters. This can include information relating to alternative
# transcriptions, channel identification, partial result stabilization,
# language identification, and other transcription-related data.
# @!attribute [rw] result_id
# Provides a unique identifier for the `Result`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] start_time
# The start time, in milliseconds, of the `Result`.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] end_time
# The end time, in milliseconds, of the `Result`.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] is_partial
# Indicates if the segment is complete.
# If `IsPartial` is `true`, the segment is not complete. If
# `IsPartial` is `false`, the segment is complete.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] alternatives
# A list of possible alternative transcriptions for the input audio.
# Each alternative may contain one or more of `Items`, `Entities`, or
# `Transcript`.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] channel_id
# Indicates the channel identified for the `Result`.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/MedicalResult AWS API Documentation
class MedicalResult < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `MedicalTranscript` associated with a `.
# contains Results, which contains a set of transcription results from
# one or more audio segments, along with additional information per your
# request parameters.
# `
# @!attribute [rw] results
# Contains a set of transcription results from one or more audio
# segments, along with additional information per your request
# parameters. This can include information relating to alternative
# transcriptions, channel identification, partial result
# stabilization, language identification, and other
# transcription-related data.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/MedicalTranscript AWS API Documentation
class MedicalTranscript < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `MedicalTranscriptEvent` associated with a
# `MedicalTranscriptResultStream`.
# Contains a set of transcription results from one or more audio
# segments, along with additional information per your request
# parameters.
# @!attribute [rw] transcript
# Contains `Results`, which contains a set of transcription results
# from one or more audio segments, along with additional information
# per your request parameters. This can include information relating
# to alternative transcriptions, channel identification, partial
# result stabilization, language identification, and other
# transcription-related data.
# @return [Types::MedicalTranscript]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/MedicalTranscriptEvent AWS API Documentation
class MedicalTranscriptEvent < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Contains the timestamps of matched categories.
# @!attribute [rw] timestamp_ranges
# Contains the timestamp ranges (start time through end time) of
# matched categories and rules.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/PointsOfInterest AWS API Documentation
class PointsOfInterest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Allows you to specify additional settings for your streaming Call
# Analytics post-call request, including output locations for your
# redacted and unredacted transcript, which IAM role to use, and,
# optionally, which encryption key to use.
# `ContentRedactionOutput`, `DataAccessRoleArn`, and `OutputLocation`
# are required fields.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass PostCallAnalyticsSettings
# data as a hash:
# {
# output_location: "String", # required
# data_access_role_arn: "String", # required
# content_redaction_output: "redacted", # accepts redacted, redacted_and_unredacted
# output_encryption_kms_key_id: "String",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] output_location
# The Amazon S3 location where you want your Call Analytics post-call
# transcription output stored. You can use any of the following
# formats to specify the output location:
# 2. s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/my-output-folder/
# 3. s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/my-output-folder/my-call-analytics-job.json
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] data_access_role_arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that has permissions
# to access the Amazon S3 bucket that contains your input files. If
# the role that you specify doesn’t have the appropriate permissions
# to access the specified Amazon S3 location, your request fails.
# IAM role ARNs have the format
# `arn:partition:iam::account:role/role-name-with-path`. For example:
# `arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Admin`. For more information, see
# [IAM ARNs][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_identifiers.html#identifiers-arns
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content_redaction_output
# Specify whether you want only a redacted transcript or both a
# redacted and an unredacted transcript. If you choose redacted and
# unredacted, two JSON files are generated and stored in the Amazon S3
# output location you specify.
# Note that to include `ContentRedactionOutput` in your request, you
# must enable content redaction (`ContentRedactionType`).
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] output_encryption_kms_key_id
# The KMS key you want to use to encrypt your Call Analytics post-call
# output.
# If using a key located in the **current** Amazon Web Services
# account, you can specify your KMS key in one of four ways:
# 1. Use the KMS key ID itself. For example,
# `1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab`.
# 2. Use an alias for the KMS key ID. For example,
# `alias/ExampleAlias`.
# 3. Use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the KMS key ID. For
# example,
# `arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab`.
# 4. Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example,
# `arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias`.
# If using a key located in a **different** Amazon Web Services
# account than the current Amazon Web Services account, you can
# specify your KMS key in one of two ways:
# 1. Use the ARN for the KMS key ID. For example,
# `arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab`.
# 2. Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example,
# `arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias`.
# Note that the user making the request must have permission to use
# the specified KMS key.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/PostCallAnalyticsSettings AWS API Documentation
class PostCallAnalyticsSettings < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `Result` associated with a ``.
