require "base64" require 'atom/element' require 'atom/collection' module Sword2Ruby #Extensions to the atom-tools[] Atom::Collection class to support Sword2 operations. #These methods are additive to those supplied by the atom-tools gem. # #Please see the {atom-tools documentation}[] for a complete list of attributes and methods. class ::Atom::Collection < ::Atom::Element #Special sword_accepts to override usual accept elements ['app', ATOM_PUBLISHING_PROTOCOL_NAMESPACE], :accept, :sword_accepts, Sword2Ruby::SwordAccept #This method returns the URI string from the @href attribute of the Collection, #or nil if it is not defined. def collection_uri @href end #This method returns the string value of the [], #or nil if it is not defined in the service document. def sword_collection_policy Utility.find_element_text(extensions, "sword:collectionPolicy") end #This method returns the boolean value of the [] tag, #or false if it is not defined in the service document. def sword_mediation Utility.find_element_boolean(extensions, "sword:mediation") || false end #This method returns the string value of the [] tag, #or nil if it is not defined in the service document. def sword_treatment Utility.find_element_text(extensions, "sword:treatment") end #This method returns an array of the string values of the [] tags, #or an empty array [ ] if none are defined in the service document. def sword_accept_packagings Utility.find_elements_text(extensions, "sword:acceptPackaging") end #This method returns an array of the string values of the [] tags, #or an empty array [ ] if none are defined in the service document. def sword_services Utility.find_elements_text(extensions, "sword:service") end #This method returns the string value of the [] tag, #or nil if it not defined in the service document. def app_accept sword_accepts.find{|a| a.alternate.nil? } end #This method returns the string value of the [] tag, #or nil if it not defined in the service document. def app_accept_alternate_multipart_related sword_accepts.find{|a| a.alternate == "multipart-related" } end #CRUD methods #This method creates a new entry in the collection by posting an Atom entry to the collection URI. #The method will return a Sword2Ruby::DepositReceipt object, or raise a Sword2Ruby::Exception in the case of an error. #===Parameters (passed as a hash collection) #:entry:: an Atom::Entry to be added to the collection #:slug:: (optional) string value indicating the suggested identifier of the new entry #:collection_uri:: (optional) the collection URI to post to. If not supplied, this will default to the current collection's URI as specified in the @href attribute. #:in_progress:: (optional) boolean value indicating whether the new entry will be completed at a later date #:on_behalf_of:: (optional) string value indicating username on whos behalf the submission is being performed #:connection:: (optional) Sword2Ruby::Connection object used to perform the operation. If not supplied, the existing collection's connection will be used. #Note that you should call .feed.updated! followed by .feed.update! after making updates to a collection. # #For more information, see the Sword2 specification: {section 6.3.3. "Creating a Resource with an Atom Entry"}[]. def post!(params = {}) Utility.check_argument_class('params', params, Hash) defaults = { :entry => nil, :slug => nil, :collection_uri => collection_uri, :in_progress => nil, :on_behalf_of => nil, :connection => @http } options = defaults.merge(params) #Validate parameters Utility.check_argument_class(':entry', options[:entry], ::Atom::Entry) Utility.check_argument_class(':slug', options[:slug], String) if options[:slug] Utility.check_argument_class(':collection_uri', options[:collection_uri], String) Utility.check_argument_class(':on_behalf_of', options[:on_behalf_of], String) if options[:on_behalf_of] Utility.check_argument_class(':connection', options[:connection], Sword2Ruby::Connection) headers = {"Content-Type" => "application/atom+xml;type=entry" } headers["Slug"] = options[:slug] if options[:slug] headers["In-Progress"] = options[:in_progress].to_s.downcase if (options[:in_progress] == true || options[:in_progress] == false) headers["On-Behalf-Of"] = options[:on_behalf_of] if options[:on_behalf_of] response = options[:connection].post(options[:collection_uri], options[:entry].to_s, headers) if response.is_a? Net::HTTPSuccess return, options[:connection]) else raise"Failed to do post!(#{options[:collection_uri]}): server returned code #{response.code} #{response.message}") end end #This method creates a new entry in the collection by posting a file to the collection URI. #An MD5-digest will be calculated automatically from the file and sent to the server with the request. #The method will return a Sword2Ruby::DepositReceipt object, or raise a Sword2Ruby::Exception in the case of an error. #===Parameters (passed as a hash collection) #:filepath:: a filepath string indicating the file to be posted. The file must be readable by the process. #:content_type:: the mime content-type string of the file, e.g. "application/zip" or "text/plain" #:packaging:: (optional) the Sword packaging string of the file, e.g. "" #:slug:: (optional) the suggested identifier of the new entry #:collection_uri:: (optional) the collection URI to post to. If not supplied, this will default to the current collection's URI as specified in the @href attribute. #:in_progress:: (optional) boolean value indicating whether the new entry will be completed at a later date #:on_behalf_of:: (optional) username on whos behalf the submission is being performed #:connection:: (optional) Sword2Ruby::Connection object used to perform the operation. If not supplied, the existing collection's connection will be used. #Note that you should call .feed.updated! followed by .feed.update! after making updates to a collection. # #For more information, see the Sword2 specification: {section 6.3.1. "Creating a Resource with a Binary File Deposit"}[]. def post_media!