require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') module WhosGotDirt::Requests::Entity RSpec.describe CorpWatch do describe '#to_s' do it 'should return the URL to request' do expect( 'ACME Inc.').to_s).to eq('') end end describe '#convert' do context 'when given a name' do include_examples 'match', 'company_name', 'name', ['ACME Inc.', 'Inc. ACME'] end context 'when given a limit' do include_examples 'equal', 'limit', 'limit', 5 end context 'when given an IRS identifier' do it 'should return a criterion' do expect({ 'identifiers' => [{ 'identifier' => '911653725', 'scheme' => 'IRS Employer Identification Number', }], }).convert).to eq('irs_number' => '911653725') end end context 'when given an SEC identifier' do it 'should return a criterion' do expect({ 'identifiers' => [{ 'identifier' => '37996', 'scheme' => 'SEC Central Index Key', }], }).convert).to eq('cik' => '37996') end end context 'when given a contact detail' do include_examples 'contact_details', 'raw_address', 'address', ['52 London', 'London 52'] end context 'when given an API key' do include_examples 'equal', 'key', 'corp_watch_api_key', 123 end context 'when given an industry code' do include_examples 'equal', 'sic_code', 'industry_code', '2011' end context 'when given a sector code' do include_examples 'equal', 'sic_sector', 'sector_code', '4100' end context 'when given a "substring_match all" flag' do include_examples 'equal', 'substring_match', 'substring_match', 1, valid: [1] end context 'when given a country code' do include_examples 'equal', 'country_code', 'country_code', 'us', transformed: 'US' end context 'when given a country subdivision code' do include_examples 'equal', 'subdiv_code', 'subdiv_code', 'or', transformed: 'OR' end context 'when given a year' do include_examples 'equal', 'year', 'year', '2005' end context 'when given a minimum year' do include_examples 'equal', 'min_year', 'year>=', '2003' end context 'when given a maximum year' do include_examples 'equal', 'max_year', 'year<=', '2007' end context 'when given a source type' do include_examples 'equal', 'source_type', 'source_type', 'filers' end context 'when given a number of children' do include_examples 'equal', 'num_children', 'num_children', 3 end context 'when given a number of parents' do include_examples 'equal', 'num_parents', 'num_parents', 2 end context 'when given a root company identifier' do include_examples 'equal', 'top_parent_id', 'top_parent_id', 'cw_7324' end end end end