# Contains a set of transcription results from one or more audio
# segments, along with additional information per your request
# parameters. This can include information relating to alternative
# transcriptions, channel identification, partial result stabilization,
# language identification, and other transcription-related data.
# @!attribute [rw] result_id
# Provides a unique identifier for the `Result`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] start_time
# The start time, in milliseconds, of the `Result`.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] end_time
# The end time, in milliseconds, of the `Result`.
# @return [Float]
# @!attribute [rw] is_partial
# Indicates if the segment is complete.
# If `IsPartial` is `true`, the segment is not complete. If
# `IsPartial` is `false`, the segment is complete.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] alternatives
# A list of possible alternative transcriptions for the input audio.
# Each alternative may contain one or more of `Items`, `Entities`, or
# `Transcript`.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] channel_id
# Indicates which audio channel is associated with the `Result`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] language_code
# The language code that represents the language spoken in your audio
# stream.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] language_identification
# The language code of the dominant language identified in your
# stream.
# If you enabled channel identification and each channel of your audio
# contains a different language, you may have more than one result.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/Result AWS API Documentation
class Result < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The service is currently unavailable. Try your request later.
# @!attribute [rw] message
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/ServiceUnavailableException AWS API Documentation
class ServiceUnavailableException < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscriptionRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# language_code: "en-US", # required, accepts en-US, en-GB, es-US, fr-CA, fr-FR, en-AU, it-IT, de-DE, pt-BR
# media_sample_rate_hertz: 1, # required
# media_encoding: "pcm", # required, accepts pcm, ogg-opus, flac
# vocabulary_name: "VocabularyName",
# session_id: "SessionId",
# input_event_stream_hander: EventStreams::AudioStream.new,
# vocabulary_filter_name: "VocabularyFilterName",
# vocabulary_filter_method: "remove", # accepts remove, mask, tag
# language_model_name: "ModelName",
# enable_partial_results_stabilization: false,
# partial_results_stability: "high", # accepts high, medium, low
# content_identification_type: "PII", # accepts PII
# content_redaction_type: "PII", # accepts PII
# pii_entity_types: "PiiEntityTypes",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] language_code
# Specify the language code that represents the language spoken in
# your audio.
# If you're unsure of the language spoken in your audio, consider
# using `IdentifyLanguage` to enable automatic language
# identification.
# For a list of languages supported with streaming Call Analytics,
# refer to the [Supported languages][1] table.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/supported-languages.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] media_sample_rate_hertz
# The sample rate of the input audio (in hertz). Low-quality audio,
# such as telephone audio, is typically around 8,000 Hz. High-quality
# audio typically ranges from 16,000 Hz to 48,000 Hz. Note that the
# sample rate you specify must match that of your audio.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] media_encoding
# Specify the encoding of your input audio. Supported formats are:
# * FLAC
# * OPUS-encoded audio in an Ogg container
# * PCM (only signed 16-bit little-endian audio formats, which does
# not include WAV)
# For more information, see [Media formats][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/how-input.html#how-input-audio
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_name
# Specify the name of the custom vocabulary that you want to use when
# processing your transcription. Note that vocabulary names are case
# sensitive.
# If the language of the specified custom vocabulary doesn't match
# the language identified in your media, the custom vocabulary is not
# applied to your transcription.
# For more information, see [Custom vocabularies][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/custom-vocabulary.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] session_id
# Specify a name for your Call Analytics transcription session. If you
# don't include this parameter in your request, Amazon Transcribe
# generates an ID and returns it in the response.
# You can use a session ID to retry a streaming session.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] audio_stream