(params = {}) Utility.check_argument_class('params', params, Hash) defaults = { :filepath => nil, :content_type => nil, :packaging => nil, :slug => nil, :collection_uri => collection_uri, :in_progress => nil, :on_behalf_of => nil, :connection => @http } options = defaults.merge(params) #Validate parameters Utility.check_argument_class(':filepath', options[:filepath], String) Utility.check_argument_class(':content_type', options[:content_type], String) Utility.check_argument_class(':packaging', options[:packaging], String) if options[:packaging] Utility.check_argument_class(':slug', options[:slug], String) if options[:slug] Utility.check_argument_class(':collection_uri', options[:collection_uri], String) Utility.check_argument_class(':on_behalf_of', options[:on_behalf_of], String) if options[:on_behalf_of] Utility.check_argument_class(':connection', options[:connection], Sword2Ruby::Connection) filename, md5, data = Utility.read_file(options[:filepath]) headers = {"Content-Type" => options[:content_type]} headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=#{filename}" headers["Content-MD5"] = md5 headers["Packaging"] = options[:packaging] if options[:packaging] headers["Slug"] = options[:slug] if options[:slug] headers["In-Progress"] = options[:in_progress].to_s.downcase if (options[:in_progress] == true || options[:in_progress] == false) headers["On-Behalf-Of"] = options[:on_behalf_of] if options[:on_behalf_of] response = options[:connection].post(options[:collection_uri], data, headers) if response.is_a? Net::HTTPSuccess return, options[:connection]) else raise"Failed to do post_media!(#{options[:collection_uri]}): server returned #{response.code} #{response.message}") end end #This method creates a new entry in the collection by posting a file and atom-entry to the collection URI. #An MD5-digest will be calculated automatically from the file and sent to the server with the request. #The method will return a Sword2Ruby::DepositReceipt object, or raise a Sword2Ruby::Exception in the case of an error. #===Parameters (passed as a hash collection) #:entry:: an Atom::Entry to be added to the collection #:filepath:: a filepath string indicating the file to be posted. The file must be readable by the process. #:content_type:: the mime content-type string of the file, e.g. "application/zip" or "text/plain" #:packaging:: (optional) the Sword packaging string of the file, e.g. "" #:slug:: (optional) the suggested identifier of the new entry #:collection_uri:: (optional) the collection URI to post to. If not supplied, this will default to the current collection's URI as specified in the @href attribute. #:in_progress:: (optional) boolean value indicating whether the new entry will be completed at a later date #:on_behalf_of:: (optional) username on whos behalf the submission is being performed #:connection:: (optional) Sword2Ruby::Connection object used to perform the operation. If not supplied, the existing collection's connection will be used. #Note that you should call .feed.updated! followed by .feed.update! after making updates to a collection. # #For more information, see the Sword2 specification: {section 6.3.2. "Creating a Resource with a Multipart Deposit"}[]. def post_multipart!(params = {}) Utility.check_argument_class('params', params, Hash) defaults = { :entry => nil, :filepath => nil, :content_type => nil, :packaging => nil, :slug => nil, :collection_uri => collection_uri, :in_progress => nil, :on_behalf_of => nil, :connection => @http } options = defaults.merge(params) #Validate parameters Utility.check_argument_class(':entry', options[:entry], ::Atom::Entry) Utility.check_argument_class(':filepath', options[:filepath], String) Utility.check_argument_class(':content_type', options[:content_type], String) Utility.check_argument_class(':packaging', options[:packaging], String) if options[:packaging] Utility.check_argument_class('slug', options[:slug], String) if options[:slug] Utility.check_argument_class(':collection_uri', options[:collection_uri], String) Utility.check_argument_class(':on_behalf_of', options[:on_behalf_of], String) if options[:on_behalf_of] Utility.check_argument_class(':connection', options[:connection], Sword2Ruby::Connection) tmp = "" boundary = "========" + + "==" filename, md5, data = Utility.read_file(options[:filepath]) headers = {"Content-Type" => 'multipart/related; boundary="' + boundary + '"; type="application/atom+xml"'} headers["Slug"] = options[:slug] if options[:slug] headers["In-Progress"] = options[:in_progress].to_s.downcase if (options[:in_progress] == true || options[:in_progress] == false) headers["On-Behalf-Of"] = options[:on_behalf_of] if options[:on_behalf_of] headers["MIME-Version"] = "1.0" # write boundary identifer to temp tmp << "--#{boundary}\r\n" # write entry relevant headers to temp tmp << "Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n" tmp << "Content-Disposition: attachment; name=atom\r\n" tmp << "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n\r\n" # write entry to temp tmp << options[:entry].to_s + "\r\n" # write boundary identifier to temp tmp << "--#{boundary}\r\n" # write media part relevant headers to temp tmp << "Content-Type: #{options[:content_type]}\r\n" tmp << "Content-Disposition: attachment; name=payload; filename=#{filename}\r\n" tmp << "Content-MD5: #{md5}\r\n" tmp << "Packaging: #{options[:packaging]}\r\n" if options[:packaging] tmp << "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n\r\n" # write the file base64 encoded to temp tmp << Base64.encode64(data) # write boundary identifier to temp tmp << "--#{boundary}--\r\n" #The last two dashes (--) are important! response = options[:connection].post(options[:collection_uri], tmp, headers) if response.is_a? Net::HTTPSuccess return, options[:connection]) else raise"Failed to do post_multipart!(#{options[:collection_uri]}): server returned #{response.code} #{response.message}") end end end #class end #module