module AdminData class Util def self.label_values_pair_for(model, view) data = model.class.columns.inject([]) do |sum, column| tmp = view.get_value_for_column(column, model, :limit => nil) sum << [, (tmp.html_safe? ? tmp : view.send(:h,tmp)) ] end data end def self.custom_value_for_column(column, model) # some would say that if I use try method then I will not be raising exception and # I agree. However in this case for clarity I would prefer to not to have try after each call begin column_name = column.respond_to?(:name) ? : column tmp = AdminData.config.column_settings[] _proc = tmp.fetch(column_name.intern) rescue model.send(column_name) end end def self.get_serialized_value(html, column_value) html << %{ Cannot edit serialized field. } unless column_value.blank? html << %{ Raw contents:
} html << column_value.inspect end html.join end def self.pluralize(count, text) count > 1 ? text+'s' : text end # Rails method merge_conditions ANDs all the conditions. I need to ORs all the conditions def self.or_merge_conditions(klass, *conditions) s = ') OR (' cond = conditions.inject([]) do |sum, condition| condition.blank? ? sum : sum << klass.send(:sanitize_sql, condition) end.compact.join(s) "(#{cond})" unless cond.blank? end def self.camelize_constantize(klassu) klasss = klassu.camelize self.constantize_klass(klasss) end # klass_name = model_name.sub(/\.rb$/,'').camelize # constantize_klass(klass_name) def self.constantize_klass(klass_name) klass_name.split('::').inject(Object) do |klass, part| klass.const_get(part) end end # Usage: write 'hello world' to tmp/hello.txt file # Util.write_to_file('hello world', 'a+', 'tmp', 'hello.txt') def self.write_to_file(data, mode, *path) path = File.expand_path(Rails.root.join(*path.flatten.compact)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)), mode) {|fh| fh.puts(data) } end def self.string_representation_of_data(value) case value when BigDecimal value.to_s when Date, DateTime, Time "'#{value.to_s(:db)}'" else value.inspect end end def self.build_sort_options(klass, sortby) klass.columns.inject('') do |result, column| name = selected_text = (sortby == "#{name} desc") ? "selected='selected'" : '' result << "" selected_text = (sortby == "#{name} asc") ? "selected='selected'" : '' result << "" end.html_safe end def self.associations_for(klass, association_type) do |value| value.macro == association_type end end def self.exception_info(e) "#{e.class}: #{e.message}#$/#{e.backtrace.join($/)}" end end end