# An encoded stream of audio blobs. Audio streams are encoded as
# either HTTP/2 or WebSocket data frames.
# For more information, see [Transcribing streaming audio][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/streaming.html
# @return [Types::AudioStream]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_filter_name
# Specify the name of the custom vocabulary filter that you want to
# use when processing your transcription. Note that vocabulary filter
# names are case sensitive.
# If the language of the specified custom vocabulary filter doesn't
# match the language identified in your media, the vocabulary filter
# is not applied to your transcription.
# For more information, see [Using vocabulary filtering with unwanted
# words][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/vocabulary-filtering.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_filter_method
# Specify how you want your vocabulary filter applied to your
# transcript.
# To replace words with `***`, choose `mask`.
# To delete words, choose `remove`.
# To flag words without changing them, choose `tag`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] language_model_name
# Specify the name of the custom language model that you want to use
# when processing your transcription. Note that language model names
# are case sensitive.
# The language of the specified language model must match the language
# code you specify in your transcription request. If the languages
# don't match, the custom language model isn't applied. There are no
# errors or warnings associated with a language mismatch.
# For more information, see [Custom language models][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/custom-language-models.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] enable_partial_results_stabilization
# Enables partial result stabilization for your transcription. Partial
# result stabilization can reduce latency in your output, but may
# impact accuracy. For more information, see [Partial-result
# stabilization][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/streaming.html#streaming-partial-result-stabilization
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] partial_results_stability
# Specify the level of stability to use when you enable partial
# results stabilization (`EnablePartialResultsStabilization`).
# Low stability provides the highest accuracy. High stability
# transcribes faster, but with slightly lower accuracy.
# For more information, see [Partial-result stabilization][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/streaming.html#streaming-partial-result-stabilization
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content_identification_type
# Labels all personally identifiable information (PII) identified in
# your transcript.
# Content identification is performed at the segment level; PII
# specified in `PiiEntityTypes` is flagged upon complete transcription
# of an audio segment.
# You can’t set `ContentIdentificationType` and `ContentRedactionType`
# in the same request. If you set both, your request returns a
# `BadRequestException`.
# For more information, see [Redacting or identifying personally
# identifiable information][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/pii-redaction.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content_redaction_type
# Redacts all personally identifiable information (PII) identified in
# your transcript.
# Content redaction is performed at the segment level; PII specified
# in `PiiEntityTypes` is redacted upon complete transcription of an
# audio segment.
# You can’t set `ContentRedactionType` and `ContentIdentificationType`
# in the same request. If you set both, your request returns a
# `BadRequestException`.
# For more information, see [Redacting or identifying personally
# identifiable information][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/pii-redaction.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] pii_entity_types
# Specify which types of personally identifiable information (PII) you
# want to redact in your transcript. You can include as many types as
# you'd like, or you can select `ALL`.
# To include `PiiEntityTypes` in your Call Analytics request, you must
# also include either `ContentIdentificationType` or
# `ContentRedactionType`.
# Values must be comma-separated and can include:
# `ADDRESS`, `NAME`, `PHONE`, `SSN`, or `ALL`.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscriptionRequest AWS API Documentation
class StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscriptionRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] request_id
# Provides the identifier for your Call Analytics streaming request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] language_code
