## pushpop-twilio Twilio plugin for [Pushpop](https://github.com/pushpop-project/pushpop). ### Installation Add `pushpop-twilio` to your Gemfile: ``` ruby gem 'pushpop-twilio' ``` or install it as a gem: ``` shell $ gem install pushpop-twilio ``` ### Usage The `twilio` plugin provides a DSL to specify SMS recipient information as well as the message itself. Here's an example: ``` ruby require 'pushpop-twilio' job 'send a text' do twilio do to '+18005555555' body 'Quick, move your car!' end end ``` The `twilio` plugin requires that the following environment variables are set: + `TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN` + `TWILIO_SID` + `TWILIO_FROM` ##### Non-DSL Methods If you need a lower level interface to Twilio functionality, use the `send_message` method exposed by the plugin directly. Here's an example: ``` ruby require 'pushpop-twilio' job 'send a few texts' do twilio do ['+18005555555','+18005555556'].each do |to_number| send_message(to_number, ENV['TWILIO_FROM'], 'Quick, move your car!') end end end ``` ### Contributing Code and documentation issues and pull requests are welcome.