# Provides the language code that you specified in your Call Analytics
# request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] media_sample_rate_hertz
# Provides the sample rate that you specified in your Call Analytics
# request.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] media_encoding
# Provides the media encoding you specified in your Call Analytics
# request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_name
# Provides the name of the custom vocabulary that you specified in
# your Call Analytics request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] session_id
# Provides the identifier for your Call Analytics transcription
# session.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] call_analytics_transcript_result_stream
# Provides detailed information about your Call Analytics streaming
# session.
# @return [Types::CallAnalyticsTranscriptResultStream]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_filter_name
# Provides the name of the custom vocabulary filter that you specified
# in your Call Analytics request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_filter_method
# Provides the vocabulary filtering method used in your Call Analytics
# transcription.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] language_model_name
# Provides the name of the custom language model that you specified in
# your Call Analytics request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] enable_partial_results_stabilization
# Shows whether partial results stabilization was enabled for your
# Call Analytics transcription.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] partial_results_stability
# Provides the stabilization level used for your transcription.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content_identification_type
# Shows whether content identification was enabled for your Call
# Analytics transcription.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content_redaction_type
# Shows whether content redaction was enabled for your Call Analytics
# transcription.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] pii_entity_types
# Lists the PII entity types you specified in your Call Analytics
# request.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscriptionResponse AWS API Documentation
class StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscriptionResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass StartMedicalStreamTranscriptionRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# language_code: "en-US", # required, accepts en-US, en-GB, es-US, fr-CA, fr-FR, en-AU, it-IT, de-DE, pt-BR, ja-JP, ko-KR, zh-CN, hi-IN, th-TH
# media_sample_rate_hertz: 1, # required
# media_encoding: "pcm", # required, accepts pcm, ogg-opus, flac
# vocabulary_name: "VocabularyName",
# type: "CONVERSATION", # required, accepts CONVERSATION, DICTATION
# show_speaker_label: false,
# session_id: "SessionId",
# input_event_stream_hander: EventStreams::AudioStream.new,
# enable_channel_identification: false,
# number_of_channels: 1,
# content_identification_type: "PHI", # accepts PHI
# }
# @!attribute [rw] language_code
# Specify the language code that represents the language spoken in
# your audio.
# Amazon Transcribe Medical only supports US English (`en-US`).
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] media_sample_rate_hertz
# The sample rate of the input audio (in hertz). Amazon Transcribe
# Medical supports a range from 16,000 Hz to 48,000 Hz. Note that the
# sample rate you specify must match that of your audio.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] media_encoding
# Specify the encoding used for the input audio. Supported formats
# are:
# * FLAC
# * OPUS-encoded audio in an Ogg container
# * PCM (only signed 16-bit little-endian audio formats, which does
# not include WAV)
# For more information, see [Media formats][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/how-input.html#how-input-audio
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_name
# Specify the name of the custom vocabulary that you want to use when
# processing your transcription. Note that vocabulary names are case
# sensitive.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] specialty
# Specify the medical specialty contained in your audio.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] type
# Specify the type of input audio. For example, choose `DICTATION` for
# a provider dictating patient notes and `CONVERSATION` for a dialogue
# between a patient and a medical professional.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] show_speaker_label
# Enables speaker partitioning (diarization) in your transcription
# output. Speaker partitioning labels the speech from individual
# speakers in your media file.
# For more information, see [Partitioning speakers (diarization)][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/diarization.html
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] session_id
# Specify a name for your transcription session. If you don't include
# this parameter in your request, Amazon Transcribe Medical generates
# an ID and returns it in the response.
# You can use a session ID to retry a streaming session.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] audio_stream
# An encoded stream of audio blobs. Audio streams are encoded as
# either HTTP/2 or WebSocket data frames.
# For more information, see [Transcribing streaming audio][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/streaming.html
# @return [Types::AudioStream]
# @!attribute [rw] enable_channel_identification
# Enables channel identification in multi-channel audio.
# Channel identification transcribes the audio on each channel
# independently, then appends the output for each channel into one
# transcript.
# If you have multi-channel audio and do not enable channel
# identification, your audio is transcribed in a continuous manner and
# your transcript is not separated by channel.
# For more information, see [Transcribing multi-channel audio][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/channel-id.html
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] number_of_channels
# Specify the number of channels in your audio stream. Up to two
# channels are supported.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] content_identification_type
# Labels all personal health information (PHI) identified in your
# transcript.
# Content identification is performed at the segment level; PHI is
# flagged upon complete transcription of an audio segment.
# For more information, see [Identifying personal health information
# (PHI) in a transcription][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/phi-id.html
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/StartMedicalStreamTranscriptionRequest AWS API Documentation
class StartMedicalStreamTranscriptionRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] request_id
# Provides the identifier for your streaming request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] language_code
# Provides the language code that you specified in your request. This
# must be `en-US`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] media_sample_rate_hertz
# Provides the sample rate that you specified in your request.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] media_encoding
# Provides the media encoding you specified in your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_name
# Provides the name of the custom vocabulary that you specified in
# your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] specialty
# Provides the medical specialty that you specified in your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] type
# Provides the type of audio you specified in your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] show_speaker_label
# Shows whether speaker partitioning was enabled for your
# transcription.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] session_id
# Provides the identifier for your transcription session.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] transcript_result_stream
# Provides detailed information about your streaming session.
# @return [Types::MedicalTranscriptResultStream]
# @!attribute [rw] enable_channel_identification
# Shows whether channel identification was enabled for your
# transcription.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] number_of_channels
# Provides the number of channels that you specified in your request.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] content_identification_type
# Shows whether content identification was enabled for your
# transcription.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/StartMedicalStreamTranscriptionResponse AWS API Documentation
class StartMedicalStreamTranscriptionResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @note When making an API call, you may pass StartStreamTranscriptionRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# language_code: "en-US", # accepts en-US, en-GB, es-US, fr-CA, fr-FR, en-AU, it-IT, de-DE, pt-BR, ja-JP, ko-KR, zh-CN, hi-IN, th-TH
# media_sample_rate_hertz: 1, # required
# media_encoding: "pcm", # required, accepts pcm, ogg-opus, flac
# vocabulary_name: "VocabularyName",
# session_id: "SessionId",
# input_event_stream_hander: EventStreams::AudioStream.new,
# vocabulary_filter_name: "VocabularyFilterName",
# vocabulary_filter_method: "remove", # accepts remove, mask, tag
# show_speaker_label: false,
# enable_channel_identification: false,
# number_of_channels: 1,
# enable_partial_results_stabilization: false,
# partial_results_stability: "high", # accepts high, medium, low
# content_identification_type: "PII", # accepts PII
# content_redaction_type: "PII", # accepts PII
# pii_entity_types: "PiiEntityTypes",
# language_model_name: "ModelName",
# identify_language: false,
# language_options: "LanguageOptions",
# preferred_language: "en-US", # accepts en-US, en-GB, es-US, fr-CA, fr-FR, en-AU, it-IT, de-DE, pt-BR, ja-JP, ko-KR, zh-CN, hi-IN, th-TH
# vocabulary_names: "VocabularyNames",
# vocabulary_filter_names: "VocabularyFilterNames",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] language_code
# Specify the language code that represents the language spoken in
# your audio.
# If you're unsure of the language spoken in your audio, consider
# using `IdentifyLanguage` to enable automatic language
# identification.
# For a list of languages supported with Amazon Transcribe streaming,
# refer to the [Supported languages][1] table.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/supported-languages.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] media_sample_rate_hertz
# The sample rate of the input audio (in hertz). Low-quality audio,
# such as telephone audio, is typically around 8,000 Hz. High-quality
# audio typically ranges from 16,000 Hz to 48,000 Hz. Note that the
# sample rate you specify must match that of your audio.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] media_encoding
# Specify the encoding of your input audio. Supported formats are:
# * FLAC
# * OPUS-encoded audio in an Ogg container
# * PCM (only signed 16-bit little-endian audio formats, which does
# not include WAV)
# For more information, see [Media formats][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/how-input.html#how-input-audio
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_name
# Specify the name of the custom vocabulary that you want to use when
# processing your transcription. Note that vocabulary names are case
# sensitive.
# If the language of the specified custom vocabulary doesn't match
# the language identified in your media, the custom vocabulary is not
# applied to your transcription.
# This parameter is **not** intended for use with the
# `IdentifyLanguage` parameter. If you're including
# `IdentifyLanguage` in your request and want to use one or more
# custom vocabularies with your transcription, use the
# `VocabularyNames` parameter instead.
# For more information, see [Custom vocabularies][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/custom-vocabulary.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] session_id
# Specify a name for your transcription session. If you don't include
# this parameter in your request, Amazon Transcribe generates an ID
# and returns it in the response.
# You can use a session ID to retry a streaming session.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] audio_stream
# An encoded stream of audio blobs. Audio streams are encoded as
# either HTTP/2 or WebSocket data frames.
# For more information, see [Transcribing streaming audio][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/streaming.html
# @return [Types::AudioStream]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_filter_name
# Specify the name of the custom vocabulary filter that you want to
# use when processing your transcription. Note that vocabulary filter
# names are case sensitive.
# If the language of the specified custom vocabulary filter doesn't
# match the language identified in your media, the vocabulary filter
# is not applied to your transcription.
# This parameter is **not** intended for use with the
# `IdentifyLanguage` parameter. If you're including
# `IdentifyLanguage` in your request and want to use one or more
# vocabulary filters with your transcription, use the
# `VocabularyFilterNames` parameter instead.
# For more information, see [Using vocabulary filtering with unwanted
# words][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/vocabulary-filtering.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_filter_method
# Specify how you want your vocabulary filter applied to your
# transcript.
# To replace words with `***`, choose `mask`.
# To delete words, choose `remove`.
# To flag words without changing them, choose `tag`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] show_speaker_label
# Enables speaker partitioning (diarization) in your transcription
# output. Speaker partitioning labels the speech from individual
# speakers in your media file.
# For more information, see [Partitioning speakers (diarization)][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/diarization.html
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] enable_channel_identification
# Enables channel identification in multi-channel audio.
# Channel identification transcribes the audio on each channel
# independently, then appends the output for each channel into one
# transcript.
# If you have multi-channel audio and do not enable channel
# identification, your audio is transcribed in a continuous manner and
# your transcript is not separated by channel.
# For more information, see [Transcribing multi-channel audio][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/channel-id.html
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] number_of_channels
# Specify the number of channels in your audio stream. Up to two
# channels are supported.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] enable_partial_results_stabilization
# Enables partial result stabilization for your transcription. Partial
# result stabilization can reduce latency in your output, but may
# impact accuracy. For more information, see [Partial-result
# stabilization][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/streaming.html#streaming-partial-result-stabilization
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] partial_results_stability
# Specify the level of stability to use when you enable partial
# results stabilization (`EnablePartialResultsStabilization`).
# Low stability provides the highest accuracy. High stability
# transcribes faster, but with slightly lower accuracy.
# For more information, see [Partial-result stabilization][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/streaming.html#streaming-partial-result-stabilization
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content_identification_type
# Labels all personally identifiable information (PII) identified in
# your transcript.
# Content identification is performed at the segment level; PII
# specified in `PiiEntityTypes` is flagged upon complete transcription
# of an audio segment.
# You can’t set `ContentIdentificationType` and `ContentRedactionType`
# in the same request. If you set both, your request returns a
# `BadRequestException`.
# For more information, see [Redacting or identifying personally
# identifiable information][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/pii-redaction.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content_redaction_type
# Redacts all personally identifiable information (PII) identified in
# your transcript.
# Content redaction is performed at the segment level; PII specified
# in `PiiEntityTypes` is redacted upon complete transcription of an
# audio segment.
# You can’t set `ContentRedactionType` and `ContentIdentificationType`
# in the same request. If you set both, your request returns a
# `BadRequestException`.
# For more information, see [Redacting or identifying personally
# identifiable information][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/pii-redaction.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] pii_entity_types
# Specify which types of personally identifiable information (PII) you
# want to redact in your transcript. You can include as many types as
# you'd like, or you can select `ALL`.
# To include `PiiEntityTypes` in your request, you must also include
# either `ContentIdentificationType` or `ContentRedactionType`.
# Values must be comma-separated and can include:
# `ADDRESS`, `NAME`, `PHONE`, `SSN`, or `ALL`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] language_model_name
# Specify the name of the custom language model that you want to use
# when processing your transcription. Note that language model names
# are case sensitive.
# The language of the specified language model must match the language
# code you specify in your transcription request. If the languages
# don't match, the custom language model isn't applied. There are no
# errors or warnings associated with a language mismatch.
# For more information, see [Custom language models][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/custom-language-models.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] identify_language
# Enables automatic language identification for your transcription.
# If you include `IdentifyLanguage`, you can optionally include a list
# of language codes, using `LanguageOptions`, that you think may be
# present in your audio stream. Including language options can improve
# transcription accuracy.
# You can also include a preferred language using `PreferredLanguage`.
# Adding a preferred language can help Amazon Transcribe identify the
# language faster than if you omit this parameter.
# If you have multi-channel audio that contains different languages on
# each channel, and you've enabled channel identification, automatic
# language identification identifies the dominant language on each
# audio channel.
# Note that you must include either `LanguageCode` or
# `IdentifyLanguage` in your request. If you include both parameters,
# your request fails.
# Streaming language identification can't be combined with custom
# language models or redaction.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] language_options
# Specify two or more language codes that represent the languages you
# think may be present in your media; including more than five is not
# recommended. If you're unsure what languages are present, do not
# include this parameter.
# Including language options can improve the accuracy of language
# identification.
# If you include `LanguageOptions` in your request, you must also
# include `IdentifyLanguage`.
# For a list of languages supported with Amazon Transcribe streaming,
# refer to the [Supported languages][1] table.
# You can only include one language dialect per language per stream.
# For example, you cannot include `en-US` and `en-AU` in the same
# request.
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/supported-languages.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] preferred_language
# Specify a preferred language from the subset of languages codes you
# specified in `LanguageOptions`.
# You can only use this parameter if you've included
# `IdentifyLanguage` and `LanguageOptions` in your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_names
# Specify the names of the custom vocabularies that you want to use
# when processing your transcription. Note that vocabulary names are
# case sensitive.
# If none of the languages of the specified custom vocabularies match
# the language identified in your media, your job fails.
# This parameter is only intended for use **with** the
# `IdentifyLanguage` parameter. If you're **not** including
# `IdentifyLanguage` in your request and want to use a custom
# vocabulary with your transcription, use the `VocabularyName`
# parameter instead.
# For more information, see [Custom vocabularies][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/custom-vocabulary.html
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_filter_names
# Specify the names of the custom vocabulary filters that you want to
# use when processing your transcription. Note that vocabulary filter
# names are case sensitive.
# If none of the languages of the specified custom vocabulary filters
# match the language identified in your media, your job fails.
# This parameter is only intended for use **with** the
# `IdentifyLanguage` parameter. If you're **not** including
# `IdentifyLanguage` in your request and want to use a custom
# vocabulary filter with your transcription, use the
# `VocabularyFilterName` parameter instead.
# For more information, see [Using vocabulary filtering with unwanted
# words][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/vocabulary-filtering.html
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/StartStreamTranscriptionRequest AWS API Documentation
class StartStreamTranscriptionRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# @!attribute [rw] request_id
# Provides the identifier for your streaming request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] language_code
# Provides the language code that you specified in your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] media_sample_rate_hertz
# Provides the sample rate that you specified in your request.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] media_encoding
# Provides the media encoding you specified in your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_name
# Provides the name of the custom vocabulary that you specified in
# your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] session_id
# Provides the identifier for your transcription session.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] transcript_result_stream
# Provides detailed information about your streaming session.
# @return [Types::TranscriptResultStream]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_filter_name
# Provides the name of the custom vocabulary filter that you specified
# in your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_filter_method
# Provides the vocabulary filtering method used in your transcription.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] show_speaker_label
# Shows whether speaker partitioning was enabled for your
# transcription.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] enable_channel_identification
# Shows whether channel identification was enabled for your
# transcription.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] number_of_channels
# Provides the number of channels that you specified in your request.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] enable_partial_results_stabilization
# Shows whether partial results stabilization was enabled for your
# transcription.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] partial_results_stability
# Provides the stabilization level used for your transcription.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content_identification_type
# Shows whether content identification was enabled for your
# transcription.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] content_redaction_type
# Shows whether content redaction was enabled for your transcription.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] pii_entity_types
# Lists the PII entity types you specified in your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] language_model_name
# Provides the name of the custom language model that you specified in
# your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] identify_language
# Shows whether automatic language identification was enabled for your
# transcription.
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] language_options
# Provides the language codes that you specified in your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] preferred_language
# Provides the preferred language that you specified in your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_names
# Provides the names of the custom vocabularies that you specified in
# your request.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vocabulary_filter_names
# Provides the names of the custom vocabulary filters that you
# specified in your request.
# @return [String]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/StartStreamTranscriptionResponse AWS API Documentation
class StartStreamTranscriptionResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Contains the timestamp range (start time through end time) of a
# matched category.
# @!attribute [rw] begin_offset_millis
# The time, in milliseconds, from the beginning of the audio stream to
# the start of the category match.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] end_offset_millis
# The time, in milliseconds, from the beginning of the audio stream to
# the end of the category match.
# @return [Integer]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/TimestampRange AWS API Documentation
class TimestampRange < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `Transcript` associated with a `. Transcript contains
# Results, which contains a set of transcription results from one or
# more audio segments, along with additional information per your
# request parameters.
# `
# @!attribute [rw] results
# Contains a set of transcription results from one or more audio
# segments, along with additional information per your request
# parameters. This can include information relating to alternative
# transcriptions, channel identification, partial result
# stabilization, language identification, and other
# transcription-related data.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/Transcript AWS API Documentation
class Transcript < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `TranscriptEvent` associated with a `TranscriptResultStream`.
# Contains a set of transcription results from one or more audio
# segments, along with additional information per your request
# parameters.
# @!attribute [rw] transcript
# Contains `Results`, which contains a set of transcription results
# from one or more audio segments, along with additional information
# per your request parameters. This can include information relating
# to alternative transcriptions, channel identification, partial
# result stabilization, language identification, and other
# transcription-related data.
# @return [Types::Transcript]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/TranscriptEvent AWS API Documentation
class TranscriptEvent < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Contains set of transcription results from one or more audio segments,
# along with additional information about the parameters included in
# your request. For example, channel definitions, partial result
# stabilization, sentiment, and issue detection.
# @!attribute [rw] utterance_id
# The unique identifier that is associated with the specified
# `UtteranceEvent`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] is_partial
# Indicates whether the segment in the `UtteranceEvent` is complete
# (`FALSE`) or partial (`TRUE`).
# @return [Boolean]
# @!attribute [rw] participant_role
# Provides the role of the speaker for each audio channel, either
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] begin_offset_millis
# The time, in milliseconds, from the beginning of the audio stream to
# the start of the `UtteranceEvent`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] end_offset_millis
# The time, in milliseconds, from the beginning of the audio stream to
# the start of the `UtteranceEvent`.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] transcript
# Contains transcribed text.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] items
# Contains words, phrases, or punctuation marks that are associated
# with the specified `UtteranceEvent`.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] entities
# Contains entities identified as personally identifiable information
# (PII) in your transcription output.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] sentiment
# Provides the sentiment that was detected in the specified segment.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] issues_detected
# Provides the issue that was detected in the specified segment.
# @return [Array]
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/UtteranceEvent AWS API Documentation
class UtteranceEvent < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# An encoded stream of audio blobs. Audio streams are encoded as either
# HTTP/2 or WebSocket data frames.
# For more information, see [Transcribing streaming audio][1].
# [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/latest/dg/streaming.html
# @note When making an API call, you may pass AudioStream
# data as a hash:
# {
# audio_event: {
# audio_chunk: "data",
# },
# configuration_event: {
# channel_definitions: [
# {
# channel_id: 1, # required
# participant_role: "AGENT", # required, accepts AGENT, CUSTOMER
# },
# ],
# post_call_analytics_settings: {
# output_location: "String", # required
# data_access_role_arn: "String", # required
# content_redaction_output: "redacted", # accepts redacted, redacted_and_unredacted
# output_encryption_kms_key_id: "String",
# },
# },
# }
# EventStream is an Enumerator of Events.
# #event_types #=> Array, returns all modeled event types in the stream
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/AudioStream AWS API Documentation
class AudioStream < Enumerator
def event_types
# Contains detailed information about your Call Analytics streaming
# session. These details are provided in the `UtteranceEvent` and
# `CategoryEvent` objects.
# EventStream is an Enumerator of Events.
# #event_types #=> Array, returns all modeled event types in the stream
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/CallAnalyticsTranscriptResultStream AWS API Documentation
class CallAnalyticsTranscriptResultStream < Enumerator
def event_types
# Contains detailed information about your streaming session.
# EventStream is an Enumerator of Events.
# #event_types #=> Array, returns all modeled event types in the stream
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/MedicalTranscriptResultStream AWS API Documentation
class MedicalTranscriptResultStream < Enumerator
def event_types
# Contains detailed information about your streaming session.
# EventStream is an Enumerator of Events.
# #event_types #=> Array, returns all modeled event types in the stream
# @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/transcribe-streaming-2017-10-26/TranscriptResultStream AWS API Documentation
class TranscriptResultStream < Enumerator
def event_types